INDO-ARGENTINA Webinar SERIES organized by Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation, Amity University, India & School of Agriculture of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina on 21st May 2024.

2nd World Neem Organisation (WNO) Seminar entitled "Neem for Sustainable Agriculture, Health and Environment" and 3rd Global Neem Trade Fair was organized by the World Neem Organisation in collaboration with ICAR- Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi and Amity University as Knowledge partner on 19th – 20th February 2024.


Organized the Faculty Development Programme on "NURTURING FACULTY EXPERTISE IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY & ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURES“from15th to 19th January 2024 organized by Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation, Amity Institute of Organic Agriculture, and Amity Institute of Horticulture Studies and Research

AFAF organized a conference on “Urban and Peri-Urban Farming: Status and Way Forward.” at the Tyaghraj Stadium in New Delhi as part of SUFEX 2023 (24th -25th March 2023)
Amity University was the knowledge partner during the second edition of SUFex, the Smart Urban Farming Expo, which concluded in New Delhi on 25th March 2023.
We invited the following Guest Speakers:
- Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG (Horticulture & Crop Science)
- Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Horticulture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India
- Col Hari Das, Director of DataVal,
- Mr. Sanjay Sudan, Director of Saveer Biotech
AFAF, along with AIHSR and AIOA, had a stall too at the expo with a variety of their research-based products. These included their protein-packed instant fish soup powder, biodegradable mulch, and bio-fertilizers.
Amity Institute Of Horticulture Studies And Research & Amity Institute Of Organic Agriculture under the aegis of Amity Food And Agriculture Foundation Organized An INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “RECENT ADVANCES IN HORTICULTURE RESEARCH-2022 (ICRAHOR-2022)” on the occasion of Horticulture Day which was conducted on 8th -9th August 2022.
The conference focused on the recent challenges and updates on the following themes:
1: Smart packaging for augmenting shelf-life
2: Crop improvement leveraging molecular approaches
3: Valorization of horticulture bio-waste
4: Hi-tech Horticulture: Technology trends in focus
5: Advances in supply-chain management
6: Climate-smart horticulture
7: Startup innovation ideas
Date |
Topic |
8th August 2022 |
International Conference on Recent Advances in Horticulture Research-2022-ICRAHoR-2022 |
9th August 2022 |
Click here for more information :
4th Indo-Tunisia Mini Symposium onMicrobial Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture
May 19th, 2022Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida
Dr. Nutan Kaushik & Dr. Naceur DJEBALIThe 4th Indo-Tunisia mini-symposium was conducted on 19.05.2022 on zoom platform, under international collaboration project “TOMendo” between India and Tunisia on Diversity of Tomato Seed-Borne Endophytes and Their Application for the Promotion of Plant Growth and Defenses against Pathogen with Dr. Nutan Kaushik as Indian collaborator and Dr. Naceur Djebali as Tunisian collaborator. Previously, two mini-symposiums were hosted in Tunisia and one in India. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Indian government provided funding for this study. The importance of Indian and Tunisian tomato varieties as a source of beneficial endophytic bacterial strains that can help plants battle economically important fungal infections is demonstrated in this research. The antifungal, plant growth-promoting, and identity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by tomato-derived endophytic bacteria strains were studied in this work. Moreover, antifungal lipopeptides such as Surfactin and Bacillomycin D have been reported by these beneficial bacteria. The development of a formulation based on the most favorable endophytic bacterial strain leads to the suppression of R. solani disease in tomato plants grown in greenhouses. Seven visits were made as part of this programme, including two scientific exchange visits for students. This initiative resulted in two patents, one from India and the other from Tunisia, as well as three published papers in high-impact factor journals (above 5). This symposium was organised to identify the possibilities of extension of this fruitful collaboration with more scientific exchange programs. Various prestigious speakers such as, Dr. Naceur Djebali, CBBC Tunisia, Dr. K Annapurna, Professor Emeritus, IARI, New Delhi, Dr. Ajit Varma, Group Dy. Vice Chancellor, AUUP, Dr. KRK Reddy, Managing Director, Sri BioAesthetics Pvt.Ltd, Dr. Charu Gupta, Associate Professor, AIHRS, AUUP, by Dr. Nutan Kaushik, DG, Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation, AUUP, Dr. Sangeeta Pandey, Joint Coordinator & Assistant Professor, AIOA, AUUP and Dr. Manel Chaouachi, CBBS Tunisia, delivered their talk on relevant topics. Nine participants participated in poster presentation competition, in which Faouzia Haddada, CBBC, Tunisia, Dr. Imen Ben Slimene, CBBC, Tunisia and Ms. Shikha Gupta, AIOA, India secured the first, second and third position respectively. Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Honorable Founder President, also graced the symposium with his presence. He talked about his mission connect of bringing brilliant brain together. He also commended the project team on their accomplishments and awarded Dr. Naceur an Honorary Professorship, which he accepted on May 20, 2020 from Vice Chancellor Dr. Balvinder Shukla.
Events Organized
- Farmers Training Programme On “Building Capacity to Enhance Farmers Capabilities to Address the Challenges of Climate Change Using Climate Smart Agriculture Strategies” at KVK, Muzaffarnagar on 22.07.21
- 2nd International Training Program on “Climate Smart Agriculture Practices to Enhance Farmer's Capabilities to Address the Challenges of Climate Change using Climate Smart Agriculture Strategies” on 27.07.21 and 28.07.21 under APN Project.
- Three sessions of various speakers during Three Day International Conference on Students’ Progression (ICSP’21) from June 24 to June 26, 2021.
- Workshop on “Sustainable Utilization of Water in Seafood Industry- Recycle and Reuse” under ReValue Project on 06.08.21
- International Youth Day on Theme ‘Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health’ on 09.08.21.
- 2ndInternational Master Trainer Workshop “Building Capacity to Enhance Farmers Capabilities to address the Challenges of Climate Change Using Climate Smart Agriculture Strategies” from Feb. 10 to 15, 2020 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida.
- 2nd Farmers’ training workshop at KVK, Gautam Buddh Nagar on 20th – 21st November 2020 under APN Project.
- World Soil Day 2020 on 7th December 2020 hosted by Amity University New York under the aegis of Amity Global Research Hub.
- Third RE-FOOD Symposium at Amity University, Kolkata from 4th-5th December 2019 under the INTPART Project titled “Re-FOOD: International Partnership for Research and Education in energy efficient resource utilization in FOOD value chains between Norway and India (2017-2019)”
- 3rd Mini Indo-Tunisia Symposium on “Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture” scheduled on 5th July 2019 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida.
- Workshop on Vertical Farming-Status, Researchable Issues & Way Forwardin collaboration with ICAR at NAAS Complex, New Delhi on 18.10.2018.
- Workshop on Metabolomics and Natural Products at Institute of Agricultural Sciences (CSIC) and Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute, Madrid , Spainfrom 27 – 28 May, 2018
- Euroindoamerican Natural Products Meeting (EIAMNP) in Madrid Spainfrom 29th May to 1st June 2018.
- 1st and 2nd Indo –TunisiaJoint Workshop at Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria, Tunisia from 12th March, 2018 and 17th June 2019.
Recently Event
Date: 11th April 2022 .