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Regular Courses
Seminar Series on “Forensic Discrimination and Classification of Fiber Tip Pens”
Amity School of Applied Sciences organized Seminar Series on “Forensic Discrimination and Classification of Fiber Tip Pens” on 31st March 2021.
The objective of the seminar was to aware student about ATR-FTIR and also understand the steps involved during the study of different fiber tip pens. Students learnt about their analysis using different techniques like principle component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant (LD).
Dr G.S. Bumrah, Assistant Prfessor, Forensic Science, Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity University Haryana discussed about Forensic discrimination and classification of fiber tip pens. Students learnt about different types of fiber tip pens, their compositions and how they are different from nib pens. These pens are frequently used to commit forgery because of their easy availability and cost effectiveness. Also, fiber tip pens inks are often water based or pigment which having low viscosity and exhibit flow properties. Also, students came to know the steps involved during the study of different fiber tip pens and their analysis using different techniques like principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant (LD). Even the students got some idea about ATR-FTIR. Overall, the seminar was informative and interesting for the students.
Total 50 students and 3 faculties participated in the seminar.
Black Fibre Tip Pin Analysis
An Academic Awareness Program by AICP on 29th January 2025.
A Guest Lecture on “Understanding New Criminal Laws: An In-Depth Analysis of BNS, BNSS, BSA” by ALS on 28th January 2025.
Photography & slogan writing Competition by ALS on 24th January 2025