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Regular Courses
Dr. Sameer Malhotra, Chief Psychiatry, Max Healthcare, Saket delivered lecture on Mental Well Being in Times of COVID-19
Amity Business School Organised Online lecture on Mental Well Being In Times of COVID-19 by Dr. Sameer Malhotra, Chief Psychiatry, Max Healthcare, Saket.The Objective of the event is to enhance awareness of the students about importance of mental health more so in these trying times, where people have been kind of socially cut off from each other. To provide them practical tips on how to cope and find solutions to problems.
Dr. Sameer Malhotra, Chief Psychiatry, Max Healthcare, Saket talked about avoiding and going into unnecessary details of negative news around us. He stressed on avoiding magnifying problems beyond proportions of control as he said its not just physical pandemic that we are facing but a parallel mental pandemic going on across the world. He also talked about eustress (positive stress) and distress where one is in a dangerous zone and needs help. He talked about preventive steps and enjoying the journey of life. He gave many real life examples to put across his point. He stressed that when people look for blaming others, playing self-victimization, in that case one starts feeling helpless and all sorts of negative thoughts start creeping in mind.
He talked about the importance of sleeping in time as it helps in rejuvenation, and building the immune system. He asked everyone to follow biological rhythm of the body which should be in sync with that of the environment. The session ended with question and answer session from the audience. Total 150 Students and faculties attended the session.
Prof. Dr. Padmakali Banerjee , Pro- Vice Chancellor, AUH Welcomes Dr. Sameer Malhotra, Chief Psychiatry, Max Healthcare, Saket
A Guest lecture on “MNCs & Economic Development: Emerging Issues” by ACC on 6th February 2025.
Poster Making Competition by ASLA on 28th February 2025.
Industrial Visit by AIP on 27th February 2025.
Admissions 2025