26 Sep 2019|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Common Accidents and Prevention from Infants till Adolescents and its First Aid management


Common Accidents and Prevention from Infants till Adolescents and its First Aid management

 General Introduction of the Event: At the end of the exhibition participants were able to gain knowledge regarding common accidents & its preventive measures along with their first aid management so that this will help them to practice and save life of the children by providing primary treatment.

 Objectives of the Event: The gain in knowledge was in following areas:

·         Participants were able to tell the meaning of various common accidents among  children

·         Participants were able to enumerate various causes of common accidents among children

·         Participants were able to explain  various preventing measures of common accidents among children

·         Participants were able to describe various first aid management of common accidents among children

·         Participants were able to demonstrate the first aid management of chocking

Brief about the address/talk of speakers: It has been introduced by the speaker regarding the importance of knowing the causes as well as its preventive measures about the common types of accidents in the childhood period & also to have knowledge about the first aid management of these accidents so that primary treatment can take place to save the life of the child before taking the child to the hospital