Dr. Jayanti Tripathi Pandey

Assistant Professor-III

Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Applied Mathematics

8 Years
1. Fuzzy sets and their applications(M.Sc.),
2. Discrete Mathematical Structures(M.Sc.),
3. Fuzzy Mathematics(B.Sc.),
4.Applied Mathematics 1 and 2 (B.Tech),
5. NEP Mathematics 2nd Sem
1. Fuzzy set theory,
2. Rough Set Theory,
3. Intuitionistic Fuzzy set theory and mx structure,
4. Fuzzy automata theory,
5. Fuzzy algebra.
1. Fuzzy set theory,
2. Applied mathematics 1 and 2,
3. analytical Geometry.
15 research papers published in Scopus, Web of Science and ugc care list and non scopus ,1 book published.
Life Member, The Indian Mathematical Society (IMS)
Mathematics Club Coordinator ,Guiding 1 Ph.D. student,U.G and PG students for Non Teaching Credit Courses.Mentoring (U.G.)
Organized a one-week short term course on Application of Statistical and Mathematical Techniques, ASMT 2015, Dec 14-19, 2015, in Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity University Uttar Pradesh.
Applied Mathematics