India's Leading Research & Innovation Driven Pvt. University.

Scholarship Award Committee

In terms of Para 2 of Regulations on Scholarship, Awards, Medals & Special Awards, the composition of Scholarship Award Committee was notified vide Notification No. AUUP/Scholarship/02/2022 dated 21st September 2022.

Consequent upon changes in the Members, updated composition of the Scholarship Award Committee is as under:

Dr. Dilip Kumar Bandyopadhyay,
Chairman ALSs
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal
Addl. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Management Studies & Director, ABS
Prof. (Dr.) Alpana Kakkar
Dean -Student Support and Academic Affairs
Prof. (Dr.) K. M. Soni
Dy. Dean, Domain Engineering & Technology
Prof. (Dr.) Nirupama Prakash
Director, AISS
Shri. Jogesh Chopra
Finance Officer
Dr. H P Singh,
Dean Students Welfare ,
Member Secretary

Dr. Sujit Kumar Prasad, CoE is nominated on this Committee as a Special Invitee and Ms Ritu Bhatnagar as Representative of Vice Chancellor. One-half of the members of the Committee, including the Chairperson, shall constitute the quorum at a meeting.