11 Oct 2021|Gurgaon (Manesar)

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day 2021 Amity College of Nursing Organized guest lecture on Investment in mental Health : Great Asset


On the occasion of World Mental Health Day 2021 Amity College of Nursing Organized guest lecture on Investment in mental Health : Great Asset

Amity College of Nursing organized guest lecture on Investment in mental Health : Great Asset on 11th October 2021. 

The main objective of the event was to initiative to integrate awareness regarding promotion of mental health and investment in mental health. 

Dr. Deepika C. Khakha, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi addreesed the participants with the opening of theme of World Mental Health Day. She emphasized the need of investment in mental health and given the take home messages by telling certain important tips to manage mental hygiene. 

Total 105 students attended the guest lecture.