Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) is one of the leading department of ASET. The department is committed to creating an ambience for learning. We provide students with an engineering education that is
comprehensive, practical, and dynamic. Our curriculum prepares students to face future challenges by offering them real-world experience through a rigorous and updated curriculum, exposure to research opportunities, access to industry
connections, an on-site commercialization complex and entrepreneurship possibilities.
Electronics & Communication Engineering is the preferred choice for the 500 billion $ strong Electronics, Telecom and ICT Sector. The carefully designed program is focused on the current and Next Generation Technologies as per the
requirements of Industry. Courses like Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Machine Learning have been included in the curriculum in response to global call for action on the
future jobs by the World Economic Forum.
Our department boasts of having a remarkable and most consistent placement record coupled with excellent Industry tie-ups. The Department has Embedded Systems Laboratory sponsored by ATMEL Corporation and INTEL Corporation.
We believe that excellence is achieved when the focus is on our students. Various academic activities are held throughout the academic calendar such as technical exhibitions, industry focused seminars and visits, international
conferences and intellectually stimulating expert lectures from Industry and Abroad. Our students also participate and excel in various Sports and cultural activities in addition to academics. The department also has three student clubs
namely Embedded System Design & Robotics Club, VLSI & Digital System Design Club, and Communication System & Singnal Processing Club. These clubs provide a platform for research and innovation by organizing various technical events.
I invite potential students to join the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering for overall growth and a great learning experience.
Professor and Head of Department
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Amity University