Master of Journalism & Mass Communication (MJMC) imparts in students knowledge about various relevant skills to pursue excellence in journalism and diverse mass media both old as well as new. It also provides hands-on training to its students about the latest technologies, state-of-the-art equipments and software.

The programme is designed to stoke the inquisitiveness of the students, nurture their communication skills, and enhance their analytical ability. It embodies a unique combination of academic rigour, technical knowhow, journalistic insight and expansive professional exposure to ensure its students emerge as competent professionals, entrepreneurs and thought leaders of the media and communication industry.

Amity MJMC students are much sought after by government as well as private media houses in diverse professional capacities. Few of the profiles offered to them include the likes of Print Journalists, Television Anchors, Radio Jockeys, Radio Producers, TV Broadcasters, TV Producers, Filmmakers, Field / Desk Reporters, Copy Editors, Creative / Script Writers, Advertising Executives, PR / Corporate Communication Professionals, Digital Media Professionals, News Reporters, Media Researchers, Photojournalists, Public Relations Specialists, Columnists, Fashion Photographers, Illustrators, News Analysts etc.

Two Degrees(optional)
(You can do an additional degree in online mode at same time along with the fulltime programme)

Click here to view list of Second Degree programmes