Research Publication in Journal
YEAR 2022
- Yogesh Kumar, Anshul Bhardwaj, Nitasha Hasteer, and K. M. Soni, Facilitating Learner Centric Decision Making for Massive Open Online Courses, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol. 35, No. 3,2022.
- Rahul Sindhwani, Nitasha Hasteer, Abhishek Behl, Akul Varshney, and Adityanesh Sharma, Exploring “what,”“why” and “how” of resilience in MSME sector: a m-TISM approach, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2022.
- Charu Kathuria, Deepti Mehrotra, and Navnit Kumar Misra, A novel random forest approach to predict phase transition, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.494-503, 2022.
- Pasha, S. Hasnain, Deepti Mehrotra, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, and Gautam Srivastava, GSTChain: A Blockchain Network Application for the Goods and Services Tax, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 31, No.01, p.2250002, 2022.
- Runumi Devi, Deepti Mehrotra, Sana Ben Abdallah Ben Lamine, and Hajer Baazaoui Zghal, Constituent vs Dependency Parsing-Based RDF Model Generation from Dengue Patients’ Case Sheets, Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Vol. 21, No.01, p.2250013, 2022.
- Richa Sharma, Vasudha Vashisht, and Umang Singh, eeFFA/DE-a fuzzy-based clustering algorithm using hybrid technique for wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol. 21, No. 1-2, pp.129-157, 2022.
- Nagpal, Renuka, Deepti Mehrotra, Rajni Sehgal, Gautam Srivastava, and Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Overcoming Smart City Barriers Using Multi-Modal Interpretive Structural Modeling, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, pp.1-17,2022. (Article In Press)
- Gupta, R., Mehrotra, D. and Tyagi, R.K., Hybrid edge-based fractal image encoding using K-NN search, Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp.1-20, 2022. (Article In Press)
YEAR 2021
- Aakarsh Shrivastava, Nitasha Hasteer, and K. M. Soni, Implications of the Intertwined Effects of Curriculum Inclusive MOOCs, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2021
YEAR 2019
- Gupta, S. & Sabitha, A.S. Educ Inf Technol (2019) 24: 1973.
- Vineeta Kunwar, A. Sai Sabitha Tanupriya Choudhury Archit Aggarwal, “Chronic Kidney Disease Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Analysis”, International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN) 6(3), Volume 6: 4 Issues (2019): 3 pages 43-64) ISSN: 2334-4547|EISSN: 2334-4555|DOI: 10.4018/IJBAN
- Srivastava, Abhishek, P. K. Kapur, Deepti Mehrotra and Rana Majumdar. "Modelling Fault Detection Using SRGM in Agile Environment and Ranking of Models." JCIT 21.2 (2019): 1-20. Web. 10 May. 2019. doi:10.4018/JCIT.2019040101
- Gupta, P., Sharma, T.K., Mehrotra, D. et al. Neural Comput & Applic (2019) 31(Suppl 2): 845.
- Kalra, Parula, Mehrotra, Deepti, Wahid Abdul, “Mapping of the vector space model with cognitive skills of the user using fuzzy approach”, Intelligent Decision Technologies, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 461-469, 2018 DOI: 10.3233/IDT-180349
- Kalra, Parul, Mehrotra, Deepti, Wahid Abdul, “Mapping of the vector space model with cognitive skills of the user using fuzzy approach”, Intelligent Decision Technologies, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 461-469, 2018 DOI: 10.3233/IDT-180349
- Anurag Mishra, Ritu Gupta, Sarika Jain, “Secure and robust color image watermarking scheme using partial homomorphic cryptosystem in ASWDR compressed domain”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-7452-4
- Srivastava, Abhishek, P. K. Kapur, Deepti Mehrotra and Rana Majumdar. "Modelling Fault Detection Using SRGM in Agile Environment and Ranking of Models." JCIT 21.2 (2019): 1-20. Web. 10 May. 2019. doi:10.4018/JCIT.2019040101
- Choudhary, C., Kapur, P.K., Khatri, S.K., Shrivastava, A.K., “Effort-based Release and Patching Time of Software with Warranty using Change Point”, International Journal of Performability Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 6, 2019, Pages 1724-1733. ISSN: 09731318, Totem Publisher Inc.
YEAR 2018
- Gupta, S., & Sabitha, A. S. (2018). Deciphering the attributes of student retention in massive open online courses using data mining techniques. Education and Information Technologies, 1-22.
- Chandel, Veenita Kunwar, A. Sai Sabitha, Abhay Bansal, Tanupriya Choudhury .,"Analysing Thyroid Disease using Density Based Clustering Technique" International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining. DOI.10.1504/IJBIDM.2019.10013037 Inderscience Publishers (Scopus Indexed) 2018
- Rohit, Sai Sabitha, Tanupriya Choudhary, “Proposed approach for book recommendation based on user k-NN”, Advances in computer and computational Sciences, Advances in intelligent Systems and computing, Volume 554, Springer Singapore.
- Gupta P., Sabitha A.S., Choudhury T., Bansal A, “Terrorist Attacks Analysis Using Clustering Algorithm.”, Smart Computing and Informatics. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, volume 78.
- Joshi A., Bansal A., Sai Sabitha A., Choudhury T, “An Efficient Way to Find Frequent Patterns Using Graph Mining and Network Analysis Techniques on United States Airports Network”, Smart Computing and Informatics. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Volume 78, Springer Singapore.
- Goel, S., Sabitha, A. S., & Bansal, A., “Connecting the Gap Between Formal and Informal Attributes Within Formal Learning with Data Mining Techniques”, Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Springer Singapore(2018).
