Ishan Sharma of B.Tech ECE,participated in an annual concert of "Take The Stage" at Musical Dreams.
When nature has struck the state of Uttarakhand and have left many people worried for livelihood and children homeless, musical dreams have taken this initiative of donating all the proceeds of the ticket sales of the Annual Concert to raise funds for the relief work in Uttarakhand. The collected funds will be donated to “Save the children” an NGO working directly for the cause. The aim of the concert was for a noble cause of supporting the children in great need.
Military Training Camp was a life changing experience for all the students as well as the faculty members who accompanied the students. The students got to learn a whole lot of new things. They were able to experience the life of a soldier for 5 days and all the students were following the same routine as the soldiers of our country.. Every day was a new day for the students and each one of them used to be excited as to what is going to happen on that very day.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology organized a panel discussion on “Women Empowerment in India” on 20th March , 2017 at ASET. Many students from different years of Engineering participated and made the session to be quite interactive and fruitful. There was a participation of over 60 students who participated as audience whereas the panel participants were the mentioned 8 students. Also, Joyjeet Chatterjee from ECE department recited a poem on Goddess Durga. The key points raised in the panel discussion were as follows:
A few students also mentioned that the rights are already there and we just need to widen our horizon.
Pannelist: Mr. Manish Sharma and Dr.(Ms.) Anu Mehra, Mr.Asutosh.