09 Sep 2020|Gurgaon (Manesar)

Mentor Mentee Meet on Economic Development of Haryana


Showing GDP Growth of Haryana

Amity School of Economics organized mentor-mentee meet on Economic Development of Haryana on 9th September 2020.

The main aim of the Amity School of Economics circle meet is to enhance knowledge on current economic issues and the capabilities of ASE students in both academic and non- academic activities.

In this students and faculty of ASE participated in a discussion on development and performance of the State of Haryana. Shivani Singh, a student of Amity School of Economics initiated a discussion on the topic “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF HARYANA”.

Students discussed various points on Haryana:

·         Haryana is one of the leading states in terms of industrial production, especially passenger cars, two-wheelers, mobile cranes, and tractors.

·         Haryana is the second largest contributors of food grains to India’s central pool and accounts for more than 60% of the export of basmati rice in the country, third-largest exporter of software and one of the preferred destinations for IT/ITeS facilities.

·         With an area covering 1.3% of the country, Haryana contributed near 3.63% to India’s GDP in 2018-2019.

·         Gurgaon has emerged as a preferred destination for the IT industry in north India with more than 400 IT and ITeS companies.

·         Districts such as Panipat, Gurugram, Faridabad, Hisar, and Sonepat have developed into robust textiles center in Haryana. Readymade garments of cotton have been one of the major export segments for Haryana, reaching US$ 607.52 million in FY19 and US$ 567.37 million between April-December 2019.

·         Haryana constitutes 1.5% of India's area, yet contributes 15% of its agricultural produce, which has grown 7 times since the foundation of Haryana in 1966.

·         Dairy farming is not an essential part of the rural economy. Haryana has a livestock population of 10 million head.

·         There is a saying Desaan main des Haryana, jit doodh dahi ka khaana, which means "Best among all the countries in the world is Haryana, where the staple food is milk and yogurt". 

·         Unemployment is a big issue, so is drug menace. Farmers were told their income would double in five years. In reality, they are struggling to sell their produce in the mandi.

·         Maruti NSE -0.19 %, one of the biggest industries in the state, has cut down on production.

·         HDI level still to improve, which means that in the case of social sector development Haryana is lagging behind compared to many states.


Mentor Mentee Meet on Economic Development of Haryana