Faculties / Domains

APPLY NOW 2025 Admissions

A. Mission

To provide education of Architecture, Planning and Design streams of modern times and in the futuristic and emerging frontier areas of knowledge, learning and research and to develop the overall personality of students by making them not only excellent professionals but also good individuals, with understanding and regard for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and wrong and yearning for perfection and imbibe attributes of courage of conviction and action

B. Graduate Attributes

  • Knowledge & Expertise of a Discipline 

    • Understand the key challenges and tools of architecture, planning and micro design of build environment • Apply the knowledge of architectural design, construction techniques and technological advancements and psychological aspects of every solution towards resolving the complex built environment issues.

  • Research and Enquiry 

    • Analyse research literature. • Identify the key issues and formulate correct research questions and methodology in order to analyse complex problems of our built environment. • Interpret conclusions using principles of macro and micro design and planning.

  • Information & Digital Literacy 

    Demonstrate Design solutions for complex problems of our built environment with creative and analytical thinking and latest digital technology for accuracy, speed and scaling up.

  • Problem Solving 

    Structure and analyse research methodology to derive sustainable design solutions for complex architectural, planning and micro design issues of our built environment.

  • Communication 

    • Analyse and present the context and limitations of the complex architectural and design projects • Create and propose design solutions effectively with the tools of detailed drawings design software and clear presentations.

  • Behavioral skills, Teamwork and leadership 

    Practice effectively as an individual Architect, Planner or Designer and as a member or leader of development team in multidisciplinary settings; even in adverse conditions.

  • Global Citizen 

    Recognise the responsibility and need for local, national and international identification of culture, art and architecture.

  • Ethical, Social and professional understanding 

    Apply humane professional practice and adherence of prescribed norms of concerned authority for ethical professional behavior.

  • Employability, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship 

    Demonstrate innovative ideas and skills to attract the employer or operate own professional organization while employing professionals.

  • Lifelong Learning 

    Develop an ability and capacity to learn persistently throughout the professional practice as a member or a team leader, in broadest context of technological change.

  • Knowledge and Expertise of the Discipline 

    Accumulate and apply the knowledge of architectural , planning and design towards resolving the complex built environment issues.

  • Self Directed & Active learning 

    Actively engage in exploring newer concepts for personal and professional growth

  • Research & Enquiry 

    Explore areas of concern, apply research methods and propose newer relevant solutions

  • Information & Communication Technology Skills 

    Use technology as a tool to express ideas and for accuracy, speed and scaling up

  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Abilities 

    Critically analyze the issues related to built environment and propose relevant solutions

  • Communication Skills 

    Be able to express the thoughts, ideas and concepts through graphical, written or oral representation

  • Creativity, Innovation & Reflective Thinking 

    Find out of the box solutions to real world challenges

  • Analytical & Decision-Making Ability 

    Be able to make decisions based on the analysis of the built environment related concerns.

  • Leadership & Teamwork 

    Practice effectively as an individual Architect, Planner or Designer and as a member or leader of development team in multidisciplinary settings; even in adverse conditions.

  • Multicultural Understanding & Global Outlook 

    Recognize the responsibility and need for local, national and international identification of culture, art and architecture.

  • Integrity and Ethics 

    Apply humane professional practice and adherence of prescribed norms of concerned authority for ethical professional behavior.

  • Social & Emotional Skills 

    Be sensitive towards the social concerns and issues faced and adopt a human centric approach

  • Employability, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship 

    Demonstrate innovative ideas and skills to attract the employer or operate own professional organization while employing professionals.

  • Lifelong Learning 

    Develop an ability and capacity to learn persistently throughout the professional practice as a member or a team leader, in broadest context of technological change.

  • Environment & Sustainability 

    Address the Global sustainability agenda and strive to accomplish the SDGs through the proposed solutions

C. List Of Institutes