- Rajni Seghal, Deepti Mehrotra, Manju Bala, “Prioritizing the refactoring need for critical component using combined approach” Decision Science Letters, Vol 7 issue 3 pp 257-72, Growing Sciences, 2018 doi: 10.5267/j.dsl.2017.8.003 .
- Preeti Gupta, Deepti Mehrotra, Tarun Sharma, “Role of Decision Tree in supplementing Tacit Knowledge for Hypothetico-Deduction in Higher Education”International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer 2018, 9(1) pp 82-90 DOI: 10.1007/s13198-016-0483-6 ISSN: 0975-6809
- Divyam pandey, Renuka nagpal, Deepti mehrotra, “Navigational complexity metrics of a website”, Advances in intelligent systems and computing, Software Engineering: Proceedings of CSI 2015, Volume 731, Springer Singapore(2018).
- Deepti Mehrotra, Rashi srivastava, Renuka nagpal, Deepshika nagpal, “Multiclass classification of mobile applications as per energy consumption”, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Journal of King Saud University.
- Thakur, N., Mehrotra, D., Bansal, A., Bala, M., “A hybrid document similarity measure based on integrating kullback leibler distance & L1 norm for retrieving information from ohsumed data set”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10(3), pp. 386-391 (2018)
- Preeti Gupta, Tarun Sharma, Deepti Mehrotra, Ajith Abraham, “Knowledge building through optimized classification rule set generation using genetic based elitist multi objective approach”, Neural Computing And Applications, Volume 28, issue 6.
- RichaGupta, DeeptiMehrotra, Rajesh KumarTyagi, “ Comparative analysis of edge-based fractal image compression using nearest neighbor technique in various frequency domains”, Alexandria Engineering Journal 57(3), pp. 1525-1533
- Kalra, P., Mehrotra, D., Wahid, A., “Information retrieval on green computing through weighted power mean averaging operators”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10(13), pp. 2395-2404
- Pandey, H.M., Chaudhary, A., Mehrotra, D., “Bit mask-oriented genetic algorithm for grammatical inference and premature convergence”, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 12(1), pp. 54-69
- Kumari, M., Hasteer, N., “Individual centric framework for quantifiable attainment of career aspirations: An indian perspective”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 31(3), pp. 164-168
- Hasteer N., Bansal A., Murthy B.K., “Causal Analysis of Software Development Attributes for Cloud Applications: A Health Insurance Solution Case”, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 13(4).
- Hasteer N., Bansal A., Murthy B.K, “Barriers to Crowdsource Software Development: Evaluating the intertwined effects”, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Inderscience, (In Press).
- Rakhee, Singh, A., Kumar, A. , “Weather based fuzzy regression models for prediction of rice yield”, Journal of Agrometeorology 20(4), pp. 297-301
- Garg, S., Sharma, P., “Improved Qos in connection-oriented approach for TCP/IP suite”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 7(2.31 Special Issue 31), pp. 252-254
- Kumar, R., Sharma, P., Junejajuneja, S.S., “ Evaluating JRip and part classification methods in detection of coronary artery disease”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10(5), pp. 195-200
- Saxena, R., Johri, A., Deep, V., Sharma, P. , “Predicting malignant and benign brain tumor using image processing”, 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 7(2), pp. 199-202
- Sood, A., Hooda, M., Dhir, S., & Bhatia, M. (2018). An Initiative to Identify Depression using Sentiment Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach. Indian Journal Of Science And Technology, 11(4). doi:10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i4/119594. Indexed in ISI, Thomson Reuter.
- Shradha Sapra, Madhurima Hooda, Anshul Chhabra, Saru Dhir, “Smart Med-Minder”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2018, Vol.9, No. 11, page 661.
- Sood, A., Hooda, M., Dhir, S., & Bhatia, M. (2018). An Initiative to Identify Depression using Sentiment Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach. Indian Journal Of Science And Technology, 11(4). doi:10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i4/119594. Indexed in ISI, Thomson Reuter.
- Shradha Sapra, Madhurima Hooda, Anshul Chhabra, Saru Dhir, “Smart Med-Minder”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2018, Vol.9, No. 11, page 661.
- Madhulika Bhatia, Kamlesh Sharma, Mansi ., Anchal Garg and Madhurima Hooda, “Delineating academic state of Big Data and Data Science in accordance with industry Prerequisites” accepted in January, 2018 for forthcoming issue of International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Indexed in Scopus.
- Kshama Chaudhary, Naveen Agarwal, Naveen Garg and Vikas Deep, 2018. Iris Controlled Wheel Chair in Real Time. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13: 75-79.
- Devraj, Jain, R., Deep, V., Mishra, S., “Development and implementation of an expert system for insect-pests management in pulses”, 2018, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88(7), pp. 99-103
- Bhandari, R., Deep, V., Garg, N., “Data extraction in semantic web: Literature review”, 2018, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13(Specialissue3), pp. 3284-3288
- Saxena, R., Johri, A., Deep, V., Sharma, P. , “Predicting malignant and benign brain tumor using image processing”, 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) 7(2), pp. 199-202
- Kalra, P., Mehrotra, D., Wahid, A., “Information retrieval on green computing through weighted power mean averaging operators”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10(13), pp. 2395-2404
- Saksham Srіvastava, Rіtu Gupta, Aditya Yadav, Anshul Sharma, Abhilasha Singh, Sumit Kumar, “ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS FACTORS FOR ENCRYPTED IMAGES”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, volume 119, Academic Publications(2018).
- Aditya Yadav, Ritu Gupta, Saksham Srivastava, Anshul Sharma, Abhilasha Singh , Yugal Kumar, “WATERMARKING ON ENCRYPTED IMAGES WITH 3 LEVEL DWT”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,, volume 119, academic publications.
