Student Research

Name of Students


Type of Research work


Title of the Work (Paper / Patent etc.)

Project / Publications / Patent Details

Singh Jaspal


Research Paper


Thermal performance analysis of PCM incorporated roof slab infrastructures using deep learning algorithms

International Journal of Critical Infrastructures

Madkaiker K.


Research Paper


The influence of land use land cover on the land surface temperature and vegetation index of Pune city, India

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Maurya R.


Research Paper


Review of Leachate Liner Model Enhancements and Problem Articulation of Engineered Landfill for the Development of Leachate Containment System

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Singh N.P.; Himanshi; Mishra J.K

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Optimization, Modelling and Evaluation of Marshall Stability of Asphaltic Concrete with Agricultural and Industrial Wastes Through Response Surface Method

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Pandey P., Akanksha

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Nature-Based Solutions as a Pragmatic Approach Towards Flood Resilient Cities

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Kumar Gajender


Research Paper


Influence of Crumb Rubber on Temperature Susceptibility and Activations Energy of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen

Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering, IC3SE 2024

Duggal Prakhar


Research Paper


Design and application of concrete bricks using phase change materials

International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management

Yunusa I.B.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Assessment of Seismic Performance for Multi Storey Steel Frame Building on Sloped Terrain with Setbacks

Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering, IC3SE 2024

Yakubu A.S.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Assessment and Analysis of Seismic Retrofitting Techniques for Performance-based Design of Steel Framed Building in Earthquake-prone Region

Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Computer Sciences and Engineering, IC3SE 2024

Yasmin Ara Begum

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


A review on waste biomass-to-energy: integrated thermochemical and biochemical conversion for resource recovery

Journal of Environmental Science: Advances

 Goel P.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


To Study Operational Educational Institution Building on Sustainability Dimensions

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Sharma N.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


The Plastic Paradigm: Pioneering the Potential of Polymers in Construction

 4th International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2023

Singh R.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Sustainable Manufacturing: Road to Carbon Zero Footprints

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Sayeed A.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Sustainable and Affordable Housing for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Using Shipping Container

 4th International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2023

Bishnoi T.

M.Tech SE

Research Paper


Review on the Mechanical Properties and Performance of Permeable Concrete

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Gupta A., Joshi D., Agarwal A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Resilient Rubrix: A Trailblazing Exploration into Sustainable Construction with Rubber

 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2023


M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Recharge Assessment of a Rain Garden Using HYDRUS-1D: A Case Study

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Pandey P.,Akanksha

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Performance Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Plant Using AAS-Based Quantification of Heavy Metals in Effluents of Industrial and Healthcare Sector

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Duggal Prakhar


Research Paper


Performance evaluation of phase change material enhanced prototype in different climate zones

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

 Deshwal S.S., Gupta P.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Microstructure Investigation and Design of GFRP Reinforced Coastal Structures

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Duggal Prakhar


Research Paper


Investigation of Shadowing Effect and Electricity Generation in Seasonally Adjusted Solar Photo Voltaic Arrays in Indian Sub-Continent

Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution

Gupta P., Deshwal S.S.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Finite Element Analysis and Design of Concrete Bridge Deck Using GFRP Reinforcement

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Shahzeb M., Vashist U., Kohli I.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Effect of Subgrade Modulus, Thickness of Slab, and Type of Loading on the Perfomance of Grade Slab Using Finite Element Software STAAD PRO

4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2023

Shahzeb M., Siddiqui A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Critical Review on Applications of Self Healing Concrete in Reinforced Concrete Structures

4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2023

Kakkar A.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Comparative Study of Using Shredded PET and HDPE Plastic Waste in Concrete to Assess its Properties

AIP Conference Proceedings

Duggal Prakhar


Research Paper


Analysis of Variation in Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber with Natural Fiber Reinforced Concrete

4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2023

Maurya R.


Research Paper


A Conspectus on Recent Methodologies and Techniques Used for the Enhancement of Engineered Landfill

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Pandit R.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


“Experimental Study of Variation in Properties of Ultrafine Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBS) and Steel Fibre Infused Concrete”

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Garg C.; Namdeo A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Soft computing based formulations for prediction of compressive strength of sustainable concrete: a comprehensive review

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions

Singh R.

