54th Annual Conference of the Indian Anthropological Society On “Global Perspectives in Anthropology: Cultivating Sustainability, Equity, and Progress”

Title of the Conference: Two Day State Level Seminar on Elderly Issues
Theme of the Conference: Legal Rights of Elderly and User Friendly Technology
Date: October 17-18, 2024
Venue: AUUP

Conference Preport : Click Here...

Title of the Conference: Social and Political Institutions, Human Rights and Global Justice: Perspectives from India and Europe
Theme of the Conference: Thematic Group 03 International Sociological Association
Date: October 9-10, 2023
Venue: AUUP

Conference Preport : Click Here...

Conference / Seminar

Title of the Conference: International Symposium, 2021
Theme of the Conference: Lives Redefined: Partition, Refugees and Settlement Colonies
Level: International
Date: May 13, 2021
Venue: AUUP

Objectives of the symposium:

The immediate objective of the symposium is to bring the latest world-class scholarship on the Partition for our audience. The broader goal is to understand how researchers and practitioners are joining hands to chronicle the experiences of Partition and retrieve fading voices for posterity.

Title of the Conference: World History Conference
Theme of the Conference:Women : A Journey through the Ages
Level: International
Date: January23-24, 2019
Venue: AUUP

Objectives of the Conference:

  • The Conference focused on understanding the dynamics of changing paradigm emanating from global failure of understanding the requirement of a safer planet for women.
  • The Conference also solicited researches attempting to provide insights into different dimensions of visible limits of position of women in international arena.
  • This conference had central focus on analyzing the Indian tradition of respecting women and possibilities of contemporary relevance of this tradition as model at global level.
  • By way of explaining various unexplored aspects in ancient as well as modern era, the present World History Conference provided a platform to different academic discourses.

Title of the Conference: National Conference on Social Work and Child Rights 2018; Contemporary issues and way forward
Theme of the Conference: Child Rights
Technical Partners: National Association of Professional Social Workers in India & Uttar Pradesh Association of Professional Social Workers
Level: National
Date: March 26, 2018
Venue: AUUP, Noida

Objectives of the Conference:

  • The conference facilitated discussions and sharing of newer ideas, knowledge, and strategies among academicians, researchers and practitioners with regards to promotion and protection of rights of children.

Conference Outcomes:

  • Awareness of Child Rights Issues
  • Publication of Papers and Research projects on child rights issues
  • Internship & Placement opportunities for students.
  • Networking with Social Work Educators & NGO Practitioner for Academic enhancement.

Title of the Conference:Empowering New Generations: Women and Girls
Level of Conference: International Conference - World Center for Women Studies (WCWS)in collaboration with Buffalo University, State University of New York, Amity Institute of Social Science
Technical Partners: National Association of Professional Social Workers in India & Uttar Pradesh Association of Professional Social Workers
Date: Oct 12-13, 2017
Venue: AUUP, Noida

Objectives of the Conference:

  • Securing girls education
  • Stopping violence against women and promoting a dignity of women
  • Increasing women's decision-making power
  • Promoting women and girls empowerment through art
  • Opening opportunities in science and technology
  • Securing women's and girl's health
  • Rural women-Access & Control over Land and Livelihood-Challenges & Strategies to overcome

Conference Outcomes:

  • The proposal for bilateral cooperation with Amity University was received from University of Economy, Bydgoszcz, Poland on the initiation by the Conference delegates who came from University of Poland to the World Centre for Women Studies (WCWS) & AISS Conference organized during October 12-13, 2017 at Amity University, Noida. This proposal has been an outcome of the WCWS-AISS Conference. This information has been sent to International Division of Amity University for exploring Collaborative options especially regarding Erasmus Mundus.
  • Networking among scholars from National and International Organisations.
  • Sharing of knowledge on the conference theme through high quality papers presented during the conference.

Title of the Conference:National Political Science Conference
Level : National
Date: September 14-15, 2017
Venue: AUUP, Noida

Conference Outcomes:

  • To analyse India's growth under the current political regime.
  • To analyse the impact of policy on the economic and development growth of India.
  • To study the policy impact on India's growing regional and international connectivity.
  • To further India's journey to garner a noteworthy part in the world by bringing countries nearer on common stage thereby making the fantasy of “Make in India” a reality for the upcoming generations.
  • To assess the effect of demonetisation on the Indian economy. To formulate women’s perspectives in policies and budget and to provide learning and living parliament experience to women.