- Saksham Srіvastava, Rіtu Gupta, Aditya Yadav, Anshul Sharma, Abhilasha Singh, Sumit Kumar, “ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS FACTORS FOR ENCRYPTED IMAGES”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, volume 119, Academic Publications(2018).
- Aditya Yadav, Ritu Gupta, Saksham Srivastava, Anshul Sharma, Abhilasha Singh , Yugal Kumar, “WATERMARKING ON ENCRYPTED IMAGES WITH 3 LEVEL DWT”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,, volume 119, academic publications.
- Abhishek Srivastava, Yashi Mathur , Rana Majumdar , Ritu Gupta , Yugal Kumar, “Comparing IaaS providers present in the market: using hybrid intuitionistic fuzzy technique combined with TOPSIS”, International Journal of pure and applied mathematics, volume 119, academic publications(2018).
- Ritu Gupta, Anurag Mishra and Sarika Jain, “A semi-blind HVS based image watermarking scheme using elliptic curve cryptography”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer US Publishers.
- Rana Majumdar, P. K. Kapur, sunil K Khatri, A. K. Srivastava, “Evolutionary algorithm based faults optimization of multi-modular software”, Smart Computing and informatics, Smart Innovation, Systems and technology (SIST), volume78, Springer Singapore(2018).
- Rana Majumdar, Hina Gupta, Sakshi Goel, Abhishek srivastava, “Paradigmatic approach to cloud security: Challenges and remedies”, Advances in intelligent Systems and computing, Volume 729, Springer Singapore.
YEAR 2017
- Archana Singh., “Effects of customer perception and social interactions on brand equity: automobile sector”, International Journal of Data Analysis and Strategies, 9(1), pp 75-98, InderScience, 2017.
- Ritu Gupta, Abhilasha Singh, “A Secure Watermarking Scheme for Compressed Images for Big Data Analytics”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 33-39, 2017
- Abhilasha Singh, Malay Kishore Dutta, "A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Efficient Management of Tele-Ophthalmological Data", International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, IGI Global Publishers, USA, Accepted for publication.
- SaruDhir, Deepak Kumar , V.B. Singh, “Requirement Paradigms to Implement the Software Projects in Agile Development using Analytical Hierarchy Process”, Accepted in International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, vol 9, issue 3, article 2, 2017.
- Malik, Shamita, Sunil Kumar Khatri, Dolly Sharma. "Clus Phylo: Spark Based Fast and Reliable Approach for Reconstruction of Phylogenetic Network Using Large Databases." Journal of Biology and Today's World 6.6 (2017): 102-109.
- SaruDhir, Deepak Kumar , V.B. Singh, “Requirement Paradigms to Implement the Software Projects in Agile Development using Analytical Hierarchy Process”, Published in International Journal of Decision Support System Technology,vol 9, issue 3, article 2 2017.
- SaruDhir, Deepak Kumar ,V.B. Singh, “An Estimation Technique in Agile Archetype using Story Points and Function Point Analysis”, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, vol. 7, no. 4, 2017.
- Chetna Choudhary, P. K. Kapur, Sunil K. Khatri, A. K. Shrivastava, “Two Dimensional Generalized Framework to Determine Optimal Release and Patching Time of a Software”, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218539317400034)- Accepted.
- Panda R.,Sabitha S, Bhardwaj S."A Study of Sustainability on water quality of north Indian rivers using Data Mining Techniques”. International journal of control theory and applications ISSN : 0974-5572 Volume 9/ Number 46 , 2017.
- Joshi, D., Sabitha, S. & Sharma, S. “Air Pollution Data Analysis Using Time Series Clustering For IOT”. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications ISSN : 0974-5572 „ International Science Press Volume 9 • Number 46 • 2016 id: 1501571009, 2017.
- Sayam, Atul, Sabitha S, Bansal A. “A Bayesian belief approach for Business services in IoT” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications ISSN : 0974-5572 International Science Press Volume 9 • Number 46 • 2017
- Sabitha, S, Mehrotra, D Abhay Bansal. "An ensemble approach in converging contents of LMS and KMS." Education and Information Technologies 22.4 (2017): 1673-1694.
- Bharara, S., Sabitha, S. & Bansal, A. Educational Information Technology (2017).
- Arora, S., Goel, M., Sabitha, A. S., & Mehrotra, D. (2017). Learner groups in massive open online courses.American Journal of Distance Education,31(2), 80-97.
- Gupta, P., Sharma, T. K., Mehrotra, D., & Abraham, A. Knowledge building through optimized classification rule set generation using genetic based elitist multi objective approach.Neural Computing and Applications, 1-11
- Divya lal, AdibaAbidin, DeeptiMehrotra, Vikas Deep. “E-Commerce website design improvement based on web usage mining.” International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol 10, issue 15, International Science Press, pp 187-193, ISSN 0974-5572, 2017.
- Anu Mehra, Rana Majumdar, Nidhi Gaur, “Comparative analysis of different Vedic algorithms for 8 × 8 binary multipliers”, Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering,( In Presss, 2017).
- Singh, Archana. "Effects of customer perception and social interactions on brand equity: automobile sector."International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies9.1 (2017): 75-98.
YEAR 2016
- Richa Gupta, DeeptiMehrotra, R K Tyagi,“Adaptive Searchless Fractal Image Compression in DCT Domain”,The imaging Science Journal, 64(7), pp 374-380,2016
- Hari Mohan Pandey, Ankur Chaudhary, DeeptiMehrotra, Gharam Kendall, “Maintaining Regularity and Generalization in Data using the Minimum Description Length Principle and Genetic Algorithm: Case of Grammatical Inference”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation , 31, pp 11-23,2016
- Runumi Devi,DeeptiMehrotra, “Data Convergence Techniques from Different Health Records into Single Platform- A Survey”,InterJCTA,9(19) pp. 9267-9277,2016.
