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Regular Courses
Health Education and Role play
The WHO global data show, that anaemia due to iron deficiency affects approximately 30% of World’s population and about 37% of school children. In Indian children, high prevalence of anaemia varying from 27% to 90% has been reported in different studies. The population differences in the prevalence of anaemia are explained by environmental factors affecting nutrition, chief among these are economic status, ethnic customs and geographic considerations. Based on this statistics, Department of Amity College of Nursing Organised and conducted School Health Awareness programme on Prevention of anemia to the Primary school Children, kasan village.This Programme was planned and organised under the guidance of Mrs. Swapna M K, Asst. Professor, Amity College of Nursing.
The Programme was conducted in Govt. Primary School, kasan Gurugaon. Around 60 school children, principal and school teachers were present for the Programme. The Programme started with welcome speech and then B.sc nursing students conducted the health awareness programme with Role play the introduction related to health awareness programme on anemia is given by Mr. junaid 8thsem student B.sc nursing, and Mr. Zubair, Akram and Tamanna conducted role play related to the Anemia and displayed Charts and Posters and explained knowledge about the causes, risk factors, prevention and complication of anemia to the students of government primary school and then Mr. Junaid summarised the programme with evaluation of students and cleared to the doubts of all myths related to the food consumption. The principal and the faculty of Amity college of nursing presented the refreshment to the school students which was sponsored from Amity college of nursing. Mr. Raj Kumar , Principal expressed gratitude to Amity university, Manesar, Haryana for organising such events.
An Academic Awareness Program by AICP on 29th January 2025.
A Guest Lecture on “Understanding New Criminal Laws: An In-Depth Analysis of BNS, BNSS, BSA” by ALS on 28th January 2025.
Photography & slogan writing Competition by ALS on 24th January 2025