S. No. |
Name of Students |
Programme |
Name of Faculty Mentor |
Type of Research work |
Year |
Title of the Paper |
Publication Details |
J. Awatramani, G. Verma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2022 |
Investigating Strategies and Parameters to Predict Maintenance of an Elevator System |
3rd International |
Shrivastava, A. |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2021 |
Implications of the intertwined effects of curriculum inclusive moocs |
International Journal of Information and Education Technology |
Gupta, P., Prabhakar, S. |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2022 |
Virtual machine for IOS devices |
2022 International Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference, MECON 2022, 2022. |
Khan, A.I., Jain, S., |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2022 |
A New Approach for Human Identification using AI |
2022 International Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference, MECON 2022, 2022. |
Pratibha Sharma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2021 |
Facial Emotion Recognition Model |
Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore
Aksh Agrawal |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2021 |
Review of Cybersecurity Post-COVID-19
Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore
Bhardwaj, A., Kumar, Y. |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2021 |
A Hybrid Model to Investigate Perception towards Adoption of Autonomous Vehicles in India |
IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GUCON 2021 |
Jasmine Awatramani and G. Verma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2021 |
Implementing Deep Learning Model to Predict the Maintenance of an Elevator System |
IEEE 2nd International Conference of Emerging Technologies 2021, Belgaum, India, (in press).
M. Tomar, T. Arora |
B.Tech (IT) |
A. Sai Sabitha and N. Hasteer |
Publication |
2021 |
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models for COVID-19 Diagnosis |
2nd International Conference on Cyber Computing and Communications, Jalandhar, India, (in press). |
Aakankshu Rawat |
B.Tech (IT) |
Seema Rawat, A. Sai Sabitha |
Publication |
2021 |
Application of machine learning and data visualization techniques for decision support in the insurance sector |
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, Vol.1(2), pp: 100012.
Majumdar, P., Singh, A., Pandey, A., Chaudhary, P. |
M.Tech(CN&IS) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2021 |
A Deep Learning Approach Against Botnet Attacks to Reduce the Interference Problem of IoT |
Advances in Intelligent Systems, Springer and Computing, 2021, 1172, pp. 645–655 |
Gupta, T. |
B.Tech. IT |
Dr. Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2021 |
Estimating the Software Project Effort using Regression based Techniques |
9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions), ICRITO 2021 |
Abdul Yabar Rafiqia |
M.Tech(CN&IS) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2021 |
Features Analysis and Extraction Techniques for the Image Steganography |
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)Vol. 12 No. 8 (2021) |
Naman Gupta
B.Tech (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma, Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2020 |
Automated Attendance System Using OpenCV |
8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions)(ICRITO), pp. 1226-1230. IEEE, 2020.
Rashbir Singh, Gulpreet Kaur Chadha
B.Tech (IT) |
Vikas Deep, and Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2020 |
Self-Power Generating Indoor Air Purifier Robot |
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 9, no. 1 (2020).
Malavika Goyal
B.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2020 |
Weaponization OF AI |
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2019, 2019, pp. 80–83.
A. Singh, M. Goyal, Vidhi, J. Nagpal and A. Agarwal |
B.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2020 |
Cognitive Behaviour Analysis Of Adolescents |
International Conference on contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), 2019, pp. 44-48, doi: 10.1109/IC3I46837.2019.9055664. |
S. Shokeen and A. Singh |
B.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2020 |
Deploying an e-commerce website using Amazon Web Services |
2019 International Conference on contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), 2019, pp. 94-100, doi: 10.1109/IC3I46837.2019.9055586. |
S. Chaudhary and A. Singh |
B.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2020 |
Artificial Intellegence In Sports |
2019 International Conference on contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), 2019, pp. 84-93, doi: 10.1109/IC3I46837.2019.9055689. |
Anshul Bhardwaj |
B.Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2020 |
IoT in automobile sector: State of the art |
Proc. Conflu. 2020 - 10th Int. Conf. Cloud Comput. Data Sci. Eng., pp. 254–259, 2020, doi: 10.1109/Confluence47617.2020.9058202. |
Anshul Bhardwaj |
B.Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2020 |
Aspects to foster competences for engineering graduates: Education 4.0 paradigm |
Proc. 2020 9th Int. Conf. Syst. Model. Adv. Res. Trends, SMART 2020, pp. 480–484, 2020, doi: 10.1109/Confluence47617.2020.9058202. |
Jasmine |
B.Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2020 |
Facial Expression Recognition using Deep Learning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA), Greater Noida, India, 2020, pp. 35-39, doi: 10.1109/ICCCA49541.2020.9250768. |
Anshul Chhabra and Shradha Sapra |
B.Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer and Madhurima |
Publication |
2020 |
Exhibiting the Barricades to Academic Research in Computer Science Domain: An Indian Perspective |
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1206 CCIS, pp. 346-357. |
Tanuj Pawar, Vaishali Sharma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2020 |