- Deepti Mehrotra, Sai A Sabitha, RenukaNagpal, Nisha Mattas, “LandScape Analysis of Patent Dataset” Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Vol 21, pp 211-225, 2016.
- Renuka Nagpal,DeeptiMehrotra, Pradeep Bhatia,“Analytical Modelling approach to measure the Usability of Website”,International Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications, 10(5), pp125-142,2016.
- Preeti Gupta, DeeptiMehrotra, Tarun Sharma, "Role of Decision Tree in supplementing Tacit Knowledge for Hypothetico-Deduction in Higher Education", International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (Article in press),2016.
- Sai Sabitha, DeeptiMehrotra, AbhayBansal,"New weighted clustering approach to map and prioritise Learning Knowledge Objects towards learning approaches", International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning ,11(6),pp28-34, 2016.
- Renuka Nagpal,DeeptiMehrotra, Pradeep Bhatia,"Usability Evaluation of Website using Combinedweighted Method: Fuzzy AHP and Entropy Approach",International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 10(5), 125-142,2016.
- Shalini Bharitya, DeeptiMehrotra, AnupGridhar,“Hierarchy Similarity Analyser-An Approach to securely share Electronic Health Records”,International journal of e-health and medical communications,7(2), pp 14-29, 2016.
- Hari Mohan Pandey, Ankit Chaudhary, DeeptiMehrotra“Grammar Induction using Bit Masking Oriented Genetic Algorithm and Comparative Analysis”,Applied Soft Computing 38, pp 453-468,2016.
- Shalini Bharitya, DeeptiMehrotra, AnupGridhar,"Proposing Hierarchy-Similarity based Access Control Framework: A Multilevel Electronic Health Record Data Sharing Approach for Interoperable Environment",Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. (Article in press), 2016
- Parul Kalra, Navjot Kaur Walia, DeeptiMehrotra, Abdul Wahid, “” , Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (45), December 2016
- Sumana Ghosh, Navjot Kaur Walia, ParulKalra, DeeptiMehrotra, “A fuzzy association rule mining approach using movie lens dataset”, CSI Transactions on ICT, pp. 1-6, 2016
- ShamitaMalik, Singh Richa. "Epigenetic and Hybrid Intelligence in Mining Patterns."Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications. Springer India,pp387-395,2016.
- Malik Shamita, Dolly Sharma,Sunil Kumar Khatri, "Parallel implementation of D-Phylo algorithm for maximum likelihood clusters."IET Nanobiotechnology(2016).
- Purushottam Sharma, Kanak Saxena,,Richa Sharma, “Efficient Heart Disease Prediction System” in Science Direct, Elsevier B.V. Journal, ISSN:1877-0509 , Volume 85C, pp 962-969. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.288,2016.
- Azra Bashir, Purushottam Sharma, “QoSEnsurance in Cloud” in International Journal of Control Theory and Applications Volume 9 Issue No 11,pp. 5191-5198, 2016.
- Ishita Kapoor, Purushottam Sharma “Home Security Using Biometric Sensor”in International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9, Issue No 17, pp. 8407-8413, 2016.
- Richa Sharma,DeepakNagaria, Purushottam Sharma “An Effective Controller Design for Networked Control System” in International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9 Issue No 23, pp. 125-130, 2016.
- Divesh Keswani, Purushottam Sharma ,”Google’s Project Loon” in International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9, Issue No 17, 2016, 8399-8406
- Rishabh Bhandari, Surabhi Pandey, Purushottam Sharma and Shamita Malik “Communication Portal using XAMPP” in International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9, Issue No 18 2016, pp. 8945-8951.
- Saru Dhir, Swati Sarraf, “Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks & Systems Using Agile Methodology, BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology; Jan. - June, 2016; Vol. 8 No. 1, pp: 930-933.
- Pooja Sharma, SaruDhir, “Functional & Non-Functional Requirement Elicitation and Risk Assessment for Agile Processes”,International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol. 9, issue 18, 2016, pp: 9005-9010.
- Abhilasha Singh, Malay Kishore Dutta, "Wavelet Based Reversible Watermarking System for Integrity Control and Authentication in Tele-Ophthalmological Applications", Int. J. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Vol.8, No.4, pp.392 – 411, 2016
- Singh, A. “Mining of Social Media data of University students”, Education and Information Technologies, Springer, 26 2016, Pages 1-12
- RanaMajumdar, Veenu Singh, Hina Gupta, and Chetna Choudhary “Developing Quality Enhancement Framework using ISM in Software Industries “, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications , 9(10) , pp. 276-284 , 2016.
- Navjot Kaur Walia, ParulKalra, DeeptiMehrotra, Abdul Wahid, "Comparison of Different Attributes of Authorship Data using Data Mining Approach",in Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(45), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i45/106368,2016.
- Rana Majumdar, P.K.Kapur, S.K. Khatri “Assessment of environmental factors affecting software development process using ISM & MICMAC analysis”, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, ISSN 0975-6809 , Int J Syst Assur EngManag , DOI 10.1007/s13198-016-0477-4 , 2016.
- Rana Majumdar, P.K.Kapur, S.K. Khatri “Assessing Software Upgradation Attributes & Optimal Release Planning Using DEMATEL & MAUT “, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Inderscience, Inder Science,(In press)2016.
- Ritu Punhani, BhumikaThareja,“Performance Assessment in E-Business for Automobile Accessories Websites”, in International Journal of Control Theory and Applications ,volume 9 issue 17, 9(17) , pp. 8837-8843, 2016.
