B.Sc. (Hons) - Biotechnology
Amity School of Biological Sciences, AUP Mohali
Amity University, Punjab
- Program Fee
(Rs. in Lacs)
- 1st Year Non Sponsored Semester
Course Structure
1st Year
Semester 1
Environmental Studies 1 [Value Added Course]
Understanding Self for Effectiveness [Value Added Course]
Mathematics for Biosciences [Skill Component - Skill Enhancement Course]
Introduction to Microbial World [Minor]
Basic Cell Biology [Major (Core)]
Biomolecules [Major (Core)]
Chemistry for Biologists [Inter Disciplinary/Multi Disciplinary Course]
History and Culture of Punjab for BSc [Ability Enhancement Courses]
Introduction to French Culture and Language [Ability Enhancement Courses]
Introduction to German Culture and Language [Ability Enhancement Courses]
Punjabi Language and Literature - 1 [Ability Enhancement Courses]
Foreign Business Language
Open Elective Courses
Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 2
Environmental Studies 2 [Value Added Course]
Individual, Society and Nation [Value Added Course]
Statistics for Biosciences [Skill Component - Skill Enhancement Course]
General Microbiology [Minor]
Biochemistry [Major (Core)]
Fundamentals of Genetics [Major (Core)]
Fundamental Physics [Inter Disciplinary/Multi Disciplinary Course]
French Grammar [Ability Enhancement Courses]
German Grammar [Ability Enhancement Courses]
History and Culture of Punjab for B.Sc - II [Ability Enhancement Courses]
Punjabi Language and Literature - 2 [Ability Enhancement Courses]
Foreign Business Language
Open Elective Courses
Outdoor Activity Based Courses
2nd Year
Semester 3
R Programming [Skill Component - Skill Enhancement Course]
Biotechniques [Core Courses]
Enzymology [Core Courses]
Genetics and Inheritance Biology [Core Courses]
Protein Science [Core Courses]
Fundamentals of Physics [Allied Courses]
Foreign Business Language
Open Elective Courses
Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 4
Employment Communication A Lab based course [MOOC (Amity On - line / NPTEL / SWAYAM / Future Learn)]
Bioprocess Technology [Core Courses]
Immunology [Core Courses]
Microbial Physiology and Metabolism [Core Courses]
Recombinant DNA Technology [Allied Courses]
Foreign Business Language
Open Elective Courses
Outdoor Activity Based Courses
3rd Year
Semester 5
Introductory Bioinformatics [Specialisation Elective Courses]
Virology [Specialisation Elective Courses]
Environmental Biology [Skill Component - Skill Enhancement Course]
Molecular Biology [Core Courses]
Plant Biotechnology [Core Courses]
Foreign Business Language
Open Elective Courses
Outdoor Activity Based Courses
Semester 6
Animal Biotechnology [Specialisation Elective Courses]
Industrial Microbiology [Specialisation Elective Courses]
Nanobiotechnology Enabled Point of Care Devices [MOOC (Amity On - line / NPTEL / SWAYAM / Future Learn)]
Nanotechnology in Agriculture [MOOC (Amity On - line / NPTEL / SWAYAM / Future Learn)]
Microbial Genetics [Core Courses]
Regulation of Gene Expression [Core Courses]
Foreign Business Language
Open Elective Courses
Outdoor Activity Based Courses