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Saakar Winter Mission 2020
The season of winter is characterized by festivities and joyous moments. However, what often goes unnoticed in the dark and cold are the shivers and sufferings of those who are not as privileged as us. Moved by the hardships they face and in an effort to make the world a better place the Saakar Winter Mission was launched three winters ago.This year the Saakar Winter Mission started on 10th December, 2019 a day which is also recognized as World Human Rights Day. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all citizens are entitled to adequate standards of healthcare and respectable conditions of housing. This statute has also been emphasized by the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Saakarians organized a campaign that collected warm clothes, blankets and sanitary napkins from the student community of Amity University, Gurugram. These collections were then segregated into different boxes and on 10th December, 2019, a team of young change makers set out to distribute these across the different slums of Gurugram.
Awareness was raised on menstruation while distributing the sanitary napkins, this session aimed at reducing the stigma around menstruation and promoting better hygiene practices. Winter clothes and blankets were distributed thereafter to help them survive the cold. Warmth was spread, smiles were exchanged and countless differences were made to the lives of those who deserve better. Saakar reached out to the inhabitants in 8 clusters in the slums of Sector 14 and Sector 69, where more than 770 sanitary kits were distributed and 1200 received warm clothes.
An Academic Awareness Program by AICP on 29th January 2025.
A Guest Lecture on “Understanding New Criminal Laws: An In-Depth Analysis of BNS, BNSS, BSA” by ALS on 28th January 2025.
Photography & slogan writing Competition by ALS on 24th January 2025