04 May 2020|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Webinar on Nutrition & Hormonal Bio-Regulation


Webinar on Nutrition & Hormonal Bio-Regulation

The Department of Dietetics and Applied Nutrition , Amity Medical School organized a webinar on “Nutrition & Hormonal Bioregulation” on 4th May 2020 by Ms. Manjari Chandra, Consultant Therapeutic and Functional Nutrition, Max Healthcare, Daivam Wellness. 

The objective of the event was to make students learn about Nutrition & Hormonal Bioregulation in the body and its role in nutrition related diseases.  

Ms. Manjari Chandra, Consultant therapeutic and Functional Nutrition, Max Healthcare, Daivam Wellness delivered her talk explained about the role of hormones in the body and its relation to nutrition and disease. She also presented a PowerPoint presentation to explain the physiology of hormones which was very helpful and easy for the students to understand. 

At the end of the session students asked about their queries from the guest and cleared their doubts they had during the lecture. Overall, the webinar gave wide exposure to students and helped them to upgrade their knowledge.