The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, INDIA, successfully organized the 5th International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE-2023) from October 12th to 13th, employing a hybrid mode. This distinguished event, conducted in the presence of esteemed international speakers and industry experts, provided a sophisticated platform for academicians, scientists, industrialists, and researchers to engage in profound discussions regarding the latest advancements in power, control, and automation engineering. RDCAPE-2023 delved into critical issues, including challenges in renewable energy, groundbreaking control paradigms, and the dynamic evolution of decentralized power systems. The Department takes great pride in fostering impactful conversations among global thought leaders, thus making a substantial contribution to the continuous advancement of knowledge within the field.
RDCAPE-2021, or "Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering," conducted its virtual edition on 7-8 October. The conference boasted an illustrious lineup, including Prof. Dr. Huai Wang, Dr. M V Reddy, Dr. Kinga Schumacher, Prof. Dr. Ramesh Bansal, and more.
Despite the virtual format, RDCAPE-2021 fostered dynamic engagement, featuring a presentation of 145 papers showcasing diverse and cutting-edge research. The conference proceedings were published on the IEEE Xplore digital library and indexed by Scopus, ensuring the global dissemination of valuable insights. This highlighted the conference's commitment to advancing recent developments in control, automation, and power engineering through impactful discussions and widespread knowledge dissemination.
The department of EEE is organizing bi-annually International Conference on Recent Developments in Control Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE) and National Technical Symposium on Power Automation and Control Engineering (SPACE).
3rd International Conference on Recent Developments in Control Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE 2019) technically co-sponsored by IEEE U.P. Section was held during 10-11 October 2019.
Inaugural Ceremony of RDCAPE-2019
Inaugural Ceremony of RDCAPE-2019
Souvenir Release RDCAPE-2019
In valedictory function the Chief Guest was Sri Vinod Behari, CEO, Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC), Govt. of India and Guest of Honors were Dr. Ahmad Abu Siada, Curtin University, Australia and Dr. Ishak Bin Aris, University of Putra, Malaysia.
RDCAPE-2017Inaugural Ceremony of RDCAPE-2017
Honorary Professorship Award to Prof. ISHAK BIN ARIS
Distinguish International Speakers
The RDCAPE-2015 was organized on theme “Smart Energy Solutions towards Green Power, Control & Instrumentation for Reliable Electrical Systems”.
In RDCAPE-2015, 239 papers were submitted; out of which 10 papers were from outside India. For reviewing the papers, a strong panel of Technical Program Committee consisting of 123 academician from the reputed universities of India and abroad was formed. Each paper was blind reviewed by two TPC members and out of 239 papers only 95 papers were accepted for the conference. The acceptance percentage was nearly 40%.
Finally, total 74 papers were registered; and total 72 papers were presented during conference. Over the period of two days, there were 10 technical sessions and two plenary sessions in which 6 keynote lectures were delivered. The technical sessions were chaired by professors from different universities.
Dr. Hideo Furuhashi- Professor, Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan, expressing his views
RDCAPE 2013:
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering organized its first national conference on “Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering” on 21st February 2013 to 22nd February 2013.
Mr. A. K. Gupta, Executive Director (Engg.), NTPC Ltd, Dr. M. Gopal, Director, School of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Noida; Dr. K. M. Soni-Dy. Director & Head, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Dr. H.P. Singh, HOD, EEE, ASET and Prof. A.K. Jairath, Deputy Director, ASET inaugurated the Conference.
Release of the Conference Sovenier
Innovation Symposium on Power and Control Engineering (ISPACE 2016)
On 31-03-2016 a symposium on Power and Control Engineering was organized by the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with NRDC IFC. NRDC with its vast experience in technology transfer and IP management proposes to identify and facilitate the development of Innovation. The Symposium aims to bring together Academicians, Scientists, Industrialist, Research Scholars & Students, under one roof for the discussion on recent developments/innovations in the field of Power, Control & Automation Engineering, in the new reality of higher penetration of renewable, new control paradigms like decentralized power systems, new economics of open auction based Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution markets etc. The broad objective was to provide a forum to share information and experiences between Electric Utilities, Manufacturers, Consultants, Universities and Authorities in the field of power system developers and implementers of new control algorithms and their integration with existing systems. In ISPACE 2016 followings were speakers:
Inaugural Ceremony of ISPACE-2016
SPACE 2014:
The department organized its first National Technical Symposium on Power and Control Engineering (SPACE 2014) on 16th May 2014. The Symposium aims to bring together Academicians, Scientists, Industrialist, Research Scholars & Students, under one roof for the discussion on recent develop-ments in the field of Power, Control & Automation Engineering, in the new reality of higher penetration of renewables, new control paradigms like decentralized power systems, new economics of open auction based Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution markets etc. The broad objective is to provide a forum to share information and experiences between Electric Utilities, Manufacturers, Consultants, Universities and Authorities in the field of power system developers and implementers of new control algorithms and their integration with existing systems. In addition to this 10 research papers on different advanced topics have been presented by M. Tech students.
Guests releasing the SPACE 2014 CD