Conference Outcomes:

  • Conference was able to analyze the India's growth under the current political regime. India has risen to new heights under the current political regime. The nation has seen tremendous growth under the new political regime and increased its international presence at a tremendous pace. It also analyzed the impact of policy on the economic and developmental growth of India. India has seen a wide plethora of policies being implemented which in turn have ushered in a new leash of life. But still the greater impact of the policies are yet to be seen at grassroots level as it holds the majority of Indian lives.
  • To assess the impact of demonetization was the pivotal objective of the conference. Conference was able to make an assessment of the effect of demonetization on the Indian economy & its impact on developmental politics in India. Demonetization has had a huge impact on the Indian economy and combining it with GST has proved to be a lethal combination which in turn has led to the people being dismissive about the current political regime and its policies. However, the process of demonetization has proved to be effective to a lesser extent as many financial defaulters and frauds were unearthed.
  • Students were able to assess three year policies of Contemporary government and its impact on India and India’s position in global scenario. Students were also able to assess the foreign policy of Contemporary government and compared it with the idealist policies of Nehruvian era. They also got access to a knowledge treasure trove from academic interaction during the two days. Students too got a chance to interact with the academia and it will help them in developing relations, internships and placements. Students got to see the economic impact of 'Make in India', 'Digital India' and 'e-governance' under Contemporary government by interacting with the participants of the conference.

Title of the Conference:National Social Work Conference 2017

Theme of the Conference:New Dimensions and Challenges of Social Work: The Road Map Ahead

Collaboration:Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India

Technical Partners:National Association of Professional Social Workers in India & Uttar Pradesh Association of Professional Social Workers
Level : National
Date: January 31, 2017
Venue: AUUP, Noida

Conference Outcomes:

  • To assess the status of Social Work Education and Practice.
  • To comprehend major global and regional socio-economic, political changes and their implications for Social Work Education and practice.
  • Envisioning the future vis-à-vis the role of Social Work Education and Practice. The Conference focusedon understanding the dynamics of changing paradigm emanating from global failure of understanding the requirement of a safer planet for women.

Sri Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI delivering keynote address

Ms. Pooja Chauhan, Chairperson Amity Humanity Foundation with Ms. Divya Rawat, BSW Alumni (Recipient ofNari Shakti Award 2016) during conference

Conference Outcomes:

  • Publication & Release of Research Journal Amity Social Work Review
  • Internship & Placement opportunities for students.
  • Networking with Social Work Educators & NGO Practitioner for Academic enhancement.

Title of the Conference:Historical Monuments: History, Culture, Heritage and Beyond

Theme of the Conference:Historical Monuments: History, Culture, Heritage and beyond
Level : International
Date: September 06, 2016
Venue: AUUP, Noida

Objectives of the Conference:

  • To enable the students to know the contribution of Historical Monuments in knowing the past.
  • To bring world class historians to the campus to interact with the students.
  • To arrange interdisciplinary research on Historical Monuments.
  • To develop a network with the historians.

Conference Outcomes:

  • The main objective of organizing World History Conference was to further our commitment in the area of research and also to provide a platform to academicians and researchers to deliberate on various issues in their area of research. Selected papers received for Research Paper Presentation were be published in “Amity Global History Review”
  • Prof (Dr) Veenus Jain wrote a book titled ‘Historical Monuments: History, Culture, Heritage and Beyond’
  • Students were also invited for doing their summer internship at All India Digamber Jain Heritage Preservation Organization for documenting Jain sites.

Title of the Conference:Women Parliament

Theme of the Conference:National Conference
Date: May 20-22, 2015
Venue: AUUP, Noida

Objectives of the Conference:

  • To formulate women’s perspectives in policies and budget and to provide learning and living parliament experience to women.

Presidential address at Women Parliament by Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice-Chancellor, AUUP


  • Participants gained the experience of the legislative process. This experience made them ‘Active citizens’ to observe and understand the real legislative process. By sharpening their perspective and capacity, we can contribute to good leadership among women.