Indian National Movement and Constitution of India, Financial/Business Journalism, Product and Brand Management, Advertising Concepts and Practices, Human Values and Community Outreach, Social Responsibility & Community Engagement.
Feminist Research Methodology, Gender, Communication, Mass Media, Development and Cyber misogyny.
Communication and Mass Communication Theories, Media and Gender Studies, Political Communication, Media and Communication Research, Journalism and Democracy, Advertising Concepts and Brand Management.
ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, Online ISSN 2582 7474, DOI prefix 10.29121
Reviewer in Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Reviewer for Gender & Communication Section, International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR) Online Conference 11 – 15 July 2022, Beijing, China.
Reviewer for Gender & Communication Section, IAMCR International Conference 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France.
Reviewer for Feminist Studies Division of International Communication Association Conference (ICA).
Received ‘Certificate of Excellence’ for outstanding individual achievement & distinguished services towards society, women empowerment and nation building from Sharda School of Media, Film & Entertainment, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh on 24 March 2022.
Received ‘Udita Award’ for acknowledging the contribution in the field of Journalism and Mass Communication Education from Public Relations Society of India (PRSI), Bhopal Chapter on 8 March 2021
Amity School of Communication (ASCO)