Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India granted INR 198.5 Lacs through its FIST-Chemical Sciences (Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure) program to the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Forensic Sciences, Amity University Haryana to setup the Cheminova laboratory.

The state of art Cheminova laboratory, set up in Room A 217 of the AUH campus, has the following instruments installed;
  • Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), (80 MHz) instrument manufactured by Margitech (Germany).
  • Shimatzu Gas-chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer.
A summary of the instrument specifications is listed below:

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Margitech-Spin solve 80 MHz)

H, 13C and 19F (2D experiments could be performed)

  • Operating frequency: 80 MHz (1H).
  • Operating temperature range: 18°C to 28°C (65 °F to 82 °F).
  • Flow cell reaction monitoring system for investigation of reaction kinetics.
  • 2D routines available including COSY, HMBC, HSQC, ROSEY, NOSEY.

Faculty Incharge: Dr. Kamal Nayan Sharma (Phone: 9958996796, Email:

GC-MS Shimadzu

  • Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with mass spectrometry detector.
  • Instrument equipped with robotic auto-injector.
  • Choice of columns is available for different applications.
  • This is applicable to many industries and applications, for example, environmental, forensic science, food and beverage, clinical, pharmaceutical and the chemical industries. Compounds with a boiling point up to 300 °C may be analysed.
  • Faculty Incharge: Dr. Anirban Das (Phone: 9999817773, Email:

GC Shimadzu

  • Gas chromatography with TCD and FID detector.
  • Choice of columns is available for different applications
  • Instrument equipped with robotic auto-injector.

Faculty Incharge: Dr. Anirban Das (Phone: 9999817773, Email:

These instruments are operated by trained personnel and available for use to faculty, staff and students of AUH and other educational institution as well as for industry users at nominal charges that are levied to offset the operation cost. In addition to the instruments, the lab features a well-equipped sample preparation work area and computer workstations with relevant software installed for convenience of the users.