
20 Jun 2024 |Noida

Amity University, Noida

USIEF Fulbright Commission members visit Amity University

Dr. Sudarsan Dash, Senior Program Leader, United States- India Educational Foundationaddressing the gathering at Amity

Amity Foundation for Science, Technology & Innovation Alliances (AFSTIA), Amity University Noida, organized the visit of Dr. Sudarsan Dash, Senior Program Leader, United States- India Educational Foundation and Dr. Jaya Bharti, Program Coordinator United States - India Educational Foundation, Fullbright Commission, for an interactive session with the faculty, scientists and research scholars, to provide them detailed information about Fulbright Research Fellowship opportunities.


Addressing the Research Scholars of Amity, Dr Sudarsan Dash, Senior Program Officer, United States - India Educational Foundation (USIEF), Fulbright Commission averred, “The Fullbright Program focuses on building mutual understanding between the people of US and other countries, to create a large academic and cultural network around the world. The United States- Indian Educational Foundation (USIEF), Fulbright Commission in India, provides opportunities for personal, academic and professional growth to Indian citizens. Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships include diverse fields such as Economics, Environmental Sciences, International Affairs, International Legal Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, amongst many others. The Programs help in fostering mutual understanding between the people of the United States and India and bringing the people of India and the United States closer through educational exchanges.”


Presenting an overview of “R&D Innovation and Scientific Achievements of Amity Universe”, Dr. A. K. Singh, Sr. Vice President Amity Foundation for Science, Technology & Innovation Alliances (AFSTIA) stated, “The visit will be highly beneficial for Amity research scholars since they will attain valuable information through one-to-one interaction with USIEF Fulbright Commission members to develop a deeper  understanding of the schemes announced by Fulbright USIEF, which encompasses wide prospects ranging from Social Sciences to Engineering, Mathematics,  Statistics, Bioengineering and multiple areas.”


On this occasion, Dr. Mallika Chatterjee, Fulbright Fellow, shared her experience and success story.  The Session concluded with an Open House Q&A session with Amity faculty members and the concluding remarks were presented by Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Deputy Director General, AFSTIA.