India's Leading Research & Innovation Driven Pvt. University.

Equivalence Committee

The Equivalence Committee as notified vide Notifications No.AUUP/Equ. Comm/ 48/2020-21 dated 18th May 2021.

The revised Equivalence Committee will look into the cases of Fresh Admissions and Transfer of Students from one campus to another campus & from one programme to another programme, Lateral Entry Admission and Transfer of Credits. The Committee is as under:

Prof. (Dr.) M Sajnani ,
Dean Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal,
Addl. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Management Studies and Director, ABS
Prof. (Dr.) Sunita Rattan,,
Dean Faculty of Science & Technology and Director, AIAS
Prof. (Dr.) Alpana Kakkar
Dean (SS&AA)
Ms Asha Premnath,
Joint Registrar
CoE/Nominee of CoE Member
Upto three Sr Faculty members from the concerned discipline to be co-opted by the Chairperson for each programme Co-opted Members
Maj. Gen. Bhaskar Chakravarty,
Director, Admissions
Member Secretary


The tenure of the Committee shall be two years