- Rashi Srivastava, Tanisha Gahlawat, Parul Kalra, “ Oct-Dec2016,
- Shweta, Vikas Deep, Naveen Garg, “Cyber Threats and Impact on E-commerce sites”International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, pp. 805-812,9(41)2016.
- Divya Lal, Adiba Abidin, Vikas Deep, Naveen Garg, “Efficient technique for advertisement in India”,International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, pp. 813-821,9(41)2016.
- Priyal Chotwani, Yash Anand, Vikas Deep, Naveen Garg, “Analysis of security thread in mobile using case study of android operating system”,International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, pp. 823-831 , 2016.
- Rashbir Singh, Naveen Garg, Vikas Deep, “Techeyefor visually impaired using internet of things”,International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications,pp. 833-840, 2016.
- Divya Lal, Adiba Abidin, , Vikas Deep, Naveen Garg, Deepti Mehrotra, “E-Commerce Website Design Improvement Based on Web Usage Mind”,International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, pp. 799-803, 9(41)2016.
YEAR 2015
- Archana Singh,“Effects of customer perception and social interactions on brand equity: automobile sector,“ International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies (IJDATS), 2015.
- Anchal Garg, Madhurima, Madhulika, SaruDhir, "Hubbubs Of Research Terminologies: Let Cat Out Of Bag", IJHEPS, 2015, ISBN:978-81-909047-9-7, Vol-1/Issue-9. pp 1-10,2015.
- Rajni Sehgal, DeeptiMehrotra “Predicting Faults before Testing Phase using Halstead's Metrics” JSEIA, Vol 9 issue 7, Pp 135-142, 2015.
- Shalini Bharitya, DeeptiMehrotra "Applying CHAID Algorithm to Investigate Critical Attributes of Secured Interoperable Health Data Exchange" ,International Journal of Electronic Healthcare Vol 8 issue 1, Pp 25-50, 2015.
- Sabitha, A. S., Mehrotra, D., Bansal, A., & Sharma, B. K. (2016). A naive bayes approach for converging learning objects with open educational resources.Education and Information Technologies,21(6), 1753-1767.
- Renuka Nagpal, DeeptiMehrotra, Arun Sharma, Pradeep Bhatia“FAHP Approach to rank educational websites on usability” J. Com. Dig. Sys.volume 4, issue 4,pp 251-260,2015.
- Sabitha, A. S., Mehrotra, D., & Bansal, A. (2016). Delivery of learning knowledge objects using fuzzy clustering.Education and information technologies,21(5), 1329-1349.
- Renuka Nagpal, DeeptiMehrotra, Arun Sharma, Pradeep Bhatia "Rank University Websites using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS approach on Usability" J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, Vol1, 29-36, 2015.
- Sai Sabitha, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “Knowledge enriched learning by converging Knowledge Object & Learning Object” Electronic journal of e-Learning Vol 13 issue 1 , pp 3-13, 2015.
- Shalini Bharitya, DeeptiMehrotra, AnupGridhar "Proposing Hierarchy-Similarity based Access Control Framework: A Multilevel Electronic Health Record Data Sharing Approach for Interoperable Environment" Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. (Elsevier) 2015
- Bhartiya, S., & Mehrotra, D. (2015). An access control framework for secured sharing of electronic health records using hierarchy similarity analyser.International Journal of Electronic Healthcare,8(2-4), 121-141.
- Saru Dhir, Deepak Kumar, “Agile Software Development in Defiance of Customary Software Development Process: A Valuation of Prevalence's and Challenges”, Advance Science letters, vol. 21, pp: 3554-3558, 2015.
- Saru Dhir, Deepak Kumar, “Factors Persuading Nuts and Bolts of Agile Estimation”, Advance Science letters, vol. 21, pp: 3118-3122, 2015
- Chandrika Sikka, SaruDhir, MadhurimaHooda, " A survey on challenges in Software Development during the Adoption of Agile Environment ", Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, published proceeding in Advances in Intelligent systems and computing, Springer journal volume 413, 2015, Page No. 219.
- Gurpreet Singh Matharu, Anju Mishra, Harmeet Singh, Priyanka Upadhyay, "Empirical study of agile software development methodologies: A comparative analysis."ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes1 pp1-6, 2015.
YEAR 2014
- Priyanka Upadhay, Abhishek Singh, Naveen Garg, “Modeling Software Maintainability and Quality Assurance in the Agile Environment” in International Journal of Database Theory and Application in Vol.7, No.3 , pp.83-90,2014.
- Archana Singh, JayanthiRanjan, “A framework for mobile apps in colleges and Universities: Data mining perspective”, in Educational Information and Technology, Vol 19, issue 1, Springer.
- Archana Singh, Ajay Rana , JayanthiRanjan, “An improvised approach to generate significant association rules from customer transaction database- empirical analysis”, Journal of Theoretical and applied Information Technology. 443-453, 48/2,2014.
- Archana Singh, Avantika Yadav(2014). Hybrid Approach of Hierarchical Clustering, , World of Applied Sciences Journal, 32/7,pp1181-1191, 2014.
- Archana Singh, Ajay Rana, JayanthiRanjan, (2014). A customer centric analytical model for Automobile Industry: an empirical analysis. International Journal of Data Mining, Modeling and Management, Vol7, issue 4. 2014.
- Shashi Chhikara, Purushottam Sharma,” Weighted Association Rule Mining:A Survey”, in International Journal For Research In Applied Science And Engineering Technology Vol. 2 Issue 4,pp 85-88, 2014.
