The Executive Council

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Composition of Executive Council of Amity University Uttar Pradesh

In terms of provisions contained in Section 25 (6) of Uttar Pradesh Private University Act 2019 and Article 4 C of Amity University Statutes, the Executive Council has been constituted with the approval of the Competent Authority.

The composition of the Executive Council is as under:

The Vice Chancellor Prof (Dr) Balvinder Shukla Chairperson
Three Members nominated by the Governing Body 1. Dr. Aseem Chauhan, Chairman AUUP LKO
2. Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, DG, AIBS & Group Vice Chancellor, Amity Universities
3. Dr. W. Selvamurthy President, ASTIF
Two eminent Educationists nominated by the Chancellor 1. Prof. (Dr.) D. K. Bandyopadhyay, Chairman, Amity Law Schools, Former Vice chancellor, GGS IP University, New Delhi
2. Prof. (Dr.) P. B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Haryana
One officer of State Government not below the rank of Jt. Secretary to the Government of Uttar Pradesh Ex Officio Member (A request for the same is to be sent to Govt. of U.P.) Member
Two Professor/ Associate Professor of the University in order of Seniority on rotation basis for a period of one year. 1. Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal, Addl. Pro Vice-Chancellor & Dean - Faculty of Management Studies & Director, ABS
2. Prof. (Dr.) Sunita Rattan, Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology & Director, Amity Institute of Applied Sciences
One Educationalist not below the rank of Associate Professor from a Panel of three names to be approved by State Government, for which the University shall submit a list of three names of Eminent Educationalists A panel is to be sent to Govt. of U.P. Member
*Finance Officer Ex Officio Member C.A. Jogesh Chopra, Finance Officer Member
Registrar Ex Officio Prof. (Dr.) Raj Kamal Kapur Secretary

*Finance Officer shall have to right to speak in and otherwise to take part in the proceedings but shall not be entitled to Vote.

The powers and functions of the Executive Council are prescribed in the Ordinances and Regulations of the University.