Dr. Nirmal Kumar

Assistant Professor-II

Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Applied Chemistry

4.6 years Post Doctoral experience
Engineering chemistry
Nanomaterials, Hetrogeneous catalyst, Hydrogen Sensing, High entropy alloys, Electron Microscopy, Nature Inspired Materials
Electrochemsitry, Physical chemsitry, Analytical Chemsity
"1) Multiscale study of a novel biomatter-nanoparticle interaction mechanism for fast detection of viruses, Funded by Royal Society, London, UK, 3-years, 2020-2023, £ 140,000 (PI). 2. Hubert Curien Alliance grant in 2021-2022, funded by British Council, Collaboration with University of Lille, France, £10,000 (Co-PI) 3. Recycling contaminated unwanted glass waste using thermal spraying.., Funded by Manufacturing Transforming Foundation Industries Network+ (TFI Network+) (2022-2023), £ 30,000 (PI)"
1) Visiting fellow of London South Bank University London, UK;
2) Life member of Electron Microscope Society of India (EMSI);
3) Chartered member of ICheM (CEng): Institution of Chemical Engineers
Associate editor of Journal: Biomaterials and Polymers Horizon
1) Newton International Fellow by Royal Society UK,
2) Krietman Post Doctoral Fellow Israel,
3) PBC post doctoral Fellow Israel
Applied Chemistry