21 Feb 2022-28 Feb 2022|Gurgaon (Manesar)

National Science Week (21-28 Feb 2022)


National Science Week Celebration

Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity University Haryana celebrated National Science Week from 21 Feb- 28 Feb 2022 based on Innovation.In the presence of some industry experts Dr. Pradip Gatkine,  NASA Hubble Fellow, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Ms. Prachi Prateeti and Ms. Varsha Garg , IPR,Mr. Shivaprasad Khened, Former Director, Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai,  Prof. Ramagopal V. S. Uppaluri, Dept. of Chemical Engg, IIT Guwahati, Prof. P. B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Amity  University Haryana.

The main inspiration & Objectives of the Event are to propagate the message of the importance of science and its application among the people and to enhance scientific temper, popularisation of science and encourage innovative activities by infusing scientific temperament in the masses and to create a positive scientific research culture.

Day 1 :

Dr. Pradip started the talk by explaining what are exoplanets, how are they observed in the universe. He discussed how photonics plays powerful role as next generation of astronomical instruments breaking the barriers of mass, volume and cost.He also discussed the ongoing improvements in this field  which include innovative photonic technologies such as cascade AWGs, waveguide Bragg-Gratings, Photonic spectro-interferometer. He also explained how these applications enable new and exciting science to explore exoplanets. He also explained the astrophotonics also benefits also stream like Biophotonics, Atmosphere and climate studies, earth sensing etc.

Day 2:

A welcome address was administered by Prof A K Yadav, HOI, ASAS, AUH. Mr. Khened then started his talk by telling a story about a pioneer in medical science who first emphasized the necessity of hygiene in medical treatment. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was an ethnic German-Hungarian physician and scientist born in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. He then enumerated the rich Indian culture and heritage in science by giving several examples e,g, the Iron pillar in Delhi. He explained the history behind several Indian scientific institutions including the Indian Association for Cultivation of Science and its association with scientists like Prof C V Raman and Ashutosh Mukherjee among others.

Day 3:

Dr. Anurag Sharma began the event by addressing the honorable teachers and the audience. This was followed by the motivational words of the Director of the Amity School of Applied Sciences, Dr. A.K Yadav. After this the anchors from the Amity Chem Club took over the stage and briefed the audience about the significance of the National Science Week and about the eminent Indian Scientist Sir CV Raman.

Thereafter, the audience were given a short introduction about their host the ‘Amity Chem Club’, followed by this the competition was started. There were 5 teams named as Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon, where each team had two contestants.

The event was concluded with the encouraging lines by the Dr.Seema R. Pathak, HOD CBFS who motivated the students to participate and organize such type of informative and fun activities in future as well. Overall, the activity was very exciting and all took part actively.

Day 4:

A theatrical play was presented by the members of locard forensic club. It started with a crime scene (scene 1) where a dead body of a celebrity, Mr. Aditya Oberoi, was found. It was a hanging case but can’t be told that whether it was murder or suicide. Followed by scene 2, here the media officials took the case on another level on the basis of leaked crime scene’s photographs and gave it a different angle giving rise to different kind of conspiracies behind the death. The case was then handed over to CBI. In scene 3, CBI interrogated witnesses and suspects of the case. Followed by the conclusion that it was an ante- mortem hanging case.

Finally, the event was concluded with the encouraging lines by HOD (CBFS) Prof. Dr. Seema R Pathak. who motivated the students to participate and organize such type of informative and fun events in future as well. Overall, the event was very exciting, amazing, full of thrill and all took part actively.

Day 5:

The audience were given a short introduction about their host the ‘Amity Maths Club’, followed by this the event was started by playing the Activity prepared. It started with information about the origin of Mathematics, its invention and how it got started. Further, we discussed about the Indian Mathematical Discoveries, which included Ramanujan’s Magic Square. Later, the information regarding some renowned Female Mathematicians and some of the major contributions of our Indian Mathematicians were shown. The event was accompanied by some interesting mathematical and logical facts about beauty of mathematics. The event became very interesting with the participation of the audience, including the teachers. The event was concluded with the video talking about The Beauty of Taj Mahal and how Mathematics play a significant role in it.

Finally, the event was concluded with the encouraging lines by Dr. Sunita Kumawat, Associate Professor, who motivated the students to participate and organize such type of informative and fun events in future as well. Overall, the event was very exciting, and all took part actively and concluded event with vote of thanks.

Day 6:

Prof. P. B. Sharma is currently the Vice Chancellor of Amity University Haryana.  He is an Eminent Academician, Institution Builder and has been the Founder Vice-Chancellor of Delhi Technological University of which he was Director for 20 years). He is also the past President of Association of Indian Universities. Prof. Sharma has a career spanning over 51 years of experience in teaching and research, which includes 12 years at IIT Delhi, where he was a Professor of Mechanical Engineering before taking over as Principal of Delhi College of Engineering in 1990.He emphasized that  Science of Life is in fact the Science of Nature and thus requires integration of all sciences and a seamless connect between integral sciences and interdisciplinary engineering. He further pointed out that Science has great beauty, and with its great spiritual strength, will in time cleanse this world of its evils, its ignorance, its poverty, diseases, wars.

The event was concluded by vote of thanks by Prof. Seema R Pathak.