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Quantification of Drought Condition Using Drought Indices: A Review

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Bera P.

M.Tech SE

Research Paper


Modelling and comparative live load analysis of skewed deck precast concrete bridge

Materials Today: Proceedings

Bhardwaj S.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Linear dynamic analysis of high-rise irregular structures with or without LFRS & frictional damper

Materials Today: Proceedings

Gupta P., Deshwal S.S.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Integrated Life Cycle Cost Comparison and Environment Impact Analysis of the Concrete and Asphalt Roads

Materials Today: Proceedings

Raza M.

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Flexural Behaviour of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beam

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2022

Malik A.,Gupta R.,Vikal V.,Minhan

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Energy Sustainable House: A Case study and validation through Revit

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Sammanit D

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Comprehension of Climate Change with IoT-Enabled CNN

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

 Vigneshwaran S., Varma V.R. , Puro V.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Assessment of Fixed Rack and 1-Axis Tracking Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Array on Their Ideal Energy Performance

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Kumar M., Rawat P., Maurya A., Kumar R.


Research Paper


Analysing the Institutional building for Solar Radiation and Photovoltaic Energy using AutoDesk-Revit

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Garg C.; Namdeo A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Models for the Prediction of Compressive Strength of Sustainable Concrete

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Kundal M., Dhar A.,Kochar Y.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


To Study the Mechanical and Thermal Behaviour of Hollow Core Slab

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Kaushik H.; Singh S.K.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Synthesis of Carbon Fiber Composites and Different Methods to Improve its Mechanical Properties: A Comprehensive Review

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Maurya A., Rawat P., Kumar M.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Sustainable Building Design: Energy Analysis of a Residential Building using AutodeskRevit

Proceedings of 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2021

Nidhi Singh

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Study on Retrofitting Technique to Increase the Height of an Existing Building

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Ghosh D.

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Stationary Source Emissions and Impact Assessment on Ambient Air Quality: A Case Study of Delhi Region

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Anas Mubin

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Stability of Slab on Elastic Foundation

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Rabia Rafiq

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Stability of a Structure Using Eurocodes

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Aimen Ather

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Stability Analysis of Precast Concrete Wall Panels and Its Utility

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Dinesh Rawat

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Seismic Torsion Behaviour and Rigidity Analysis of Multistory Plan Asymmetric RC Building

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Vivek Kumar

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Seismic Evaluation of RC Structure with Distinct Placement of Columns and Shear Walls

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Abin Jose

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Seismic Analysis of Multistorey RC Building with Vertical Setback and Its Retrofit Strategies

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

 Bera P.; Bhardwaj S

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Predictive Models for Bond Strength of Reinforced Concrete with the Application of ANN

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Ghosh D.

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Microplastic Detection and Analysis in River Yamuna, Delhi

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Samir Kumar Singh

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Mapping Solar Energy Potential Zones using Remote Sensing based Solar Data

International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering

Aman Namdeo

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Machine Learning Approach to Predict Compressive Strength of Green Sustainable Concrete

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Jaspal Singh


Research Paper


Investigation of Solar Passive concepts in building envelope for a reduction of energy usage

Proceedings of 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2021

Kratika Sharma,Saahil Bader

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Feasibility of Redesigning and Retrofitting of a Structure for Vertical Expansion to Avoid Disasters

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

 Bhardwaj A., Singh D.P., Singh A.,Bajaj I.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Experimental Study of the Construction and Demolition Waste Used in Rigid Pavements

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Abhishek Payal,Vikrant Jain,Adil Ahmad

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Effects of Change of Material Grade on Building Design

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Kallingal S.S.

M.Tech SE

Research Paper


Dynamic analysis of cable stayed bridge with various patterns of pylon

E3S Web of Conferences

Saurav Bhardwaj

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Development of prediction models to determine compressive strength and workability of sustainable concrete with ann

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

 Bhardwaj S.; Bera P.; Lone T.; Karim S.

