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Regular Courses
Guest Lecture on Overview of Diagnostic Industry in our country
Corporate Resource Center organized online lecture on Overview of Diagnostic Industry in our country on 11th October 2021.
The main objective of the event was to apprise the students to have insight into the actual working of corporate ecosystem.
Mr. Shibu Shrestha, Head HR & Corporate Affairs, Path kind Diagnostics Pvt Ltd explained about the framework of Indian Diagnostic Market highlighting that majority of diagnostic labs are in unorganized sector but organized diagnostic center are fast increasing with the adoption of digitalization which reduces the cost of diagnostic tests providing a vast growth potential. This provided the landscape for studying their operation, growth and expansion strategies and of developing entrepreneurship liaisoning.
On the submission note, He emphasized his management mantra Think Deeply, Express Briefly. Total 177 students attended the session.
Mr. Shibu Shrestha, Head HR & Corporate Affairs, Path kind Diagnostics Pvt Ltd explained about the framework of Indian Diagnostic
An Academic Awareness Program by AICP on 29th January 2025.
A Guest Lecture on “Understanding New Criminal Laws: An In-Depth Analysis of BNS, BNSS, BSA” by ALS on 28th January 2025.
Photography & slogan writing Competition by ALS on 24th January 2025