Book Recommender System Based on Collaborative Filtering |
14th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology, SASTech 2019 |
Mallika |
B.Tech IT |
Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2020 |
The Effect of Cognitive Skills on User Task Based Search |
14th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology, SASTech 2019 |
Jasmine |
B.Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
Early Stage Detection of Malignant Cells: A Step Towards Better Life |
International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), Greater Noida, India, 2019, pp. 262-267, doi: 10.1109/ICCCIS48478.2019.8974543 |
Gaayan Verma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Madhurima Hooda and Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2019 |
A Proposed System for Security Surveillance to Detect Human Intrusion |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019 |
Swapnil Bhardwaj |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
Automatic Plant Watering System Using IoT |
Second International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT), 2019 |
Swapnil Bhardwaj |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
An Era of Face Filters |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019 |
Parth Sharma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
Hand Gesture Recognition Using 3-D Depth Perception |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019 |
Smriti Jojo |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
Possibilities at the Intersection of AI and Blockchain Technology |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019 |
Mohammad Asad |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
Knowledge Expert System in Medical Science |
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019 |
Asmita Tiwari and Priyal Chotwani
B.Tech (IT) |
Madhurima Hooda and Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2019 |
Fraudulent loan prediction using machine learning algorithms |
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 5, 1 May 2019, Pages 845-850 |
Harshit Khandelwal |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
An Analysis of Interactions Among Barriers on the Implementation of Green Computing: Using Multi-objective Decision Modelling ISM. |
Advanced Informatics for Computing Research. ICAICR 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 955. Springer, Singapore. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3140-4_51
Saurabh Mishra |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
iCop: A system for mitigation of felonious encroachment using GCM push notification |
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 731, pp. 631-638, Springer Nature ISSN:2194-5357.
Prangshu Dweep Baruah |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima |
Publication |
2019 |
Impact of IOT in Current Era |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing: Trends, Prespectives and Prospects, COMITCon 2019 |
Shubham Aggarwal, Anubhav Bose |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Ritu Gupta and Abhilasha Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Digitalization of Street Hawker and Vendor Services” in International Conference on Smart and Intelligent Learning for Information Optimization |
CONference on Smart and Intelligent Learning for Information Optimization (CONSILIO)-2019 8th-9th June, 2019 |
Pratibha Chaudhary, Pramathesh Majumder |
M. Tech (IT) |
Ritu Gupta and Abhilasha Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Joint image compression and encryption using a novel column-wise scanning and optimization algorithm |
Procedia Computer Science Journal, Elsevier, The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS2019) 6th -7th September, 2019 |
Gulpreet Kaur Chadha, Aakarsh Shrivastava, Deepanshi Singla |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Abhilasha Singh, Ritu Gupta |
Publication |
2019 |
An Automated Method for Counting Red Blood Cells using Image Processing |
Procedia Computer Science Journal, Elsevier, The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS2019) 6th -7th September, 2019. |
Pratibha Chaudhary, Pramathesh Majumder |
M.Tech (IT) |
Ritu Gupta and Abhilasha Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Analysis and Comparison of Various Fully Homomorphic Encryption Techniques |
International Conference On Computing, Power And Communication Technologies (Gucon 2019) 27th-28th September, 2019, IEEE XPLORE |
Charu Bisht |
B.Tech (IT) |
Deepti Mehrotra, Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2019 |
To Calculate the Usability of Healthcare Mobile Applications Using Cognitive Walkthrough |
Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information, 2019, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 478. pp. 265-272 ,Springer Singapore
Tanisha Ghalawat, Subham Lekhwar |
B.Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2019 |
Information Retrieval on Green Mining Dataset Using Divergence from Randomness Models |
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 56. Pp. 127-134, Springer Singapore |
Namit Jain |
B.Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2019 |
Analysis of Factors Affecting Infant Mortality Rate Using Decision Tree in R Language |
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 742. Pp. 639-646 ,Springer, Singapore |
Akash Vashishtha |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima Hooda |
Publication |
2019 |
Smart Cities in India: Revamping the Street Lighting System Using IOT |
Advanced Informatics for Computing Research. ICAICR 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 955. Springer, Singapore. DOI |
Sanyukta |
B.Tech (IT |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
A Deep Dissertion of Data Science: Related Issues and its Applications |
Proceedings - 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AICAI 2019 8701415, pp. 939-942 |
Siddharth |
B.Tech (IT |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrenices |
