Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal

Addl. Pro Vice Chancellor, Dean FMS & Director ABS

Amity Universe

Decision Sciences
Amity Business School (ABS)

F Block, AUUP Campus Sector 125, Noida

35+ Years
Decision sciences, Quantitative Techniques, Research Methodology, Research Publication & Ethics
Management,Decision Sciences, Spirituality Management, Cyber Scurity.Guided 38 scholars for Ph.D. and 4 Scholars for M.Phil. 8 Research scholars are currently working under his guidance for Ph.D. Attended/organised 109 international / national conferences.Editor-in-Chief of Amity Business Review (ABR), Amity Journal of Energy and Environment Studies (AJEES), Communique, Retaillier and Anukriti
Associated in different positions including Guest Editor of number of International Journals including nternational Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, International Journal of control Theory and applications,Journal of Management Development,Journal of Indian Business Research, IIM Bangalore, Emerald publication (Scopus indexed) International Journal of Business & Management Research,Int. J. of Public Sector Performance Management (Scopus Indexed), International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM) Scopus Indexed, JRGE (Scopus Indexed), Journal of Advances In management Science Information; Middle East Journal of Management (Inderscience); International Journal of Information Management;International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,Member
Decision Sciences, Spirituality Management, Ethics
240 Research Papers , 60 Books
Experience of large number of training , consultancy and project assignments
Life member of Vice Chancellor Council (AIMA), Indian Science Congress Association, Indian Mathematical Society, International Indian Statistical Association (IISA),Stakeholder of Indian Patient Safety Organisation,Senior Advisor (Honorary) of World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises (WASME)
Representing institute as a member of All India Management Association (AIMA), Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS), Retail Association of India (RAI), The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN)
Chairperson: Examination Committee ,Chairperson: Task group for Evaluation Reforms in HEIs: Guidelines for reforms in evaluation & assessment systems for UGC Mandate,Co-Chairperson: Outcome Assessment Planning & Review Committee,Chairperson: Committee for Student Grievance Handling,Chairperson: University Sports Quota Admissions Committee, Member-University IQAC,Member: University Research Council,member: Academic Council ,Member: University Admission committee, Chairperson: Special Committee to examine the minutes of meetings of Area Advisory Board (AAB) and Course Curriculum
Member: Scholarship Award Committee;Member-PBAS validation committee for faculty of management, law and education
Lifetime Achievement Award by GBIT and SIBF.He has also won Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Lifetime Achievement National Award by IRDP.
“Rashtra Ratan Award 2019” for the outstanding excellence and remarkable achievements in the field of Teaching, Research and Publications by IRDP
Best Outstanding Academic Leader National Award 2020 by KIER
Widely travelled to Academic Institutions including Wharton Business School, Harvard Business School, University of Pennsylvania etc
Amity Business School (ABS)
F Block, AUUP Campus Sector 125, Noida