18 Dec 2020|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Webinar on “The International Currency of Learning: Should a University Education Benefit the Individual or Human Society?”


Webinar on “The International Currency of Learning: Should a University Education Benefit the Individual or Human Society

Office of International Affairs (OIA), Amity University Haryana (AUH) hosted another speaker under the banner of “International Expert Talk Series (IETS)”. Following the vision of our Hon’ble Chancellor Dr. Aseem Chauhan on augmenting internationalization, AUG has an active interface with accomplished academicians across the world regularly. This platform provides the Amity University Haryana fraternity opportunity to interact and brainstorm with top academicians from premier foreign institutions across the globe on contemporary topics.  It also provides a platform for collaborative activities with top foreign universities to strengthen linkages for creating various internationalization opportunities.

The session was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Alison Shaw, Professor of Practice for Student Success and Progression, Newcastle University, UK on “The International Currency of Learning: Should a University Education Benefit the Individual or Human Society?” 


During her presentation, Prof. (Dr.) Alison Shaw talked about the mega trends and the role of individual contribution towards them. She accentuated the wider role of university education for the betterment of both the individual and society. She elaborated that Universities are a community of faculty and scholars, exist for the public benefit and advancement of education, learning, and research. In a world of great inequality, there is a risk that education can be a passport only to the privileged and wealthy. She emphasized that Universities should consider their strategies to result in teaching, research, and impacting on society to solve local and global issues. 

Prof. Shaw had a great message for the student community. She advised that the students should consider designing their future in the interest of their own wellbeing, as well as for a greater common good to serve society. She stressed the importance of the combination of learning, research, scholarship, international collaboration, and interdisciplinary education that the university provides. To do this, the student should not only achieve the deep knowledge of their disciplines but should be prepared for inter-disciplinary partnerships, inter-disciplinary friendships and find experiences that enable them to apply their knowledge in the context. Prof. Shaw highlighted the importance of collaboration across cultures, across boundaries, and across disciplines to solve global issues such as the ongoing pandemic. She also shared insights to develop leadership thinking.  

Currently, as Professor of Success and Progression at the prestigious Newcastle University, UK, she is a member of the senior executive team and works with all three of the University’s Faculties to help develop the curricula, teaching and student experiences to provide the very best opportunities for students to thrive in the workplace of the future. She is the Vice-President of NFER, the leading independent UK provider of education research and insights; sits on several Boards, including the Digital Steering Group of the regional Enterprise Partnership and mentors several young academics and entrepreneurs." 

Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) PB Sharma appreciated the great work and insights shared by Prof. Shaw and expressed his happiness over the presence of an esteemed speaker from the premier foreign university at the webinar. The discussion was hosted and moderated by Vice-President- RBEF and Director- International Affairs, Prof. (Dr.) Gunjan M Sanjeev. While delivering her remarks, she emphasized the role of collaboration and that University education must integrate interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international learning to prepare students to solve global issues. 

The session was appreciated and witnessed by over 200 participants from Amity University Haryana, All over India and as well as overseas. The session was coordinated by Ms. Shaivy Sharma and Mr. Khushin Lakhara, Office of International Affairs. 



Group Picture of All Panelists at Webinar