Dr. Sneha Arunkumar Gokani

Ramanujan Fellow

Amity Institute of Biotechnology,Mumbai

Space Science & Technology
Amity Institute of Biotechnology (AIB)

Ph. D., M.Sc.
15 Years
Introduction to Space Science/ Planetary Science
Remote Sensing of Earth and Planetary Atmosphere-Magnetosphere, Radiation Belt Physics, Space Weather, Geomagnetism
Space Science, Physics, Atmospheric Science
1) Have stood 1st in the University at B.Sc. level in the subject of Physics.

2) Have stood 5th in the University at B.Sc. level among all subjects.

3) Have stood 7th in the University at M.Sc. level among all subjects.

4) PSSI Oral presentation Award for best oral presentation in a conference in 28th National symposium on Plasma Science and Technology , Plasma -2013,KIIT, 3– 6december ,2013,Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India (Oral).

5) 3rd prize in URSI student paper competition in Regional Conference on Radio Sciences 2-5 January, 2014, Pune , India.

6) I have received Natural Science Foundation (NSF) grant of 2500 USD to attend AGU Chapman Conference on Low Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas held at Jeju Island, South Korea during 1-5 September 2014.

7) Visited South African National Space Agency (SANSA, South Africa) under SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar (SVS) Program – 2016 for a period of three months (September-December, 2016). Worked on the determination of fraction of the flux precipitated into the atmosphere during dropout event of St. Patrick’s day storm of 2015 under Prof. Mike Kosch.

8) An article as a highlight on young scientists, for vol.14 of the VarSITI newsletter.

9) Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scientists by COSPAR Bureau following the recommendations of the ASR publication committee (2018).

10) I have received Natural Science Foundation (NSF) grant of 2000 USD to attend AGU Chapman Conference on Particle Dynamics in the Earth’s Radiation Belts which was held during 4-9 March 2018 at Cascais, Portugal.

11) I have received Student Travel Grant of 1000 USD to attend AGU Fall meeting held at Washington D.C., USA during 10-14 December 2018.

12) Prestigious Ramanujan Fellowship in 2021.

13) Early Career Scientist Award of ISWC-2022for best presentation in First Indian Space weather Conference held during 11-12 January 2022.

14) Have received Post-doctoral research fund of Rs. 500000/- from State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology (Tongji University)

15) Have received young scientist research grant of Rs. ~ 40,00,000/- from National Natural Science Foundation of China (2020).

16) Have received Ramanujan Fellowship grant of Rs. 1,19,00,000/- by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
Amity Institute of Biotechnology (AIB)