India's Leading Research & Innovation Driven Pvt. University.

Examination Committee

Examination Committee is given below:

With the approval of the Competent Authority, the updated composition of Examination Committee of AUUP is notified as under:

  1. Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal
    Addl. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dean Faculty of Management Studies & Director, ABS
  2. Prof. (Dr.) M. Sajnani
    Dean Hospitality and Tourism & Director, AITT
  3. Prof. (Dr.) Jayanti Pujari
    Dean Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences & Director, AIRS
  4. Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni
    Dy. Dean, Engineering & Technology
  5. Prof. (Dr.) Alpana Kakkar
    Dean -Student Support and Academic Affairs
  6. Prof. (Dr.) A.P. Bhanu
    Addl. Director / Jt. Head
  7. Prof. (Dr.) D.P. Singh
    Dean Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design & Director, ASAP
  8. Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Joshi
    Director Centre for VUCA Studies, Lucknow
  9. Dr. Girish Sharma
10. Mr. Sujit Kumar Prasad
Member Secretary


Special Invitees::

  1. Dr. Nutan Kaushik
  2. Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Joshi