
25 Jun 2024 |Noida

Amity University, Noida

Over 750 Law Students Graduate during Concluding Ceremony at Amity University

A student receiving Certificate from Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder president Amity Education Group and Mr. Amol Chauhan, during the Concluding Ceremony

Amity Law School Noida organized the Concluding Ceremony for Law students, wherein a total of 756 students from various Programmes including LLB, BA LLB, BA LLB (Hons.), B. Com LLB (Hons.), and BBA LLB (Hons.) were awarded certificates.

Showering his blessings upon the outgoing students, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President Amity Education Group, stated, “Amity Law School is one of the best law schools in the country. There are limitless possibilities in the legal profession today and students may choose to work as an independent lawyer, with a law firm, with big corporates or even start their own firms. Lawyers must be empathetic towards the people and should serve humanity, without thinking about their own interest.  The mindset, body language, approach and attitude of Indian lawyers are incomparable with other lawyers of the world. Amity aims to establish Amity Law foundation and Amity Judicial Academy where students will be mentored by the best and most renowned lawyers of the country.” He called upon the students to work hard, be compassionate and sincere, in order to succeed in life.

Addressing the students, Dr. D.K. Bandopadhyay, Chairman Amity Law School, said, “Today is a great day as Amity Law School students will start their new journey in the professional world. Amity Law School provides the best education along with great human values such as compassion, kindness and generosity, and we wish to see the students doing great in their career. He called upon the students to become self-aware, introspective, develop resilience, remain undefeated by challenges, and live in the present. He also advised them to be respectful towards their parents, teachers and institution who have been instrumental in shaping them as individuals and professional.

Congratulating the students, Dr. Gurinder Singh, Group Vice Chancellor Amity Universities, said, “Amity Law School students are very bright and talented and have shown exemplary skills during their academic life at Amity.  Students must enjoy their life, never give up and always take the name of their institution with great pride and respect. Always be grateful to the Almighty who guides and protects you at each and every moment in life.”

Mr. Amol Chauhan, Sr. Vice President, Amity Capital Ventures congratulated the outgoing students and wished them good luck for their future endeavors. Also present on the occasion were Dr. Shefali Raizada, Director Amity Law School, Dr. Aditya Tomar, Additional Director Amity Law School, and Dr. Arvind P. Bhanu Additional Director Amity Law School.

During the Concluding Ceremony, “Shree Baljit Shastri Awards for the Best in Human and Traditional Values” were given to Tanya Kaushal (BA LLB), Kashish Mathur (BA LLB (Hons.)), Khushi Panwar (B.Com LLB (Hons.)), Vasu Agarwal(BBA LLB (Hons.)) and Ms. Akanksha Dasmesh (LLB). In addition, the award for “Best in Knowledge Creation” went to Yashika Bhardwaj, the award for “Best Interpersonal Skills” was given to Prapti Kapoor, “Best in Research and Innovation” award was presented to Tanya Kaushal and the award for “Organizing Ability and Leadership Skills” was presented to Tannu Aggarwal, amongst other awards.