Proceedings - 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AICAI 2019 8701371, pp. 909-912 |
Rajbhandari, Sachet |
B.Tech (IT |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Big data in healthcare |
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 56, pp. 261-269 |
Gulpreet Chadha |
B.Tech (IT |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Bitcoin block-chain mining |
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, Confluence 2019 8776961, pp. 152-157 |
Lekhwar, S. |
B.Tech (IT |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2019 |
Big data analytics in retail |
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 107, pp. 469-477 |
Kanwar Ramansh |
B.Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2018 |
Trend Analysis of Retail Chain using Statistical Analysis System |
Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA2018) 21-23 December 2018 |
A.K Nazari |
M.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2018 |
E-Commerce—Consumer Perceptive Model for Online Purchases |
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 563, pp. 409-415 |
Tanuj Pawar |
B.Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2018 |
Analysis of Sentiments for Sports data using RapidMiner |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things, ICGCIoT 2018, pp. 625-628 |
Tanuj Pawar |
B.Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2018 |
Relevance feedback on mobile data using RapidMiner
4th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT - 2018) 6-8th September 2018 |
Oury, D.T.M., Singh, A. |
M.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2018 |
Data analysis of weather data using hadoop technology |
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 77, pp. 723-730 |
Hina Gupta |
M.Tech (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2018 |
Proposed ict-based transportation model: EEG |
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 653, pp. 31-38 |
Aashie Roy Saxena |
B.Tech (IT) |
Saru Dhir and Madhurima Hooda |
Publication |
2018 |
Perceptions of Millennials Towards Social Media Privacy Issues: A Survey |
International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication, CTCEEC 2017 8455161, pp. 1154-1158 |
Pratibha Chaudhary |
M.Tech (CN&IS) |
Ritu Gupta, Abhilasha Singh |
Publication |
2018 |
Analysis and Comparison of Various Fully Homomorphic Encryption Techniques |
International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Sciences 20 -21 February, 2018. Published in International journal of Engineering and technology indexed in Scopus. |
Rashi Srivastava |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2018 |
Analyse Power Consumption by Mobile Applications Using Fuzzy Clustering Approach |
International Journal of Engineering. 2018 Dec 1;31(12):2037-43. DOI : 10.5829/ije.2018.31.12c.07 |
Shradha Sapra and Anshul Chhabra |
B.Tech (IT) |
Madhurima Hooda, Saru Dhir |
Research Paper |
2018 |
Smart Med-Minder |
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2018, Vol.9, No. 11, page 661. DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01533.4.
Bonny |
Dr A.Sai Sabitha & Ritu Punhani |
Research Paper |
2018 |
Identification of Regions and |
2018 4th International Conference on |
Shivangi Gupta |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Dr A.Sai Sabitha |
Research Paper |
2018 |
Deciphering the attributes of student retention in massive open online courses using data mining techniques |
Education and Information Technologies, Publisher:Springer Nature, ISSN:1360-2357. |
Dakshita Sharma |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Dr A.Sai Sabitha |
Book Chapter |
2018 |
Discovering the Unknown Patterns of Crop Production Using Clustering Analysis |
Emerging Trends in Expert Applications and Security(593-604), Publisher Springer, Singapore, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-2285-3_70 |
Ashish Aggarwal |
B.Tech (IT) |
Chetna Choudhary, Dr. Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2018 |
Evaluation of smartphones in Indian market using EDAS |
Procedia Computer Science Volume 132, 2018, Pages 236-243 (International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (ICCIDS 2018))
Mayank Tyagi |
M.Tech |
Chetna Choudhary, Rana Majumdar |
Publication |
2018 |
A Survey On Gaming Engines Accessibility |
Presented in 1st International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering (FLAME - 2018) October 3rd – 5th , 2018 |
Noshiba Nazir |
M. Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer, Rana Majumdar |
Research Paper |
2018 |
Barriers to Agile Adoption: A Developers Perspective |
Joint International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and 8th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations (JIRICQRIT 2017) 8th -10th February, 2017. Proceedings published by Springer, pp 87-95 |
Deepshika Nagpal, Rashi Srivastava |
BTech (IT) |
Deepti Mehrotra |
publication |
2018 |
Multiclass classification of mobile applications as per energy consumption |
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences (2018), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jksuci.2018.05.007 |
Vibhor Jain, Neha Sharma |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2018 |
An Augmented Reality-based 3D solar system for Effective Science Learning |
5th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom-2018, 14th - 16th March, 2018. |
Ishita Singh |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2018 |
An Improved Approach for Detection of Unattended Objects in Crowded Space |
5th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom-2018, 14th - 16th March, 2018. |
Pramathesh Majumder |
M.Tech. (CN&IS) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2018 |
Cyber Security: A Hybrid Cryptic Model for Protection against Ransomware Attack |
5th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom-2018, 14th - 16th March, 2018.