M.Tech SE

Research Paper


Development of Forecasting Model for Prediction of Compressive Strength of Foamed Concrete using Density with W/C ratio and S/C ratio by the Application of ANN

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Vardhman Jain,Akshay Gupta,Dev Anand Pandey

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Determination of liquefaction potential of NCR region

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Pahuja G.S., Siddiqui L., Thakur M., Ahmad H.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Comparative Analysis of the Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing with Varying Depth of Soil Reinforcement

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Syed Zubair

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Comparative Analysis and Prediction of Ecological Quality of Delhi

3rd International Conference on Trends and Recent Advancement in Civil Engineering, TRACE 2020

Sammanit D.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Combating challenges in the construction industry with blockchain technology

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Debarati Sammanit

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Combating challenges in the construction industry with blockchain technology

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Pranjal Pandey, Aakanksha

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Analyzing the Impact of Lockdown on Rejuvenation of Rivers in Uttar Pradesh, India

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Singh Jaspal


Research Paper


Analysis of thermal energy storage system to achieve net zero energy building in Composite Climate

Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2021

Baig M.J.; Pandey B.; Papreja K.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Analysis of the behaviour of Cable stayed bridge with different types of Pylon

E3S Web of Conferences

Vats R., Singh N., Tyagi A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Analysis of Physical changes due to bacterial remediation in LECA LWA Concrete

 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2021

Neha Chandra

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Analysis and Design of Diagrid Buildings

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Farhan Farid Reshi,

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Analysis and Design of Cable Stayed and Suspension Bridge Subjected to Wind Loading

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Debarati Sammanit

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


An Intelligent Approach to Elevation Profiling for LADAKH using QGIS techniques

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Pankaj Goyal

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


A Review on Performance of Structure and Its Retrofitting Measures

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Duggal Prakhar


Research Paper


A Review on life cycle assessment of phase change materials in buildings

 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2021

Shisodia A.S., Havelia S., Jolly K.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Use of Waste Plastic in Wearing Course of Flexible Pavement

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Havelia S., Kundal M., Kripal M.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Study and Analysis of Variation in Behavior of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Powder Reinforced Concrete to Conventional Concrete

Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020

Umaid Faraz Ahmad,Siddharth Yadav

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection through Machine Learning approaches

E3S Web of Conferences

Aryan Mohammad Zamir,Zabihullah

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Selection of Optimum Structural System in the Design of Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Building under the Effect of Seismic Load

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Harshul Mehta,Shiv Dutt  Thakur,Adhiya Jain

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Retrofitting of a Multistoried Building with Earthquake-Resistance Design

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Paritosh Rawat,Amit Maurya

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Recharging aquifers through percolation and filtration: an integrated approach

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Partha Khaskil

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Prediction of compressive strength of green concrete with admixtures using neural networks

2020 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GUCON 2020

Bhardwaj A., Singh A., Singh D.P., Bajaj I.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Plastic used in flexible pavements: Retrospects and prospects

Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020

Zabihullah,Aryan Mohammad Zamir

M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Effect of (Vertical & horizontal) geometric irregularities on the seismic response of RC structures

International Journal on Emerging Technologies

Aman Namdeo

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Development of Prediction models for Bond Strength of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete by Computational Machine Learning

E3S Web of Conferences

Mirza Jangir Baig,Bhumika Pandey,Kartik Papreja

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Designing and 3-D Modelling of a Sustainable Cable Stayed Bridge-A Case Study

E3S Web of Conferences

Yadav B., Choudhry H., Garg A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Comparative Analysis of Cement Mortar Roof Tiles Using Agricultural Waste

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

Animesh Jaiswal


Research Paper


Assessment of mechanical properties and environmental benefits of using rice husk ash and marble dust in concrete


Garg C.; Namdeo A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Extract dosages of Fertilizers for Precision Agriculture

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Aman Namdeo

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Extract dosages of Fertilizers for Precision Agriculture

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Swathykrishnan B.,Sreelakshmi C.

M.Tech Environmental Engg.

Research Paper


Application of Phase Change Materials in Buildings

Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020

Duggal Prakhar


Research Paper


An Easy-to-Understand Expert System for the Prediction of Direct, Diffuse and Global Solar Radiations in Indian Region

Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering


M.Tech Structural Engg.