- Shashi Chhikara, Purushottam Sharma, "Data Mining Techniques on Medical Data for Finding Locally Frequent Diseases", in International Journal For Research In Applied Science And Engineering Technology , Vol. 2 Issue V, pp 396-402, 2014
- Nidhi Sharma, Purushottam Sharma,” A Review-Heart Disease Prediction using Data Mining Technique”, in International Journal For Research In Applied Science And Engineering Technology , Vol. 2 Isue IV, pp 382-387, 2014.
- Rana Majumdar, K. Selvi , “Six Sigma - Overview of DMAIC and DMADV’ in International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering, Volume-2, Issue-5, 2014.
- Pradeep Kumar Singh. Om Prakash Sangwan,Abhishek Srivastava, "An Essence of Software Maintenance Prediction using the Fuzzy Model for Aspect Oriented Software", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2014.
- Narina Thakur, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “Topic Sensitive & Preference Learning Based Solution For Information Retrieval From Learning Object Repository” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Vol 9 number 24 pp. 29351-29369, 2014.
- Sai Sabitha, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “A data mining approach to improve re-accessibility and delivery of Learning Knowledge Object.” Interdisciplinary Journal of E-learning and learning objects / Interdisciplinary Journal of e-skills and Lifelong Learning Vol. 10, 2014 pp 247-267, 2014.
- Hari Mohan Pandey, Ankit Chaudhary, DeeptiMehrotra “A comparative Review of Approaches to prevent premature convergence in GA” Applied Soft Computing 24 pp 1047-77, 2014.
- Shalini Bharitya, DeeptiMehrotra “Challenges and Recommendations to Healthcare Data Exchange in an Interoperable Environment” Vol 8,Issue 2 , pp 1-24, 2014
- Rajni Sehgal and DeeptiMehrotra “Analysis of Software Fault Prediction Metrics” World Applied Sciences Journal , Volume 32 Number 3, 2014
- Sai Sabitha, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “Enchanced learning by extending metadata of learning object with knowledge object” International Journal of Education and Learning Vol 3, No.1, pp 1-12, 2014.
- Sai Sabitha, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “Similarity based convergence of Learning Knowledge Objects & delivery using Agglomerative Clustering” Journal of information technology and Application in education Vol.3 Issue 1, pp 9-17, 2014.
- Anupriya Tuli, NitashaHasteer, Megha Sharma, Abhay Bansal, Empirical Estimation of Agile Software Development : A Cloud Perspective, ACM SigSoft, July 2014, ACM
- Tanaya Gupta, ParulKalra Bhatia, “Contemplation of Thresholding in Wavelet Denoising”, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, Volume 1, Number 8; pp. 83-86, 2014.
- Ritu Punhani, “Understanding Cultural Variations of F-commerce Websites in a Global Framework", Global journal of finance and management Volume-6 No. 3, 2014.
- Swati Gupta, SaruDhir, " An Enhanced Approach to Use SSL for End To End Security", in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (2) , ISSN: 0975-9646, Pages : 1053-1057, 2014.
- Preeti Rai, SaruDhir, "Impact of Different Methodologies in Software Development Process", in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (2), ISSN: 0975-9646, page: 1112-1116, 2014.
- Farah Deeba Hasan, Anshul Kumar Sharma, Abhilasha Singh, “Big Data: The Next-Gen Google”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 95– No.7, pp. 19-21, 2014
- Priyanka Upadhyay, Abhishek Singh, Naveen Garg, “Modeling Software Maintainability and Quality Assurance in the Agile Environment” in International Journal of Database Theory and Application in edition 7, pp. 83-90, 2014.
- Akankasha, Saket Mishra, Vikas Deep. "Expert Systems In Agriculture: An Overview." –International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 5, 2014
YEAR 2013
- Archana Singh, Ajay Rana , “ Mining of Customer data in an Automobile Industry using Clustering Techniques”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences ,USA, 3/5 251-258, 2013.
- Sameer Awasthi, Archana Singh, “Enhancement of Broadcasting in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology , 2/6,196-200, 2013.
- Singh Pravinder, Monica Lamba, Vikas Deep. "A Survey on Zone Routing Protocol Techniques." International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology , Vol 2, 2013.
- Gupta, Shubham Kumar, Animesh Kumar Rai, Vikas Deep. “An Analysis on Security Concerns in Cloud Computing” in International Journal of New Innovation in Engineering and Technology, Volume- 2 Issue-2, 2013
- Sameer Awasthi, Archana Singh, “Performance Analysis Of AODV, DSR And DSDV Routing Protocols For AdHoc International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology , 4/2 2154-2157, 2013.
- Ankita Diwedi, Archana Singh , “An Advanced Filter For Image Enhancement”, Kindi Publications ,1/1,7-10, 2013.
- Ankita Diwedi, Archana Singh, “A Comparative Analysis of Salt & Pepper”, Kindi Publications 2013 , 1/1 ,11-18, 2013.
- Pushpender Kumar, Archana Singh , “Implementation of Hyperelliptic Curve Based Signcryption Approach, IJSER , 4/7 pp 2013-1329, 2013.
- Archana Singh, JyotiAgarwal, “Performance Measure of Similis of FP-Growth Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Applications , volume 67,10, 2013.
- Archana Singh, Avantika Yadav , “ K-means with Three different Distance Metrics”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 64,9, 2013.
- ParulKalra Bhatia, Tanya Mathur, Tanya Gupta, “Survey Paper on Information Retrieval Algorithms and Personalized Information Retrieval Concept”, International Journal of Computer Applications,Volume 66– No.6,pp.14-18, 2013
- Lokesh Kumar, ParulKalra Bhatia, “Text Mining: Concepts, Process And Applications”, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, Volume 4, No. 3, pp. 36-39,2013
- ParulKalra Bhatia, Chetna Choudhary, DeeptiMehrotra, Abdul Wahid, “A Review Of The Cognitive Information Retrieval Concept, Process And Techniques”, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, Volume 4, No. 3,pp. 46-50, 2013.
