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Amity Institute of Biotechnology and Amity institute of integrative Sciences and Health, Amity University Haryana in collaboration with the society of biological chemists(SBC), India at IISc , Bangalore organized a conference on 16-19 December 2021.It was based on the topic “Metabolism to drug discovery : where Chemistry and Biology Unite”.
The Society of Biological Chemists, India SBC(1), has been one of the oldest platforms that has borne its legacy for the past almost ninety years in nurturing and promoting science in our country and generating a conducive environment where the veterans and young scientists come together every year to discuss and innovate the latest.
The focus of 90' SBCI annual meetingwas 'Metabolism to Drug Discovery: Where Chemistry and biology Unite'. The scientific sessions spread over Directorate of Outcome (DOO) four days. included 75 invited talks, 3 award lectures, as well as 4 plenary lectures from eminent scientific figures. 90thSBCI organising committee under the theme " Metabolism to Drug Discovery: Where Chemistry and biology Unite' has decided to have not only thematic scientific sessions but also held very contemporary session dedicated on Covid-10: an Indian Perspective focusing on real perspective of Covid pandemic and vaccine development by the leading stakeholders.
Total No of Registered Participants were 250.
An Academic Awareness Program by AICP on 29th January 2025.
A Guest Lecture on “Understanding New Criminal Laws: An In-Depth Analysis of BNS, BNSS, BSA” by ALS on 28th January 2025.
Photography & slogan writing Competition by ALS on 24th January 2025