Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Modi

HOI & Professor

Amity Institute of Food Technology

Food Technology

I-1 Block 4th Floor, AUUP Campus

Ph.D. (Food Science & Technology) 1986 Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
M.Sc. (Food Science & Technology) 1981 Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Head of Institution (Director) Administration and R&D Amity Institute of Food Technology, AUUP Noida May 2017-Till date
Chief Scientist* Research & Development CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 1987- 2017
Post Doctoral Fellow Research & Development University of Nottingham UK, Uni. of Reading, UK & Queen’s Uni. of Belfast, Northern Ireland Food Science and Nutrition 1993-94

*Joined CFTRI in 1987 as Scientist B and superannuated as Chief Scientist (Scientist G)/ Senior Professor from CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore in February, 2017
Food processing, Novel product development, Protein hyrolysates, Meat Science, Quality control & Industrial pilot studies to scale up food processes
Food processing, Novel product development, Protein hyrolysates, Meat Science, Quality control
Fellow of AFST (I) – 2013 Awarded by Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India).
Recipient of prestigious Laljee Godhoo Smarak Nidhi Award-2011. Instituted by Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India), Mysore.
Best Technology Award: Awarded Best Technology Award, CSIR-CFTRI, on “Shelf stable and ready-to-eat foods thermo processed in retort pouch and trays” for the year 2004-2005.
Honored to be an expert member for recruitments, assessment, examiner and research review committee of different institute/ universities and one term Head of Department, MFPI, CSIR-CFTRI
Honored to be the expert member of national research project review committees of DBT, DST, ICAR, CSIR, MOFPI etc.
Editorial Board member of various National and International reputed Scopus rated journals.

I-1 Block 4th Floor, AUUP Campus