- Sahil Aggarwal, SaruDhir, “Ground Axioms to Achieve Movables: Methodology” in International Journal of Computer and Applications, Vol-69, No. 14, May 2013.
- AnkurSinghal, Ritu Gupta, “ Scheduling in Multiprocessor system using Genetic Algorithm”, in National Journal of SBIT Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2, ISSN No. 2277-8764, 2013.
- Abhishek Singh, Naveen Garg, Vikas Deep, “Energy Management System: Smart Grid and Advanced Metering” in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology – Vol. 2 Issue 2, 2013.
- Abhishek Kumar, Shubham Kumar Gupta, Animesh Kumar Rai, Vikas Deep, “An Analysis on Security Concerns in Cloud Computing” in International Journal of New Innovation in Engineering and Technology – Volume- 2 Issue-2, 2013
- “Mobile, Virtualization: A Futuristic Approach” in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology – – Volume- 2 Issue-2, 2013
- Pravinder Singh, Monica Lamba, Vikas Deep, “A Survey on Zone Routing Protocol Techniques” in International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology– Volume-2 Issue-4 -2013.
- Monika Agarwal , Rana Majumdar,” Scrum: An Agile Process International Journal of Research in engineering & Technology, Vol 2, Issue 3, March 2013.
- Monika Agarwal , Rana Majumdar, “Software Maintainability and Usability in Agile Environment International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 68– No.4, April 2013.
- Manumeet Mukund, Rana Majumdar , “Emailing System as the basis for making automation of email System” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research Vol 3, Issue.1, pp-436-438 ISSN: 2249-6645 , 2013.
- M mukund, Rana Majumdar, “Secure Software System for email “International Journal of scientific & Engineering Research, Vol 4, Issue 5, May 2013, ISSN 2229-5518, 2013.
- Rajni Sehgal, DeeptiMehrotra, “Predicting Reliability from Frequent Errors Using A-Priori Algorithm”World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (5), pp 654-658, 2013.
- RenukaNagpal, DeeptiMehrotra, Arun Sharma, Pradeep Bhatia "ANFIS Method for Usability Assessment of Website of an Educational Institute” World Applied Sciences Journal 23(11), pp 1489-1498, 2013.
- Swati Joshi, Narina Thakur, DeeptiMehrotra “ Analysis and simulating user feedback in neural network”International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering Volume 02, Issue 06, 2013
- NamitaBhan, DeeptiMehrotra “Comparative Study of EM and K-means Clustering Techniques in WEKA interface” International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research Volume3, issue 4 2013 Page No. 40-45, 2013.
- Anil Kumar Gupta, DeeptiMehrtotra “Detecting and Dealing with malicious nodes problem in MANET” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) - (ISSN 2229-5518), Volume 4, Issue 7 2013
- Nidhi Goel, DeeptiMehrotra “Emerging New Trends in Transmission of Real Time Application(VOIP) to NGN By RTP” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013
- Sai Sabitha, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “Enhanced Learning through Learning Knowledge Object”International Journal Emerging Technology in Computational and Applied Sciences Vol 5(3) May 2013pp 513-19, 2013.
- Nidhi Goel, DeeptiMehrotra “Improving Network Reliability and QOS in EOIP Through Application Layer Signaling Protocol” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2013
- Swati Joshi, Narina Thakur, DeeptiMehrotra “Schemes and practices of Learning Object Repository : a Literature Review” International Journal of Computer Applications March 15, 2013
- Varuna Tyagi, Anju Mishra, “A Survey on Different Feature Selection Methods for Microarray Data Analysis”, International Journal of Computer Applications, (0975 – 8887) Volume 67– No.16, Pages 36-40, 2013.
- Aditi Sharma, NishthaAdhao, Anju Mishra, “A Survey: Static and Dynamic Ranking”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 70– No.14, 2013.
- Nitasha Hasteer, Abhay Bansal, B.K Murthy, Pragmatic Assessment of Research Intensive Areas in Cloud: A Systematic Review, ACM Sig Soft 38 (2), ACM, 2013.
- Shashi Chhikara, ItiRaghav, NitashaHasteer Analyzing Security Solutions in Cloud Computing,International Journal of Computer Applications, April 2013.
- ItiRaghav, Shashi Chhikara, NitashaHasteer, Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Cloud Environment: A Systematic Review, International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013.
- Ritu Punhani, “Driving Ameliorated Care Delivery Outcomes–An IT Rx usingBig Data and Cloud Computing”, BFMIMSD, 2013
- Ritu Punhani, “Future of healthcare vis-à-vis building trust in major stakeholders through Information Security Management (ISM)”, IARS International Research Journal, Vol-3, No.2, 2013
- Ritu Punhani,” Customer Acceptance of M-Commerce over E-Commerce: Analysis and Future Trends”, IJAER, Vol-8, No.12, 2013
- Hooda Madhurima, ,MadhulikaBhadauria. "Recent innovations in Distributed Systems: Challenges and Benefits." International Journal of Computers & Technology 10.10 , 2057-2061, 2013.
- Garg, Naveen, and H. M. Rai. "Bitmap Indexing Technique for Data warehousing and Data mining." International Journal of latest trends in Engineering and Technology”, 2013.
- S Sarraf, F Deeba, N Garg, “A comparative study of data flow testing techniques” in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology in issue March-2013, Volume 2 Issue 2, pp. 280-285, 2013.
