Dr Jagjiwan Mittal


Amity Institute of Nano Technology
  • Qualifications

    Post Graduation : M.Sc(Chemistry Organic)-1984,Delhi University

    Post Graduation : M.Tech(Chemistry)-1989,IIT Delhi

  • Experience

    20 Sep 2010 - Present
    Amity Institute of Nano Technology

    01 Feb 2008 - 31 Aug 2010
    NSC Post Doctoral,
    National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan,

    01 Apr 2006 - 31 Dec 2007
    Manager R&D,
    Acme Telepower Ltd., Gurgaon,
    Gurgaon, Haryana

    01 Sep 2005 - 31 Jan 2006
    Manager R&D,
    HEG Ltd, Bhopal,

    01 Apr 2004 - 31 May 2005
    Research Associate,
    C.E.M.E.S, CNRS, France,

    08 Feb 2000 - 31 May 2001
    Associate Research ,
    CEMES, CNRS France,
    Toulouse, France

    01 Aug 1998 - 31 Jan 2000
    Sr. Research Associate,
    NPL, Delhi,

    01 Jul 1996 - 31 Jul 1998
    Post Doctoral Fellow,
    Hokkaido University, Japan,

    31 Mar 1995 - 31 Jul 1989
    Development of Fullerrenes,
    NPL, Delhi,

    01 May 1988 - 31 Aug 1988
    Research Assistant,
    SRIIR, Delhi,

  • Current Courses Taught

    Advanced Nanomaterials

    Advancement in Nanocomposites


    Chemistry for Nanomaterials - II

    Devices Based On Nanomaterials Cnt Al203 Ti02 Mgo

    Industrial Applications of Nano - Sized Materials


    Sensors and Nanosensors

  • Publications

    formation of electric circuits with carbon nanotubes and copper using tin solder ,

    Room Temperature filling of single-wall carbon nanotubes under atmospheric conditions ,
    Chemistry Physics Letters

    High performance supercapacitor from chromium -nanotube-based electrodes ,
    Chemistry Physics Letters

    Diffusion of Cu and interfacial reactions during reflow of Sn–8.5Zn–0.5Ag–0.01Al–0.1Ga alloy on Ni/Cu substrate ,
    J.of Material Research

    Activities during Melting and Reflowing Behaviour of Solders ,
    Soldering and surface mount technology (SSMT)

    . Influence of Cu substrate surface oxides and heating rates during reflow on melting point of Sn-3.5 Ag solder ,
    Applied surface science

    Diffusion behaviour of Zn during reflows of Sn-9Zn solder on Ni/Cu substrate ,
    J of Electronic materials

    Effect of reaction of MoCl5 with atmospheric water on its intercalation into graphite ,
    Solid State Ionics

    Structure, synthesis and stability of MoCl5-graphite intercalation compounds ,
    International J. of Inorganic Materials

    MoCl5 intercalation into carbon fibers ,
    Synthetic metals

    Intercalation of MoCl5 into graphite- Determination factor to control stage structure ,
    Synthetic metals

    Synthesis of GICs of CrVI compound using CrO3 and HCl at room temperature ,
    Synthetic metals

    Synthesis of stage-one MoCl5-GIC in single phase ,
    Synthetic metals

    Formation of single phase stage-1 MoCl5-GIC in the presence of MoO3 ,
    Synthetic metals

    Intercalation and exfoliation of graphite at room temperature ,
    Tanso Zairyo Gakkai Nenkai Yoshishu

    Denitrogenation behavior and tensile strength increase during carbonization of stabilized PAN fibres ,

    Post spinning treatment of PAN fibres using succinic acid to produce high performance carbon fibres ,

    Post spinning modification of PAN fibres – A review ,

    Single step carbonization and graphitization of highly stabilized PAN fibres ,

    IR studies of PAN fibres thermally stabilized at elevated temperatures ,

    Characteristics of KMnO4 modified PAN fibers-its influence on the resulting carbon fibres properties ,

