- Punj Lata Singh , published a Journal Paper named “Developing the structural model for barriers associated with CSR using ISM to help create brand image in the manufacturing industry”, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, 2022.
- Punj Lata Singh , published a Journal Paper named “Fabrication and analysis of hydrophobic mesh-metallic surface for moist air condensation”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2022.
- Punj Lata Singh , published a Journal Paper named “Can industry 5.0 revolutionize the wave of resilience and social value creation? A multi-criteria framework to analyze enablers”, Technology in Society, 2022.
- Priyanka Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Soft computing based formulations for prediction of compressive strength of sustainable concrete: a comprehensive review”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 2022.
- Punj Lata Singh , published a Journal Paper named “IIoT implementation challenges: analysis and mitigation by blockchain”, Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 2021.
- Punj Lata Singh , published a Journal Paper named “An optimised framework for the implementation of hybrid lean and agile manufacturing systems in the rolling industry for India”, International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2021.
- Punj Lata Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Modelling and analysis of factors affecting moist air condensation on mesh like surface for sustainable water harvesting”, Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait). 2021.
- Punj Lata Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Modelling enablers of efficiency and sustainability of healthcare: a m-TISM approach”, Benchmarking, 2021.
- Punj Lata Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Parametric performance of condensation factors for extracting potable water from atmosphere”, Evergreen, 2021.
- (Dr.) J. Bhattacharjee, published a Journal Paper named “Retrofitting of a Multistoried Building with Earthquake-Resistance Design”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 2021.
- Priyanka Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Study of enabling factors affecting the adoption of ICT in the Indian built environment sector”, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2021.
- Madhuri Kumari, published a Journal Paper named “Time series trend analysis of rainfall in last five decades and its quantification in Aseer Region of Saudi Arabia”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021.
- S. Varadharajan, published a Journal Paper named “Assessment of mechanical properties and environmental benefits of using rice husk ash and marble dust in concrete”, Structures, 2020.
- Punj Lata Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Condensation of Moist Air on Mesh-like Surfaces”, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 2020.
- S. Varadharajan, published a Journal Paper named “Determination of mechanical properties and environmental impact due to inclusion of flyash and marble waste powder in concrete”, Structures, 2020.
- Priyanka Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Effect of (Vertical & horizontal) geometric irregularities on the seismic response of RC structures”, International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 2020.
- Vishal Puri, published a Journal Paper named “Flexural behaviour of bamboo-reinforced wall panels with varying fly ash content ”, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2020.
- Vishal Puri, published a Journal Paper named “Bamboo bonding in concrete: A critical research ”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019.
- Surender Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Effect of long-term ageing on properties of RAP inclusive WMA mixes”, Construction and Building Materials, 2019.
- Ankur Mehta, published a Journal Paper named “Effect of ultra-fine slag on mechanical and permeability properties of Metakaolin-based sustainable geopolymer concrete ”, Advances in Concrete Construction, 2019.
- Punj Lata Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Fuzzy AHP model for challenges to thermal power plant establishment in India ”, International Journal of Operational Research, 2019.
- Surender Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Sustainable lean concrete mixes containing wastes originating from roads and industries ”, Construction and Building Materials, 2019.
- Surender Singh, published a Journal Paper named “A laboratory investigation on Dense Bituminous Macadam containing different fractions of coarse and fine RAP”, Construction and Building Materials, 2018.
- S. Varadharajan & Shwetambara Verma, published a Journal Paper named “A preliminary assessment of microstructural and compositional characteristics of two variants of precarbonated and postcarbonated concrete mixes”, in X-Ray Spectrometrym 2018.
- (Dr.) J. Bhattacharjee, published a Journal Paper named “ ”,
- published a Journal Paper named “Deterioration of concrete structures along with case studies in India”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic Engineering, 2018.
- Madhuri Kumari, published a Journal Paper named “GaRiRO: Gradient and residual integrated rank ordering of stations in rainfall monitoring network ”, Earth Science Informatics, 2018.
