02 Aug 2019|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Slogan competition on ‘Breastfeeding’ on the occasion of World Breastfeeding week


‘Breastfeeding’ on the occasion of World Breastfeeding week

 1.1  General Introduction of the Event




World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration which is being held every year from 1 to 7 August in more than 120 countries.  Breastfeeding promotes better health for mothers and children alike. Increasing breastfeeding to near-universal levels could save more than 800,000 lives every year, the majority being children under 6 months. Breastfeeding decreases the risk of mothers developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. It is estimated that increased breastfeeding could avert 20,000 maternal deaths each year due to breast cancer. In order to celebrate the same, slogan competition was organized to emphasize the need and advantages of breast feeding among 3rd year B.Sc. Nursing students.




3.3 Brief about the address




Dr. Smriti Arora welcomed the students and elaborated about the significance of breastfeeding to the undergraduate students. She said that breastfeeding has several advantages for mothers, baby and society. Five students  prepared the slogans which were put to display on the notice board. The slogans were judged by Dr. Smriti and Ms. Ibanrilin and three best slogans of Sourabh, Shivani and Vasundhara were awarded.