    Advances in the development of high performance carbon fibres from PAN precursor ,
    Composite science and Technology

    Recent advances in development of carbon fibres at NPL ,
    Metal Materials and Processes

    Bi-modification of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibres ,
    J of Applied polymer science

    A new approach to thermal stabilization of PAN fibres ,

    Structure of thermally stabilized PAN fibres ,

    Thermal stability and degradation studies of polyester resins ,
    J of Applied polymer science

    Profit from Nanotechnology ,
    Nano Science and Technology Consortium

    Room temperature filling of single wall carbon nanotubes with chromium oxide in open air ,
    American Institute of Physics

    Development of hybrid single-wall carbon nanotubes ,
    Indian Carbon society

    Improved carbon fibres from carboxylic acid-modified PAN fibres ,
    Allied Publishers

    Characterization of modified polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibres ,
    Plenum Press, USA

    X-ray diffraction data of Stage-1 MoCl5-GIC ,
    International Centre for Diffraction Data

    Application of Electron Energy loss spectroscopy for single wall carbon nanotubes (Review) ,
    J. of Applied spectroscopy

    Fullerene attachment to sharp-angle nanocones mediated by covalent oxygen bridging ,

    Over oxidation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and formation of florescent carbon nanoparticles ,

    connecting carbon nanotubes using Sn ,
    J. of nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    connecting carbon nanotubes using Sn ,
    J. of nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    connecting carbon nanotubes using Sn ,
    J. of nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    Carbon Nanotubes based Interconnections- Review ,

    Bulk thermal conductivity studies of Sn/SnO coated and filled multiwalled carbon nanotubes for thermal interface material ,
    Taylor & Francis

    Formation of joints between carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles ,
    Korean Carbon Society

    Superior, rapid and reversible sensing activity of graphene-SnO hybrid film for low concentration of ammonia at room temperature ,

    Room temperature carbon monoxide gas sensor using Cu doped OMS-2 nanofibers ,

    Ammonia Gas Sensing Using Thin Film of MnO 2 Nanofibers ,

    Superior NH3 sensor using Ni doped K-OMS-2 nanofibers ,

    Ammonia gas sensing activity of Sn nanoparticles film ,
    American scientific publisher

    Room Temperature Rapid Hydrogen Sulfide-Gas Sensing Using Copper Nanoparticles ,
    American scientific publisher

    Diffusion of elements during reflow ageing of Sn-Zn solder in liquid state on Ni/Cu substrate–theoretical and experimental study ,
    Emerald Publishing Limited

    Zn diffusion and reflow behaviour of Sn-9Zn and Sn-8.5 Zn-0.5 Ag-0.01 Al-0.1 Ga solders on a Ni/Cu substrate under IR reflow ,
    Emerald Publishing Limited

    Methods for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes ,
    Bentham Science Publishers

    Crystal Structure Variations of Sn Nanoparticles upon Heating ,

    Formation of interconnections between carbon nanotubes and copper using tin solder ,
    American institute of Physics

    Antibacterial Activity of Cu Nanoparticles against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ,
    Open-Access House of Science and Technology

    High temperature acidic oxidation of multiwalled Carbon nanotubes and synthesis of Graphene quantum dots ,
    International journal of Nanodimensions

    Synthesis of Co filled carbon nanotubes by in situ reduction of CoCl 2 filled nanotubes by NaBH 4 ,

    Photolysis-Driven, Room Temperature Filling of Single-wall Carbon nanotubes ,
    American Scientific publishers

    Efficient treatment of industrial wastewater using a mixture of sugarcane bagasse-based carbon nanomaterials and TiO2 nanoparticles ,

  • Affiliations

    Indian Carbon society Since 15 Jan 1991

  • Patents

    A Process for the preparation of an adhesive stick ,Delhi,India - Complete ( IN 1989 DE000000087 )