- Madhuri Kumari, published a Journal Paper named “Individual centric framework for quantifiable attainment of career aspirations: An indian perspective ”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 2018.
- Ankur Mehta, published a Journal Paper named “ ”,
- , published a Journal Paper named “Mechanical and microstructural properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete incorporating alccofine at ambient curing”, Construction and Building Materials, 2018.
- S. Biswas, published a Journal Paper named “Modeling of the Drivers’ Decision-Making Behavior During Yellow Phase ”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018.
- Punj Lata Singh, published a Journal Paper named “Modelling and analysis of energy efficiency drivers by fuzzy ISM and fuzzy MICMAC approach”, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2018.
- Singh Punj Lata,” Adoption of Integrated Lean-Green-Agile Strategies for Modern Manufacturing Systems”, 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, CIRP LCE Japan, 2017, ISBN-22128271.
- Ujjwal Bharadwaj, Anmol Singh Bhatia, Chetan Chauhan - Research paper (2017)Analysis & Optimization of strength characteristics of concrete using super plasticizers, Accepted & will be published in IEEE conference SMART 2017 on 29.12.2017
- Saggu Rajni, “Pile-Soil Interactions under Thermo-Mechanical Conditions Imposed by Geothermal Energy Piles in Sand”, 4th Geo-China International Conference: Behavior of Geomaterials and Foundations for Civil Infrastructure Applications, Geo-China, 2016, ISBN-8950563
- Saggu Rajni, “Thermally-Induced Displacement and Stress Analysis of Geothermal Energy Piles in Sand”, Joint Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress, 2016, ISBN-9780784479742
- Saggu Rajni, “Settlement Response of a Geothermal Energy Pile Group in Sand”, 2nd Geo-Chicago Conference: Geotechnics for Sustainable Energy, Geo-Chicago, 2016, ISBN- 8950563.
- Rajni Saggu, “Thermo-mechanical behavior of geothermal energy piles in sand” Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress, 14-17 February 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2016.
- Sikarwar, B.S., Singh, P.L., Muralidhar, K., Khandekar, S., “Atomistic modeling of dropwise condensation” AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 030002 (2016).
Year 2015
- Kumari Madhuri, “Comparison of spatial interpolation methods for mapping rainfall in Indian Himalayas of Uttarakhand region”, 16th International Association for Mathematical Geosciences - Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment: Challenges, Processes and Strategies, 2014, ISBN-9789381891254.
- Pal G. and Kumar S., “Coupled thermal-electrical analysis of overhead electric transmission wires made up of carbon nanostructured (CNS) composites”, International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015.
- C. Oskay and G. Pal “A multiscale failure model for thin heterogeneous plates,” presented at the 23rd Annual Technical Conference on Composite Materials, American Society for Composites, Memphis TN, September 10, 2008.
Year 2014
- Kaushika N. D., Tomar, R.K. and Kaushik, S.C., “Artificial neural network model based on interrelationship of direct, diffuse and global solar radiations”, Solar Energy, May, 2014, Elsevier, Volume 103, pages 327-342.
- Bhattacharjee, J., "Application of Information Technology for Disaster Management in India", International Research Journal of Management Sciences & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 5-19, Mar 2014.
Year 2013
- Bhattacharjee, J., "Strategies & Recommendations for Natural Disaster Management in India", International Research Journal of Management Sciences & Technology IRJMST, 2013,Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 24-34.
Year 2012
- Tomar, R. K., Kaushika, N. D. and Kaushik, S. C., “Artificial neural network based computational model for the prediction of direct solar radiation in Indian zone”, Nov, 2012, Volume 4, issue 6, pages 063146.
- Bhattacharjee, J., "Need for Education & Training in Disaster Management”, International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts and Science, 2012, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 69-82.
- Bhattacharjee, J., "Earthquake effect on Buildings including Lessons learnt in India & its remedial measures”, International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology IRJMST, 2012, Vol. 3, pp. 66-78.