Prof. (Dr.) Kalpana Srivastava

Professor & Director

Amity Institute of Behavioural Health & Allied Science

Clinical Psychology
Amity Institute of Behavioural (Health) & Allied Sciences (AIBHAS), NOIDA

Room No. 218, 2nd Floor, J-1 Block, Amity Campus

PhD & MPhil (Medical & Social Psychology)
33 years
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology, Positive Mental Health & Community Psychology
1. Life Fellow of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India
2. Life Fellow of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists
3. Life Fellow of Somatic Ink Blot Society
4. Life Fellow of Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
5. International Affiliate Member of American Psychology Association
6. Life Member of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry
7. Life Associate Member of Indian Psychiatric Society
8. Member of Indian Association of child and Adolescent Mental Health
9. Life Member of Pune Psychiatrists Association
10.Life Member of Private Psychiatrist Association.
1. President Elect of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India.
2. Immediate Past President of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (present Executive Council Member)
3. Editor In Chief of ‘Industrial Psychiatry Journal’ - an official bi-annual publication of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India since 2001 till
Dec 2020.
4. Core Committee member of Codethon 2023. organized by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) a premier R&D organization
for Research and Development in IT, MeitY, Government of India, jointly organizing MANAS Codeathon under the aegis of the Office of the
Principal Scientific Adviser, Government of India. This programme is envisaged to sensitize the young minds towards mental wellbeing, nurture
their innate potential, and give them a unique opportunity to contribute to psychological wellbeing.
5. Hon Gen Secretary of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists 2014-16.2016-18.
6. West Zone Council Member of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists for period of 2003-2009
7. Editorial Board Member of Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology.
8. Editorial Board Member of Journal of Projective Psychology
9. Chairperson of Ethics Committee of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists 2012
10. Developed Guidelines on Psychotherapy Supervision and Training for Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists 2021.
11. Member of Constitution Amendment Committee of IACP 2018-19
12. Advisory Board Member for Codethon-MANAS organized by CDAC Benguluru.
1. Recipient of Chief of Army Commendation Card for Significant contribution to the Armed Forces services.
2. Received PPA award for Best paper in Military Psychiatry on Mental Health Literacy during ANACIAPI 2022 held at KOTA from 16-18th Dec 2022
3. Received PPA I award of IPS for best published paper 2022
4. Received Aruna Madan Award for contribution in community mental health during ANCAIPI 2021 on 8thMarch 2021
5. Received Life Time Achievement Award of Association of School Counsellors at Delhi on 26th Feb 2018
6. Outstanding contribution in the field of clinical psychology in the country as the Icon of IACP during Golden Jubilee Year of the
7. Gayatri Gopal Award of Association of Industrial Psychiatry of India 2015.
8. Col Kripal Singh Award on Longitudinal study of Psychosis 2015
9. PPA Award for Best Paper in AIPI 2014.
10.Psycho Oration of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists 2013-14.
11.Col Kripal Singh Award Best Paper in Military Psychiatry Award 2010 on extreme environment and cognitive deficits
12.Defence Institute of Psychological Research Raising Day Special Award -2010 (Individual Category) for significant contribution in Military
Psychology 2010.
13. Marfatia Award of Indian Psychiatric Society on an epidemiological study of Dementia under the Aegis of National Mental Health Programme in
Urban Pune Maharashtra Chapter 2009.
14. Dr GC Boral Award’ for best research paper on psychosocial aspects of job stress in industries in 2007
15. XVI Asia Pacific Military Medicine Conference, 2006. Best Poster Award presentation on ‘Life Satisfaction & Quality of Life Among Naval
16. Col Kirpal Singh Award’of Indian Psychiatry Society on study of Neuropsychological and Emotional aspects before and after Renal Transplant in
17. Best Paper Award During CME 2004’on Coronary Artery Disease and Cognitive Functions
18. PPA Award’ of Industrial Psychiatry Association for 2005 on Model of Therapeutic Interventions. For amputees.
19. Dr GC Boral Award’ for best research paper on psychosocial aspects of job stress in industries in 2002
20. Col Kirpal Singh Award’Indian Psychiatry Society for best paper in Military Psychiatry on Quantification of Stressful life events in soldier 2001.
21. Shantiniketan Mental Health Award’ for the best research paper on ‘Psychiatric Morbidity in Industries’ in 2001.
22. Col Kirpal Singh Award’ of Indian Psychiatry Society for best paper in Military Psychiatry on comparative study of AFMC and BJMC students in
Amity Institute of Behavioural (Health) & Allied Sciences (AIBHAS), NOIDA
Room No. 218, 2nd Floor, J-1 Block, Amity Campus