Recognitions & Accreditations

Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development

Lok Sabha Unstrred Question No. 4092
To be Answered on 23.08.2005

(relevant excerpts)

Standard of Education in Private Universities

4092. Shri Kishan Singh Sangwan
Will the Minister of Human Resource Development be pleased to state:-

(c) Whether the Government has recently recognized some Private Universities particularly Amity University for imparting higher education in diverse fields

(d) If so, the details there of; and

(e) The steps being taken by the Government to encourage and promote private Universities particularly Amity University in view of the excellent quality of education being promoted by them?


Minister of State in the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Shri M.A.A. Fatmi)

(c) to (e): According to the information furnished by the University Grants Commission, the Amity University has been established by the Government of Uttar Pradesh through the Act of State Legislature [The Amity University Uttar Pradesh Act, 2005 (UP Act no.11 of 2005)] and notified vide UP Government Notification No.403/VII-V-I-I(Ka)I/2005 dt. 24.3.2005.