13 Dec 2019-31 Dec 2019|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Warm Smiles- Blanket Donation


Warm Smiles- Blanket Donation

Aim – to spread happiness and warm smiles in the cold winter nights by donating blankets to the needy.


- Shakti - Empowering Women by Uniting Youth in association with Saraj Foundation and Voice of Slum went out on the streets of Delhi with Warm Smiles and Blankets in their hands.

Every year a lot of homeless and poor people have to face the hardships of bitter cold so this year we started to spread Warm Smiles in areas of Delhi.

A day long event was held in areas near Kalkaji Mandir, Connaught Place, AIIMS and Safdarjung Hospital.

Lakshman Mall led the command in Delhi with lead photographer DhananjayGautam. The event was sponsored by consultaddinc.