Harry Singh |
B.Tech (IT) |
Chetna Choudhary, Rana Majumdar |
Publication |
2018 |
Virtual Reality as a Marketing Tool |
6th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Expert Applications & Security (ICETEAS 2018) 17th-18th February, 2018. Proceedings published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Singapore and indexed in Scopus |
Bonny Paulos |
M.Tech (CN&IS) |
Dr. A. Sai Sabitha, Ritu Punhani |
Publication |
2018 |
Identification of regions and probable health risks due to air pollution using k-mean clustering techniques |
Fourth-international conference on computational intelligence and communication technology (CICT 2018) 9th – 10th February, 2018. |
Dakshita Sharma |
B.Tech (IT) |
Dr. A. Sai Sabitha |
Publication |
2018 |
Discovering the unknown patterns of crop production using clustering technique |
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Expert Applications & Security ICETEAS 2018: Proceedings published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Singapore and |
Ratnakar Kumar |
B. Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2018 |
Evaluating factors influencing Contestant Behavior in Competitive Development |
Confluence-2018:8th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering 11th -12th January, 2018. Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore and |
Sakshi Srivastava |
B.Tech (IT) |
Abhilasha Singh and Ritu Gupta |
Publication |
2018 |
Automatic Detection of Eczema Using Image Processing
International Conference on Wireless, Intelligent and Distributed Environment for Communication (WIDECOM 2018) 16th -18th February, 2018. Proceedings published in Springer Series: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies |
Deepanshi Singla |
B.Tech (IT) |
Abhilasha Singh and Ritu Gupta |
Publication |
2018 |
Texture Analysis of Fruits for its Deteriorated Classification |
International Conference on Wireless, Intelligent and Distributed Environment for Communication (WIDECOM 2018) 16th -18th February, 2018. Proceedings published in Springer Series: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies |
Archit Sood |
B. Tech (IT) |
Abhilasha Singh and Ritu Gupta |
Publication |
2018 |
Analysing, Designing, Implementation and Coding E-commerce through UX |
International Conference on Wireless, Intelligent and Distributed Environment for Communication (WIDECOM 2018) 16th -18th February, 2018. Proceedings published in Springer Series: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies |
Deepshika Nagpal and Rashi Srivastava |
B. Tech (IT) |
Dr Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2017 |
Feature Selection Approach for Reducing The Power Consumption For a Greener Environment |
2nd International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks (TELNET- 2017) 10th -11th August, 2017. Proceedings be published in IEEE Xplore and |
Sakshi Goel |
M.Tech (IT) |
Dr Deepti Mehrotra, |
Publication |
2017 |
Mobile Applications Usability Parameters: Taking an Insight View |
Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development. Published in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10- |
Divya lal, Adiba Abidin |
M.Tech (IT) |
Dr Deepti Mehrotra, Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2017 |
E-Commerce website design improvement based on web usage mining |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol 10, issue 15, International Science Press, 2017, p.p 187-193, ISSN 0974-5572 |
Ratnakar Kumar |
B. Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2017 |
Determination of factors influencing Contestant Behavior in Competitive Development |
2017 IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics 23rd – 24th November, 2017. |
Manisha Ranwa , Gargi Mehrotra |
M.Tech. (CN&IS) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2017 |
Novel leader election algorithm using buffer |
2nd International Conference on Telecommunication and Networks, TELNET- 2017 10th -11th August, 2017. |
Gaur, N. |
M.Tech(IT) |
Dr. Archana Singh |
Publication |
2017 |
Recommender system-Making lifestyle healthy using information retrieval |
Proceedings on 2016 2nd International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies, NGCT 2016 7877463, pp. 479-484 |
Rana, S. |
M.Tech(IT) |
Dr. Archana Singh |
Publication |
2017 |
Comparative analysis of sentiment orientation using SVM and Naive Bayes techniques |
Proceedings on 2016 2nd International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies, NGCT 2016 7877399, pp. 106-111 |
Gupta, D., Shubham Singhal |
B.Tech(IT) |
Dr. Archana Singh |
Publication |
2017 |
Network intrusion detection system using various data mining techniques |
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems, RAINS 2016 7764418 |
Sakshi Garg, Varsha Singh |
M.Tech. (CN&IS) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2017 |
A Novel Approach for Efficient Bandwidth Utilization in Transport Layer Protocols |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics-2017 (ICCII-2017) 25th-27th September 2017. Proceedings Published in AISC series of Springer. |
Shivam Barthwal |
B. Tech (IT) |
Rana Majumdar, Chetna Choudhary and Rachna Jain |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Source Code Management Using Version Control System |
6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017) 22nd -24th September 2017. |
Anshul Chabra, Bhakti Singh |
B. Tech (IT) |
Abhishek Srivastava |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Application and use of mcdm technique in software industry |
2017 International Conference on Infocom Technologies and |
Mayank Choudhary, Vaishali Tyagi |
B. Tech (IT) |
Abhishek Srivastava |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Comparison between smart phones on the basis of their reliability factors |
2017 International Conference on Infocom Technologies and |
Shivam Barthwal |
B. Tech (IT) |
Abhishek Srivastava |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Source Code Management Using Version Control System |
6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017) 22nd -24th September 2017. |
Shashwat Pathak |
B. Tech (IT) |
Madhurima Hooda |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Pervasive Security of Internet Enabled Host Services |
International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication" (ICCTCEEC) 8th -9th September, 2017. |
Aashie Roy Saxena |
B. Tech (IT) |
Madhurima Hooda |
Research Paper |
2017 |
A Study and Comparison of Prediction Algorithms for Depression Detection among Millennials: A Machine Learning Approach |
International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication" (ICCTCEEC) 8th -9th September, 2017. |
Ratnakar Kumar |
B. Tech (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Evaluating Usability of a Web Application: A comparative analysis of open-source tools |
2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems 19th -20th October, 2017 |
Shruti Sharma |
M.Tech (SE) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Investigating Key Areas of Research in Crowdsourcing Software Development |
3rd International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA 2017) 17th -18th August, 2017. |
Pankit Arora, Akshath Dhar, Tushar Singh |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2017 |
Abandoned object identification and detection system for railways in India |
