About Us
With an aim to provide an impetus to research & innovation in the field of food and agriculture, Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation (AFAF) was founded by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President.
Amity education group envisages to establish itself as one of the premier educational institutions in the promotion of agricultural sciences and related technologies. Agriculture is one of the largest sectors in India with more than half of the population engaged in the agriculture-related occupation.

Dr. Nutan Kaushik
Director General, AFAF
Domain Head
Agriculture and allied domain
Director, AIHSR
Message from Director General, AFAF
Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation (AFAF) was founded by Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, As the world's population continues to expand, the need for conducting research in areas of Agriculture and its allied fields including Veterinary, Animal, Dairy and Fishery Sciences for the growth of livestock and fishery sectors also became very important.
Thus, we have various institutes and center at Amity University which are performing academic and research activities in food, agriculture, and allied sciences under the aegis of Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation (AFAF) which offers various graduate and post graduate courses. Our core values of knowledge, character, excellence, integrity, transparency, quality, teamwork, execution with passion, trust, continuous and student-centric learning are all closely integrated into our academic programs.
Engaging students in research, innovation, and scholarship is the hallmark of a great institute. Through their participation in research and creative endeavours, students become better thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers, cultivating a depth of understanding needed to make a positive difference in the world.
Thus, Amity Food and Agriculture Foundation (AFAF) is working to achieve this goal and full fil the dream of Honourable Founder President to make India a Knowledge Super Poer by 2030..
Perform impactful innovative interdisciplinary research in Plant and agriculture aiming to achieve food security for all.
To develop a multidisciplinary knowledge hub, performing quality research in plant, agriculture and food science.
To provide an active and stimulating collaborative research environment for interdisciplinary studies in both fundamental and applied aspects of food and agriculture sciences.
Research Areas
The major research areas are

Key Technologies
Amity University has developed many technologies for the benefit of the farming community and the society. Some of the flagship technologies
Institutes and Centres
Various institutes and centers at Amity University are performing academic and research activities in food, agriculture and allied sciences. Some of them are listed below..
Our Courses
We provide courses in following domains
Research Infrastructure
Amity labs are well equipped to carry out research in frontier areas.