Professor (Dr.) Gautam Shrirangrao Gawali

Dean Student Welfare & Director

Amity Institute of Behavioural & Allied Science,Mumbai

Clinical ,Counseling and Positive Psychology
Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS )

Ph.D. (Psychology), M.A.
32 Years
Counselling Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology, Practicals in Psychology, and Guiding Dissertations at Masters level. and Guiding Ph.D. students
Rehabilitation Psychology, Counselling Psychology, and Social Psychology, Multiculturalism
Counselling Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology, Psychological Assessment, etc.
1) Life Member of Indian Psychological Association, Former President of Marathi Manasshatra Parishad.

2) Life Member and former Regional President of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology.

3) Life Member of Bombay Psychological Association.

4) Life Member and Former Regional President of the Indian Association of Health Psychology.
1) Former Member of Advisory Board Member of Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) till 2014.

2) Former Chairman of Board of studies in Psychology, University of Mumbai.

3) Member of Board of College and University Development (BCUD). (2011- 2016).

4) Member of Board University Teaching and Research (BUTR). (2011- 2016 ).

5) Member of Board of Studies in Psychology, University of Mumbai. (2003 2005).

6) Member of Board of studies in Psychology, University of Pune.(Former)

7) Member of Board of studies in Psychology, Shivaji University (Currently).

8) Member Board of Studies in Psychology, SNDT University (Former)

9) Member of Board of Studies in Psychology, North Maharashtra University Jalgaon (Foremer)

10) Member of Departmental Research Committee in Psychology in the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan (2014- currently

11) Trustee and Management Committee Member of National Association of Blind (NAB) Workshop, Worli, Mumbai( Currently).

12) Formerly Member Secretary of University Employment and Self-Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, Vidhyarthi Bhavan, Churchgate, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
1) Former Hon. Director, Indian Council of Social Science Research, Western Regional Center, Mumbai, Member of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) Working Group on Reforming the Social Deviants and Caring the other Disadvantaged, Planning commission, Government of India.

2) Member of Eleventh Five Year Plan(2007-2012) Working Group on Care of Elderly, Planning commission, Government of India.

3) Member of Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) Working Group on Empowering the Disabled, Planning commission, Government of India.
Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences (AIBAS )