2017 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), 2017, pp. 1-5. |
Surbhi Paltani, Avi Bhardwaj |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2017 |
Compute the Requirements and Need of an Online Donation Platform for Non-Monetary Resources using Statistical Analyses |
International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (ICICSE) held on 18th -19th August, 2017. Published in Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Singapore |
Shreya Srivastava |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2017 |
Debugging Approaches on various Software Processing Levels |
International conference of Electronics,Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017) 20th -22nd April, 2017. |
Niharika Piplani, Abhishek Wadhwa and Urjaa Bhatnagar |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2017 |
Reputation Management Using Social Media |
International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017) 20th -22nd April, 2017. |
Fredricka Joyous Masih |
M.Tech (IT) |
Ritu Punhani |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Analyzing E-Commerce website using Google Analytics Tool to enhance Customer Interaction |
International Conference on Information, Communication & Computing Technology (ICICCT – 2017) 13th May, 2017. Proceedings published in Springer CCIS series. |
Rajneesh Tanwar, Krishna Kanth Gupta |
M.Tech (CN&IS) |
Sunil Kumar Chowdhary and Abhishek Srivastava |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Decentralized Content Downloading Service: Intelligent Way of Traffic Congestion Control |
International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2017). |
Shivangi Gupta |
B.Tech (IT) |
Sunil Kumar Chowdhary |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Authentication through Electrocardiogram Signals based on Emotions- a Step towards ATM Security
6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017) 22nd -24th September 2017. |
Shruti Sharma |
M.Tech (SE) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Research Paper |
2017 |
An Exploratory Study on perception of Indian Crowd Towards Crowdsourcing Software Development |
International Conference on computing, communication and Automation 15th -16th September, 2017. |
Shweta |
M.Tech(IT) |
Vikas Deep and Naveen Garg |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Cyber threats and its impact on e-commerce sites |
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2017) 27th -28th January, 2017. published in International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications |
Divya Lal, Adiba Abidin, |
M.Tech(IT) |
Vikas Deep and Naveen Garg |
Research Paper |
2017 |
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2017) 27th -28th January, 2017. published in International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications |
Priyal Chotwani, Yash Anand |
B. Tech (IT) |
Vikas Deep and Naveen Garg |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Analysis of security threats in mobile using case study of android operating system |
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2017) 27th -28th January, 2017. published in International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications |
Rashbir Singh, |
B. Tech (IT) |
Naveen Garg and Vikas Deep |
Research Paper |
2017 |
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2017) 27th -28th January, 2017. published in International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications |
Hina Gupta |
M. Tech. (IT)weekend |
Nitasha Hasteer, Rana Majumdar |
Research Paper |
2017 |
Interpretive Structure Modeling For Feature Dependency In Sentiment Analysis |
Confluence-2017:7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering 12th -13th January, 2017. |
Sakshi Garg, Angadpreet Walia |
M.Tech (CN&IS) & (M.Tech IT) |
Abhilasha Singh, Anju Mishra |
Research Paper |
2017 |
A Study on Shape Detection: An Unexplored Parameter in the Gall Stones Identification |
1st International Conference on Smart Systems, Innovations and Computing (SSIC-2017) 15th -16th April, 2017. Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart System, Innovations and Computing. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, Singapore |
Adiba Abidin, Divya Lal |
M.Tech (CN&IS) & (M.Tech IT) |
Sunil Kumar Chowdhary |
Publication |
2017 |
Advanced Crowd Management using ICT for just in time monitoring and real time alerts |
Confluence-2017:7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering 12th -13th January, 2017. |
Shreya Aliwadi Vrinda Shandila, Tanisha Gahlawat |
B. Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2017 |
Diagnosis of Diabetic nature of a Person using SVM and ANN Approach |
6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017) 22nd -24th September 2017. |
Tanisha Gahlawat, |
B. Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2017 |
The Relationship between User Preferences in Interactive Information Retrieval Evaluation |
6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2017) 22nd -24th September 2017. |
Angadpreet Singh Walia, Tanisha Gahlawat |
M.Tech (IT) & B. Tech (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2017 |
An Emperical Study: Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval Systems |
International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication" (ICCTCEEC) 8th -9th September, 2017. |
Nisha Mattas |
M.Tech (IT) |
Dr Deepti Mehrotra, Dr A Sai Sabitha |
Publication |
2016 |
Landscape analysis of patent dataset |
Journal of intellectual property rights, vol 21, CSIR-NISCAIR, 2016, pp 211-225 |
Singh V., Gupta, H. |
M. Tech. (IT)weekend |
Rana Majumdar, Chetna Choudhary |
Publication |
2016 |
Developing quality enhancement framework using ism in software industries |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9, Issue Specialissue11, 2016, Pages 5227-5234 |
Rajneesh Tanwar, Krishna Kanth Gupta |
M.Tech (CN&IS) |
Sunil Kumar Chowdhary |
Publication |
2016 |
Optimized Approach to Electing Coordinator Out of Multiple Election in a Ring Algorithm of Distributed System |
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2016) 21st -23rd December, 2016. Proceedings published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer |
Gargi Mehrotra |
M.Tech (CN&IS) |
Sunil Kumar Chowdhary |
Publication |
2016 |
IRIS acknowledgment based confirmation framework in ATM |
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2016) 21st -23rd December, 2016. Proceedings published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer |
Dikshant Gupta, Suhani Sinha |
B.Tech (IT) |
Shamita Malik |
Publication |
2016 |
Network intrusion detection system using various data mining techniques |
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS) 6th -7th May, 2016. |
Hina Gupta |
M. Tech. (IT) Weekend |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2016 |
Utility of Corpus based Approach in the Recognition of Opinionated Text |
Published in Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 2016 Nov 28;9(44) |
Ahmad Khalid Nazari |
M.Tech(IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
Commerce- Consumer perceptive model for online purchases |
International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2016) 21st -23rd December, 2016. Proceedings published by Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer |
Shweta Rana |
M.Tech(IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
Comparative Analysis of Sentiment Orientation Using SVM and Naïve Bayes Techniques |
Next Generation Computing Technologies, (NGCT) 14th -16th October, 2016. |
Neha Gaur |
M.Tech(IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
Performance Analysis of Social Network Algorithms on Real World Networks |
International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2016) held on 9th -10th September, 2016. |
Jaya Bajpai, Sweta |
M.Tech(CSE), M.Tech(IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
ICT enabled homes for senior citizens |
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 51, pp. 549-554 |
Benerjee, S., Shukla, S., Singhal, S. |
M.Tech(CSE), M.Tech(IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
Attenuation of broadband problems using data mining techniques |
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 51, pp. 313-322 |
Bhumika Thereja |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Ritu Punhani |
Publication |
2016 |
Performance Assesment in E-Bussiness for Automobile Accessories Website |
International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2016) 9th -10th September, 2016. |
Anchal Sood |
B. Tech. (IT) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2016 |
AAWAAZ A Communication System for Deaf and Dumb |
International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2016) 7th -9th September, 2016. |
Jyotsna Nigam, Richu Thakur |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Abhilasha Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
Wavelet Based Robust Watermarking Technique for Integrity Control in Medical Images |
International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering 22nd -23rd September, 2016. |
Shikha Karwal, Pulkit Mundra |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Ritu Gupta |
Publication |
2016 |
DWT-SVD Based Watermarking Scheme of JPEG Images using Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2016) 7th -9th September, 2016. |
Abhishek Wadhwa |
B. Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2016 |
Analyses using Hive and Comparison of Visualization tools on Hadoop |
International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering & Technology. (REDSET 2016) 21st -22nd October, 2016. Published in Springer CCIS series |
Sumana Ghosh, Navjot Kaur Walia |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra , Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
A fuzzy association rule mining approach using movie lens dataset |
Published in CSI Transactions on ICT, December 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2–4, pp 249–254 by Springer |
Azra Bashir |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2016 |
Qos ensurance in cloud |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications Volume 9 Issue No 11,pp. 5191-5198, 2016. |
Ishita Kapoor |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2016 |
Home Security Using Biometric Sensor |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications Volume 9, Issue No 17, pp. 8407-8413, 2016. |
Rishabh Bhandari, Surabhi Pandey |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma and Shamita Malik |
Publication |
2016 |
Communication Portal using XAMPP |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications Volume 9, Issue No 18 2016, pp. 8945-8951. |
Divesh Keswani |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2016 |
Google’s Project Loon |
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications Volume 9, Issue No 17, 2016, 8399-8406. |
Rajneesh Tanwar, Ahmad Khalid Nazari |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Naveen Garg , Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2016 |
Railway Reservation Verification by Aadhar Card |
International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS 2016) 11th -13th February, 2016. |
Divya Lal , Adiba Abidin |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Naveen Garg , Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2016 |
Advanced Immediate Crime Reporting to Police in India |
International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS 2016) 11th -13th February, 2016. |
Mohammed Aashkaar |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma, Naveen Garg |
Publication |
2016 |
Performance Analysis using J48 Decision Tree for Indian Corporate world |
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS) 6th -7th May, 2016. |
Mohammed Aashkaar |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2016 |
Enhanced energy efficient AODV routing protocol for MANET |
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS) 6th -7th May, 2016. |
Harleen Kaur |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Naveen Garg |
Publication |
2016 |
Analysis of Hadoop Performance And Unstructured Data Using Zeppelin |
International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS) 6th -7th May, 2016. |
Shruti Sharma |
M.Tech (SE) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2016 |
A Comprehensive Study on State of Scrum Development |
International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA-2016) 29th – 30th April, 2016. |
Noshiba Nazir |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2016 |
A survey on Agile Practices in the Indian IT Industry |
Confluence-2016: Global Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit 14th -15th January, 2016. |
Pooja Sharma |
M.Tech (SE) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2016 |
Analysis of linear sequential and extreme programming development methodology for a gaming application |
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP'16) 6th -8th April, 2016. |
Nisha Mattas |
M.Tech (IT) |
Dr Deepti Mehrotra, Dr A Sai Sabitha |
Publication |
2016 |
Landscape analysis of patent dataset |
Journal of intellectual property rights, vol 21, CSIR-NISCAIR, 2016, pp 211-225 |
Shruti Sharma |
M. Tech (SE) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2016 |
Identifying the contextual relationship among agile adoption factors though interpretive structural modeling |
2016 International Conference on Information Technology (InCITe) - The Next Generation IT Summit on the Theme - Internet of Things: Connect your Worlds 6th -7th October, 2016. Proceedings published in IEEExplore and indexed in Scopus |
Kanamarlapudi Krishna Kanth Gupta, Rajneesh Tanwar |
M.Tech (CNIS) |
Purushottam Sharma |
Publication |
2016 |
securing an external drive by using internet, by use of IOT concept |
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI – 2016) 22nd -24th September, 2016. Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer |
Kanamarlapudi Krishna Kanth Gupta, Rajneesh Tanwar |
M.Tech (CN&IS) |
Sunil Kumar Chowdhary |
Publication |
2016 |
Optimized approach to electing coordination out of multiple election in a ring algorithm of distributed system |
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI – 2016) 22nd -24th September, 2016. Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer |
Pooja Sharma |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2016 |
Functional & Non-Functional Requirement Elicitation and Risk Assessment for Agile Processes |
International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management (SCESM 2016) 9th -10th September, 2016.