YEAR 2012
- Sapna Shukla, Sugandha Agarwal, A. Shukla, “Trends in Cloud-ERP for SMB’s: a Review,” International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering Technology, vol. 1, pp. 7–11, 2012.
- Shilpi Gupta, ParulKalra Bhatia, “Cognitive Spiral Model-A Framework Approach”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology , Vol. 1 No. 2 pp. 195-199,Dec 2011-Feb 2012
- Saru Dhir, “Impact of UML Techniques in Test Case Generation” in International Journal IJESAT, Vol2- Issue 2, April 2012.
- Purushottam Sharma, Kanak Saxena,”Temporal Weighted Association Rule Mining for Classification” International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering ISSN: 1793-8201 Vol. 4, No. 5, 2012,pp-816-820.
- Richa Sharma, Deepak Nagaria , Purushottam Sharma ,"Performance analysis of optimization techniques for PID applications" in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Volume 3, Number 6, Special Issue, November 2012 ISSN 0976 – 5697.
- Rana Majumdar, Abhay Bansal, Abhishek Singal , “Prevention Mechanism of Information Deceit” International Journal of Computer Applications 49(3):23-27, 2012.
- Ashima Batra, Abhishek Shukla, Sanjeev Thakur, Rana Majumdar, “Survey of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks “IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering ISSN: 2278-0661, ISBN: 2278-8727 Volume 8, Issue 1, 34-40, 2012.
- Monika Agarwal , Rana Majumdar “Tracking Scrum Project tools, Metrics & Myths about Agile”, “International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol 2, Issue 3, 2012, ISBN 2250-2459.
- Monika Agarwal , Rana Majumdar, “ Reducing Complexity Faced by Large Organizations Using Distributed Scrum in Agile Development”, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology , vol 1, Issue 1, 2012.
- Ravi Ranjan , Rana Majumdar , “Anatomy of AJAX” VSRD International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, vol 2, Issue 4, April’2012 ISBN 2231-2471.
- Ravi Ranjan , Rana Majumdar , “Google Search: Anatomy of a Search Engine” VSRD International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology vol 2, Issue 6, June’2012 ISBN 2231-2471.
- Vipin Kumar Yadav, Arun Kumar, Abhilasha Singh, "Design of IEEE 1588 Based Precision Time Protocol Using PSOS", International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering , Volume-2, Issue-3, July 2012, pp. 306-312
- Nidhi Goel, DeeptiMehrotra “ GSM Security and encryption” International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume: 1 Issue: 1 2012 pp-53 – 54.
- Purushottam Sharma,Kanak Saxena, ”Temporal Weighted Association Rule Mining for Classification” in International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering ISSN: 1793-8201 Vol. 4, No. 5, October 2012.
- Sheetal Saigal, DeeptiMehrotra ” Performance Comparison of Time Series Data Using Predictive Data Mining Techniques” Advances in Information Mining Volume 4, Issue 1, 2012, pp.-57-66.
- Narina Thakur, DeeptiMehrotra, Abhay Bansal “Information retrieval System using Assigning Context to Documents by relevance Feedback” International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 58– No.20, November 2012
- SatyanaraynaGerimella, Naveen Garg, Vikas Deep, “Features, Benefits, Futuristic Projections of Cloud &Intercloud Extensions to the NET” IEEE Cloud Computing Intercloud testbed, May 2012.
- Ritu Punhani, “Implementation of ISMS and its Practical Shortcomings”, IARS International Research Journal, Vol-2, No.1, 2012
- Ritu Punhani, “An Assessment of ISMS Process Maturity based on Readiness and Awareness of team members of selected IT Organizations”, IARS International Research Journal, Vol-2, No.2, 2012
- Gupta, Megha, Sameer Agrawal, and Naveen Garg. "A Survey on Social Engineering and the Art of Deception." International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology Vol(1.1),pp 31-35, 2012.
YEAR 2011
- Shilpi Gupta, Shweta Bhardwaj, ParulKalra Bhatia, “A Reminiscent Study Of Nature Inspired Computation”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1,Issue 2,pp.117-125, 2011.
- A Hooda and E.kashyap, “Cloud computing-Blessing or curse, A conceptual view in the Research journal of Science and IT management, Singapore, Vol 1, No 1 2011.
- Monika Agarwal , Rana Majumdar, “Agile Project Management “International Journal of Science & Advanced Technology”, Vol 1, Issue 10, Dec 2011, 180-182, ISBN 2221-8386, Bangladesh.
- Ritu Punhani, “Harvesting the Web to Procure Secure Information for Enterprise”, IARS International Research Journal, Vol-1, No.1, 2011.
- Ritu Punhani, “Process Capability and Maturity in Information Security”, IARS International Research Journal, Vol-1, No.2, 2011.
- Madhurima, Madhulika. "Object tracking in a video sequence using Mean-Shift Based Approach: An Implementation using MATLAB7." In International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management 11 2011.
- Naveen Garg, Sandeep Kaur, “Improvement in Efficiency of Recognition of Handwritten Gurumukhi Script” in International Journal of Computer Science of Technology in vol.2, issue 3, pp. 158-161 on Sep’2011.
YEAR 2010
- Madhurima, Madhulika. “JVM/JIT optimization process and an introduction to Oracle JRockit JVM” in Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Volume 3(2), ISSN: 0974-4320.
- Madhurima, Madhulika.“A GUI for image segmentation using MATLAB” in International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing “, Jan-June 2010.
YEAR 2009
- Richa Sharma, Purushottam Sharma, Deepak Nagaria , “Effective Miner of Time-Variant Data Using Weight Factor” in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , Vol-8 No.2-2009,pp-136-141, 2009.