Research Paper


Additive Manufacturing through Digital Concrete by Extrusion and Non-extrusion method

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Akash Chaudhary & Devansh Rautela


Research Paper


Calibrating The Performance Of Pelton Turbine By Using Helical Penstock

Book of Advances in Fluid and Thermal Engineering, Springer

 Kumar P., Singh A., Verma S., Baghel Y.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Design and Analysis of a Residential Building using ETABS integrated with Green Building Concept

Proceedings on 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering, ICACCE 2018

Prakhar Jain & Ankit Gaurav

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Use of C & D Waste for Structural Applications for Environment Preservation

In Proceedings of National Seminar of IBC ( Indian Building Congress) on 07-08 Apr 17

Pankaj Khati & Prince Chaudhary

B.Tech (CE)

Research paper


To Analyse the effect of chopped strand mat wrapping for column strengthening

IEEE forum International conference

Prakhar Jain & Ankit Gaurav

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Study the behaviour of High rise Building at Different positions of Shear Walls subjected to Seismic Loading

Published in IRJSET (ISSN2454-3195)

Rohan Barua & Md. Gauhar Ahmed


Research Paper


Preventive Measures to Reduce Impact of Earthquakes in India

International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology

Ranjan Vasney

M.Tech Struct. Engg.

Research Paper


Building affected due to Nepal Earthquake & Its Retrofitting

Published in IRJSET (ISSN2454-3195)

Anmol Singh Bhatia, Chetan Chauhan

B.Tech (CE)

Research paper


Analysis & Optimization of strength characteristics of concrete using super plasticizers

Accepted & will be published in IEEE conference SMART 2017 on 29.12.2017

Swati Jha, Chiku Aggarwal

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper



Presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, 10th-12th March 2016, VIT, Vellore

Mr. Vikas Kataria

M.Tech Struct. Engg.

Research Paper


Study of OMRF & SMRF structures for different earth quake zone of India

Paper Published in Int. Conference Trace 2016

Shivang Agarwal

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Potential Mobile Applications to Improve Road Safety in Developing Countries

Paper published in IOSR- Journal OF Mobile Computing and Applications

Prakhar Mathur & Sannat Kr.

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Outcome Oriented Academia-Industry handshaking: Improvised strategy for delivering Industry-ready engineers

Paper published in Journal titled "Journal of Engg Education Transformations

Shivang Agarwal

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Need for Innovative Methods in Transportation Accident Data Recording and Mining

Presented paper in International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering & Technology IAET - 2016

Ms. Aliya Naseer

M.Tech Struct. Engg.

Research Paper


Feasibility study of vertical extensin of existing building & its execution by retrofitting

Paper Published in Int. Conference Trace 2016

Prakhar Mathur

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Effect of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Strengthening in Retrofitting and its Suitability with Conventional Methods of Repair and Rehabilitation

Presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, 10th-12th March 2016, VIT, Vellore

Shivang Agarwal

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Crisis in Robust and Systematic road accident data

Presented paper in International Conference on Research and Innovation Engineering

Anshul Sharma

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Concrete Vs Modified Concrete :  A Brief Literature Review of Sustainable Options for Modified Road Surfaces

Presented paper in International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering & Technology IAET - 2016

Bachani A.,Mitra A.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Comparative analysis of mechanical properties of fly-ash concrete with conventional concrete

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Choudhary E., Aggarwal D.

B.Tech CE

Research Paper


Assessment of solar energy potential on rooftops using GIS for installation of solar panels: A case study

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Ashim Mitra

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Analysis and Study of Mechanical Properties of Fly-Ash Concrete with Respect to Conventional Concrete

Presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, 10th-12th March 2016, VIT, Vellore

Mr. Nishant Joshi

M.Tech (Env. Engg.)

Research Paper


Spatiotemporal analysis of urban growth, sprawl and structure of Rajkot, Vadodara and Surat (Gujarat-India) based on Geographic Information Systems, in relation to the Sustainability Pentagon Analysis.

International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Building & environment (ICSTBE-2015), Sathyabhama University, Chennai, India - July, 2015: Published in Special Issue of Indian Journal of Science & Technology (SCOPUS INDEXED)

Mr. Shubham Pandey & Mr. Siddhant Pandey

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Open GIS as an aid for effective smart city solution - A perspective

National Conference on Open Source GIS: Opportunities and Challenges

Sakthi S.R

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Integrated watershed management approach by Spate irrigation

Presented paper in Symposium on Hydrology, IAH, Dec 22-23, 2015. New Delhi.

Mr. Nishant Joshi

M.Tech (Env. Engg.)