Sumana Ghosh Shweta Shukla |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
Application of Decision Tree for understanding Indian Educational Scenario |
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) 3rd -5th March, 2016. |
Gursewak Singh Sidhu1 , Md. Asadur Rahman |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
Analysis of approaches for extracting text through images |
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS 2016) 1st -2nd June, 2016. Published in IET Digital Library and indexed by IET Inspec |
Nisha Mattas |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
Landscape analysis of patent dataset |
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, JIPR Vol.21(4) [July 2016], pp-211-225 |
Neha Gaur |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2016 |
Recommender System - Making Lifestyle healthy Using Information Retrieval |
Next Generation Computing Technologies, (NGCT) 14th -16th October, 2016. |
Navjot Kaur Walia |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
An IOT by Information Retrieval approach: Smart Lights controlled using WiF |
Confluence-2016: Global Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit 14th -15th January, 2016. |
Navjot Kaur Walia |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
Prediction of carbon stock available in forest using naïve bayes Approach |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT 2016) 12th -13th February, 2016. |
K. KrishnaKanth Gupta |
M.Tech. (CN&IS) |
Sapna Shukla |
Publication |
2016 |
Internet of Things: Security Challenges for Next Generation Networks |
International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS-INBUSH) 3rd -5th February, 2016. |
Ayushi Jain, Garima Ahuja |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Anuranjana, Deepti Mehrotra |
Publication |
2016 |
Data Mining approach to analyse the road accidents in India |
International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2016) 7th -9th September, 2016. |
Ayushi Shukla |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2016 |
Tools for Data Visualization in Business Intelligence: Case Study Using the Tool Qlikview |
International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Application (INDIA 2016) 8th -9th January, 2016. Published in Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer |
Ruchie Goswami, Mansi Jasuja |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2016 |
Impact of Different Estimation Approaches in Traditional and Agile Development |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT 2016) 12th -13th February, 2016. |
Shivangi Gupta |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2016 |
Issues, Challenges and Estimation Process for Secure Web Application Development |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT 2016) 12th -13th February, 2016. |
Preeti Chawla, Manisha Singh |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2015 |
Prediction of pollution potential of Indian rivers using empirical equation consisting of water quality parameters |
International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR 2015) 10th – 12th July, 2015. |
Priyanka Upadhyay, Abhishek Singh |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Naveen Garg |
Publication |
2015 |
Evaluating Seed Germination Monitoring System by Application of Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2015) 5th -6th December, 2015. Published in Computational Intelligence in Data Mining—Volume 2. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer |
Munib Ur Rehman |
M.Tech. (CN&IS) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2015 |
Proposed ICT Based Solution-Slow Learner in India |
Computer Society of India (CSI-2015) 2nd -5th December, 2015. Proceedings published by Springer |
Hina Gupta, Sakshi Goel |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Archana Singh |
Publication |
2015 |
Proposed ICT based Transportation Model: EEG |
Computer Society of India (CSI-2015) 2nd -5th December, 2015. Proceedings published in ICT Based Innovations. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Singapore |
Smarika,Nisha Mittas |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Deepti Mehrotra, Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2015 |
Agglomerative hierarchical Clustering technique for partitioning patent dataset |
International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2015) 2nd -4th September, 2015. |
Chandrika Sikka |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir, Madhurima |
Publication |
2015 |
A survey on challenges in Software Development during the Adoption of Agile Environment |
International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (ICICSE-2015) 7th -8th August, 2015. Published in Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, Singapore |
Mahima Mishra |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2015 |
Appraisement of different Software Estimation Models: A Rumination and Contradistinction |
International Conference On Soft Computing Techniques & Implementation (ICSCTI 2015) 8th – 10th October, 2015.
