India's Leading Research & Innovation Driven Pvt. University.

University Research Council

As per Regulations 02: Regulations for Research Degree Programmes: Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Post-Doctoral Programmes- Degree of Doctor of Letters (D. Litt), Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) and Doctor of Laws (LL.D) the updated composition of the University Research Council of the University is as under:

The Vice Chancellor or his nominee Chairperson Prof (Dr) Bhudev C Das Dean, Faculty of Health & Allied Sciences, Chairman & Chair Professor, AIMMSCR Chairperson
The Pro-Vice Chancellor(s) Prof (Dr) Anil Vashisht Pro Vice Chancellor, Amity Lucknow Campus
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Bansal, Addl. Pro Vice Chancellor
External experts nominated as under:
By the Chancellor - Two Prof (Dr) S. L. Kothari, Distinguished Professor, Biotechnology, Vice President ASTIF, Jaipur, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur
Dr. Subhash Chand Former Professor Emeritus, Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, IIT, Delhi
By the Vice Chancellor – One Dr. Daman Saluja Professor at Medical Biotechnology Laboratory, Delhi University Member
By the Academic Council - Two Dr. W Selvamurthy President, Amity Science, Technology & Innovation Foundation
Prof (Dr) Nutan Kaushik DG, Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation (AFAF)
Three Internal Experts nominated by the Chancellor Dr. D K Bandyopadhyay Chairman, ALS
Dr. S K Khatri Dean (Research, Innovation and Extension Activities of AUUP)
Dr V K Jain Distinguished Scientist & Professor, AIARS (M&D) & AIRAE
Three Deans/Heads of Departments/ Constituent Units to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor Dr. Sunita Rattan Dean Faculty of Science & Technology
Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Joshi Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts/ Performing Arts/ Visual Arts/ Applied Arts
Prof. (Dr.) K M Soni Dy Dean, Engineering & Technology
Two teachers of Department/ Constituent Units to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor Prof (Dr) Nirupama Prakash, Director AISS
Prof (Dr) Monalisa Mukherjee, Director, AICCRS
Special Invitee Prof. (Dr.) Shantanu Ghosh, Director, AIESR Special Invitee
CoE - Member Secretary Controller of Examinations Member Secretary


The term of office of the members (other than ex-officio members) will be two years from the date of nomination.

The University Research Council shall meet at least once a quarter.

Fifty percent of the total membership shall form the quorum for any meeting.