Dr. Vijit Chaturvedi


Amity Business School

Human Resource
Amity Business School (ABS)

F Block, AUUP Campus Sector 125, Noida

MBA(HR),MBA(Personnel), Diploma in Training and Development,Diploma in Labor Laws, MA(Psychology),
Certification in Strategic Management,M.phil(Management),PhD(Management)
21 years
Organization Behavior, Training and Development, Recruitment and Selection
Training assessment& design, leadership style and effectiveness assessment, change management, OD intervention application, competency assessment and profiling,4 scholars awarded Phds and 6 pursuing
Change management, Training and Development, Human resource planning, perception, Leadership management, strategic management
NHRD, ISTD, Editorail member for IARA
Process Owner -Funded Projects, Head- Pratyahara Department , Co convener GLRC 2024, Head Centre for research Publication, member IQAC
Copyright -02,Received Best paper award from ISTD in 2011 "Kamla award, best paper in women category,Received Best Researchers Award from IRDP in Feb 2020. Training conducted for private and Public sector organization for senior level, FDP and MDP conducted for reputed educational institutions and Private organziatrion in the sector of Automobile.
Amity Business School (ABS)
F Block, AUUP Campus Sector 125, Noida