Priyanka Upadhyay, Gurpreet Matharu |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Naveen Garg |
Publication |
2015 |
Modeling Agility in Internet Of Things (IoT) Architecture |
International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Application (INDIA 2015) 8th -9th January, 2015. Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer |
Preeti Rai |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Madhurima, Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2015 |
A Prologue of JENKINS with Comparative Scrutiny of Various Software Integration Tools |
International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Application (INDIA 2015) 8th -9th January, 2015. Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer |
Archana Gupta, Ajita Verma, |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2015 |
Hybrid Filtering Model for Opinion Mining |
Global Conference on Communication Technologies (GCCT-2015) 23rd -24th April, 2015. |
Archana Gupta, Ajita Verma, |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2015 |
Tele Health Therapy: An Ambient Technology |
Global Conference on Communication Technologies (GCCT-2015) 23rd -24th April, 2015. |
Preeti Chawla, Manisha Singh, Gurpreet Singh Matharu |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2015 |
Systematic Overview of Mobile Virtualization Platforms: Comparative Analysis |
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT 2015) 5th -7th March, 2015.
Prerit Datta, Namandeep Kaur |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Naveen Garg |
Publication |
2015 |
Automatic Bus Fare Collection System in India |
International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Application (INDIA 2015) 8th -9th January, 2015. Published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer |
Parv Gupta, Mrigendra Kumar, Nishant Kumar |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Rana Majumdar |
Publication |
2015 |
Gram Sandesh Transmission-A Web Based Information System for Farmers |
International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2015) 2nd -4th September, 2015. |
Saurabh Mishra |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir, Madhurima |
Publication |
2015 |
A Study on Cyber Security, its Issues and Cyber crime rate in India |
International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (ICICSE-2015) 7th -8th August, 2015. Published in Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, Singapore |
Suraj Thappar |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Sunil K Chowdhary |
Publication |
2015 |
Compression and Optimization of Web-Contents |
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics (ICACNI 2015) 23rd -25th June, 2015. Published in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer |
Vyomkesh |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Madhurima, Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2015 |
Statistical Analysis of Indian E-Commerce Market |
International Conference On Soft Computing Techniques & Implementation (ICSCTI 2015) 8th – 10th October, 2015.
Gurpreet Singh Matharu, Lalita Chaudhary |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2014 |
Integrated Election Voting System: A Model for Leveraging ICT in the Indian Election Scenario |
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS' 14) 14th -16th November, 2014. Proceedings published by ACM - ICPS |
Gurpreet Singh Matharu, Pallavi Chhikara |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Anju Mishra |
Publication |
2014 |
CIEVS: A Cloud-based Framework to Modernize the Indian Election Voting System |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC) 18th -20th December, 2014. |
Archana Gupta, Ajita Verma, Lokesh Kumar |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2014 |
Big Data: A Security Compliance Model |
Conference on IT in Business, Industry and Government (CSIBIG) 8th -9th March, 2014. |
Archana Gupta, Ajita Verma |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Parul Kalra |
Publication |
2014 |
Relationship Classifier and Stress analyzer in the mobile messaging application network through Text Mining |
Confluence2014-The Next Generation IT Summit 25th -26th September, 2014. |
Pallavi Chhikara,Gurpreet Singh Matharu |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2014 |
Towards OpenFlow Based Software Defined Networks |
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC) 18th -20th December, 2014. |
Anupriya Tuli, Megha Sharma |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2014 |
Framework to leverage cloud for the modernization of the Indian agriculture system |
International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT 2014) 5th -7th June, 2014. |
Megha Sharma, Anupriya Tuli |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2014 |
Investigating the inclinations of research and practices in Hadoop: A Systematic Review |
Confluence2014-The Next Generation IT Summit 25th -26th September, 2014. |
Sahil Kumar Aggarwal |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Vikas Deep |
Publication |
2014 |
Speculation of CMMI in Agile Methodology |
International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics (ICACCI 2014) 24th -27th September, 2014. |
Sahil Aggarwal |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Saru Dhir |
Publication |
2014 |
Swift Tack: A New Development Approach |
International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT 2014) 7th -8th February, 2014. |
Parv Gupta |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Seema Rawat |
Publication |
2014 |
Analysis of Security Trends and Control Methods in Android Platform |
International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-2014) 28th -29th November, 2014. |
Parv Gupta |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Seema Rawat |
Publication |
2014 |
Digital Life Assistant using Automated Speech Recognition |
International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls with their impact on Humanity (CIPECH-2014) 28th -29th November, 2014. |
Anupriya Tuli, Megha Sharma |
M.Tech. (IT) |
Nitasha Hasteer |
Publication |
2013 |
Exploring Challenges in Mobile Cloud Computing: An Overview |
International Conference- Confluence 2013: The Next Generation Information Technology Summit
Anshul Kumar Sharma |
B.Tech. (IT) |
Vikas Deep, Naveen Garg |
Publication |
2013 |
An Efficient way of Articulation or Suppression in Agile Methodologies |
Confluence 2013 - The Next Generation Information Technology Summit 26th -27th September, 2013. |