Nature Just Development Since its inception university development is ensured in line of nature just development by taking care of its resource base like native vegetation, water environment and building design. And the result is improvement in overall productivity of university areas in comparison to its surrounding. University building inherently adopt passive green features i.e. sunken areas meant to reduce temperature regime during summer. Based upon overall buildup areas, AUH building is LEED Platinum certified (certified by USGBC and GBCI); highest rated and first such building is India.
Natural Vegetation Tree plantation is most celebrated activity here in Amity on every occasion. The two-tier plantation has been done along the campus boundary. University also maintains all support to sustain plantation including a nursery, a well functional green house (to care sapling), a composting unit to provide organic manure and trained man-power to carry out horticultural work.University also maintains an organic orchard which harbors large number of horticultural plant varieties and also medicinal plant garden mainly for student awareness and conditioning through field work. AUH ensure adoption of native species of vegetation for plantation and landscaping. Due to natural vegetation patches AUH campus is very much ecologically sound reflected by large number of Birds and butterflies inside the campus.
A total 120 birds and 40 butterflies are documented inside campus during biodiversity survey. University conducts plantation drive on regular basis comprising native, fruit bearing and shady plants including Sahtut, Babool (Kikad), Lasoda, Akash, Neem, Alstonia, Neem, Shisham, Mango, Ficus, Amaltash, Kadamb, Chakresia, Tikoma, Pipal, Champa, Rabbis Palm, Ficus Panda, Kalandara, Yucca, Hamelia, Chandni, Cycus, Synghonium, Guava, Kinnow, Belpatra, Aavla, Jamun, Custurd Apple, Strawberry, Arjun, Jatroofa, Jacfruit, Grapes, Peach, Pear etc.
Waste Management University ensure efficient waste segregation, collection and disposal through different stakeholders. The detail arrangements are discussed in previous units.

Water Environment AUH campus is zero water discharge campus. Since this region receive water only through rain-fall consumption of water must be supplemented with recycling, reuse and rain water harvesting. All measures are adopted to ensure reduction, recycling and reuse of water is adopted at University campus with all supportive infrastructure i.e. rainwater harvesting, water recharge, waste water treatment, water efficient tabs, flush, native plantation with least water requirements and many more.
Paperless office University adopted mechanism to ensure minimum use of papers for official and academic purposes. All working communication and data collection is carried out through e-communication like portal Amizone; recently university switched to TCSiON for HR management.
Public transport University encourage uses of public transport for daily commuting of day scholar and faculty and staff. A large number of bused are maintained, which ensure less carbon footprint for remotely located campus like AUH.
Carbon Accounting for lowering the gases responsible for Green House effect All vehicles entering University have “Pollution Under Control” certificate. Solar Energy System has an automated system which accounts for reduction in carbon footprint. Campus strictly follows "No Smoking Zone" principle. University adopts Green Computing and uses VMware and Electronic e-Waste disposal is through approved R2 certified vendor. Amity has been awarded “Go Green Innovation” by N-Computing.
- Bicycles: Students & Staff are encouraged to use cycles on campus for better environment
- Public Transport: Buses for Students, Tempo Travelers for Faculty & Staff, Cars for University use and Ambulance are available.
- Pedestrian Friendly Roads: the roads connecting the campus and within the campus itself are well maintained in terms of quality with lush green belts accompanying the roadsides.
Plastic free campus The campus is trying its best to minimise the use of plastic. In this concern the stores and even the food stalls are motivated to use paper and jute bags for packing. In this regard other activities are like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Farmer Training & Herbal Garden
The Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station University developed facility for contnious monitoring and display of all major air pollutants under programme of SAFAR jointly with IITM, Pune. It will provide awareness about air quality among stakeholders of University. Apart from SAFAR, several other air quality parameters are also monitored jointly with NASA, USA.
Green landscaping with trees and plants Tree plantation is most celebrated activity in Amity University on every occasion. The two – tier plantation has been done along the campus boundary. University also provides all support to sustain plantation including a nursery, a well functional green house (to care saplings), a composting unit to provide organic manure and trained man – power to carry out horticulture work. University maintains an organic orchard which harbors large number of horticulture plant varieties and medicinal plants mainly for student awareness and conditioning through field work.
LEED Platinum Certificate AUH has maintained an optimum balance of environment by conserving all the parameters of building, design, landscape, water & energy conservation, operation & maintenance, thereby achieving the LEED Platinum Certificate awarded by US Green Building Council. AUH is proud to be FIRST University Campus in India and SECOND in Asia to achieve the LEED Platinum Certificate. A copy of Certificate is attached.
Tree Plantation at Amity University
Organic Farm & Student Visit