Prof. Pan Agathoklis, University of Victoria, Canada in discussion with Dr. M.K.Dutta, Dr. Ayush Goyal and Dr. Basant Singh Shikarwar on 11th Feb 2016. Some research discussions on collaboration possibility in the areas of Image fusion, Image reconstruction etc was discussed. Prof. Marius Pedersen, Director of The Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory Gjovik University College, Norway also participated in the discussion.
Dr. Leonardo Bocchi, Assistant Professor, Information Sciences and Engineering University of Florence, Italy in discussion with Dr. Basant Singh Sikarwar, Ms. Garima Vyas, Mr. Sourav Mishra and B.Tech students on 12th Feb 2016. Discussion was on research conducted in micro-circulation conducted at University of Firenze.
Prof. Raimo Kantola, Dept of Communication & Networking Aalto University, Finland in discussion with Col. R.K. Kapoor, Dr. M.R. Tripathy, Dr. Sindhu Hak Gupta, Ms. Monika Kaushik, Ms. Nidhi Gaur, Mr. Jitendra Jadon and B.Tech students on 12th Feb 2016. Some research discussions regarding physical layer related issues in Wireless Communication and Reliability and possibility of research collaboration was explored.
Dr. Radim Burget, BRNO University of Technology, Czech Republic, European Union in discussion with Dr. M. K. Dutta and B.Tech students on 10th Feb 2016. Discussion regarding semi-supervised and supervised methods in image processing took place. Dr. Radim also explained many open research problems to the students.
Prof. Hsi-Pin Ma, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan in discussion with Dr. Sindhu Hak Gupta, Dr. Rinki Gupta, Mr. Ashutosh Gupta and Mr. Gaurav Chitranshi on 12th Feb 2016. Some research discussions on the topics Canine Body Area Network, implementation of circuitry for biomedical monitoring, EMG signals for human gesture took place.
Prof. Hui-Huang Hsu, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan in discussion with Dr. Rinki Gupta, B.Tech and M.Tech students on 11th Feb 2016. Discussion took place on various aspects of unaided navigation systems and multi-sensor data fusion.
Prof. Mauris Pederson, Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory in discussion with Ms. Arshdeep Kaur, Ms. Garima Mehta, Ms. Abhilasha Singh and B. Tech students on 12th Feb 2016. Some research discussions on image and video quality, visual restoration and signal processing related with image and video was explored.
Prof. Patrick Gaydecki, University of Manchester, U.K. after the discussion with Mr.Ashutosh Gupta, Dr. Mayank Srivastava, Ms. Garima Vyas, Mr. Gaurav Chitranshi,Mr. Prateej Senger, Mr. Gagan Minocha and B.Tech and M.Tech students on 11th Feb 2016. Demonstration and discussion on Signal wizard 2.5/3 to further the research in the area of DSP took place.
Prof. Ivan Linscott, Stanford University in discussion with Dr. M. S. Prasad, AISST faculty and students on 11th Feb 2016. Problems faced in Space Data Management and Filtering was covered in the discussion.
Dr. Prof. Xavier Fernando, Director, Ryerson Communications Lab, Ryerson University, Canada in discussion with Dr. M.R. Tripathy, Dr. Sindhu Hak Gupta, Ms. Shuchismita Pani, B.Tech and M.tech students on 11th Feb 2016. Research discussion on the topics MIMO antenna for 5G communication, Machine learning plus clustering algorithm implementation in Wireless Sensor Networks took place.
Prof. Yi Qian, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in discussion with Col. R. K. Kapoor, Dr. M. R. Tripathy, Dr. Sindhu Hak Gupta, Ms. Asmita Rajawat, B.Tech and M.Tech students on 10th Feb 2016. Discussion on the topics threshold based protocols and their significance in Wireless Sensor Networks and application of Energy efficient clustering protocols in Wireless Body Area Network was discussed.
Prof. Sven Hendrik Voss, Technical University of Berlin, Germany in discussion with Dr. M.K.Dutta, Ms Garima Vyas and students of B.Tech (ECE) on 11th Feb 2016. Research discussion was on Food Quality Analysis and Emotion Detection from speech signals for voice processing.
Prof. Rangaraj M Rangayyan, University of Calgary, Canada at Research Lab in Amity University in discussion with Dr. M K Dutta about Glaucoma diagnosis considering various shape factors for Optic Disc, Optic Cup identification and Neo-Vascularization on Disc.
Prof. Peter Puschner, Vienna Technical University, Austria in discussion with Ms. Nitasha Hasteer and M.Tech student on 11th Feb 2016. Discussion was on management of workload on servers and communication networks and timing characterization for real time services.
Prof. Henrik Hautop Lund, Technical University of Denmark, in discussion with Dr M K Dutta, Mr Gaurav Chitranshi and students of B.Tech on 11th Feb 2016. Some research discussion regarding the possible collaboration and joint research in developing electronic products and games for elderly, suffering with cerebral palsy and disabled persons with emphasis on considering India as a new market for such products.
Dr. Hamid Vakilzadian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska in discussion with Dr J K Rai, Ms Anita Thakur and students of M.Tech on 11th Feb 2016. Exploration and technical discussion on research collaboration prospects on Qualitative Modelling of Sensors using VANETs and neuro-fuzzy logic.
Dr. Yukio Ohsawa, University of Tokyo, Japan and Mr. Teruaki Hayashi (Research Scholar) in a workshop at Amity University with the students of B.Tech and M.Tech on 12th Feb 2016. The workshop on Innovators Marketplace on Data Jackets was organised and conducted by Dr Ohsawa and his team. The theme of the workshop based on concept of IMDJ was "Towards a Better Life in a Better and Safe City in India".