Dr. Sangeeta Tiwari


Amity Institute of Applied Sciences

Applied Chemistry

Ph.D. in Chemistry, Post-Doctoral Research
23 Years
Functional Materials, Polymeric Nanofibres, nano materials, water treatment, value added products from carbon dioxide, heat reflective coatings
Polymer Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Engineering Chemistry
40 plus
1. Collaborative project with CSIR-NPL, sponsored by MoEF, Status: completed 2. Project sponsored by DST under WTI scheme, Status: completed 3. International collaborative project with University of Aviero, Portugal, Status: Running
1. Member- American Chemical Society
2. Member- MRSI
3. Member- SAEST
4. Member- ISCA
Ph.Ds completed -06
Ph.Ds ongoing-02
4 Patents granted, 6 filed
Applied Chemistry