Research Paper


An innovative conceptual framework for sustainable development and livelihood security with an emphasis on economic upliftment of a demographic area

International Conference: Advances in Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources Kota Rajasthan India

Ashmeet Singh, Ratul Sharma and Kshitiz Patak

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


SVA Griha Based Comparative Study of Green Building V/s Conventional Building: A case Study

National Conference TRACE 2014

Aarzoo Malhotra

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Study of effect of varying percentage of steel and grade of concrete on poisson's ratio in composite reinforced concrete member

National Conference TRACE 2014

Pravesha Mishra

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Management of Jaipur City Using Multicriteria Decision Method and GIS

National Conference TRACE 2014

Mr. Drona Khurana

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Geospatial Soil mapping of Noida -Greater Noida region using GIS

Won the best paper award for his paper titled "Geospatial Soil mapping of Noida -Greater Noida region using GIS" during the paper presentation in Chandigarh Science Congress 2014. This paper is a part of his final year dissertation work.

Ankit Yadav; Rishabh Dixit; Hammad Iqbal

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Design of Shopping Mall Using Etabs

National Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE -2014)

Tushar Jain

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Construction of Elevated Corridor to Increase the Efficiency of Existing Transportation System in the City

National Conference TRACE 2014

Ms. Mandeep Bhatia, Mr. Daksh Mehra

B.Tech (CE) & B.Tech (CE)+MBA

Research Paper


Application Of GIS For Assessment Of Rainwater Harvesting Potential In University Campus For Sustainable Water Planning: A Case Study

International Conference on Environment, Technology and Sustainable Development

Nabarjun Vashisth, Tanmay Harsh, Priyanshu Borah

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Application of Clean Development Mechanism in Sewage Treatment Plants: A Case Study

National Conference TRACE 2014

Sarath Syama Prasad, Sushmit Das

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Inland waterway as an alternative and sustainable transport in Kuttanad region of Kerala

National Conference Green Campus Summit 2013

Madhuri Kumari, Sarath Syama Prasad, Sushmit Das, Deewakar Golyan, Ambrina Sardar Khan

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Depletion of Water Resources and Degradation of Water Quality in Alleppey Distt., Kerala, India

India Water Week 2013

Rishubh Rastogi

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Wall As A Replacement To Brick And Mud Wall

Secured first prize in paper presentation competition held at Sharda University on 16.03.2013.

Samrath Bhandari, Daksh Bhandari

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Application of Geographical System in progress Monitoring of Construction Project

Proceeding of IACRSGIS 2013: Special Issue of IJSER

Mr. Rishubh Rastogi

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Analysis of emergency services planning using GIS: A study on expressway in Greater Noida


Rahul Kr. Singh & K. Vysakh

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


"Macroscopic and Microscopic analysis of Fly Ash Concrete"

Won first prize  in Undergraduate category for their paper presentation at 5th National  Civil Engineering Symposium held at IIT Bombay

Kanishk Tekriwal

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Upcoming Nano Materials for Smart Building

National Conference of TRACE-12

Mansi Jain, Nitya Jain, R.G. Sindhu, Harmohan Singh

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Piezo Ceramic Transducers for Reinforcement Corrosion Monitoring in RCC Structures

Best Paper award in international conference at VIT University

Samrath Bhandari, Daksh Bhandari, Madhuri Kumari

B.Tech (CE)

Research Paper


Application of Geographical Information System in Construction Industy: A critical review

National Conference of TRACE-12

Ranjan Vasney M.Tech Struct. Engg. Research Paper 2017 Building affected due to Nepal Earthquake & Its Retrofitting Published in IRJSET (ISSN2454-3195) Prakhar Jain & Ankit Gaurav B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2017 Use of C & D Waste for Structural Applications for Environment Preservation In Proceedings of National Seminar of IBC ( Indian Building Congress) on 07-08 Apr 17 Prakhar Jain & Ankit Gaurav B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2017 Study the behaviour of High rise Building at Different positions of Shear Walls subjected to Seismic Loading Published in IRJSET (ISSN2454-3195) Pankaj Khati & Prince Chaudhary B.Tech (CE) Research paper 2017 To Analyse the effect of chopped strand mat wrapping for column strengthening IEEE forum International conference Anmol Singh Bhatia, Chetan Chauhan B.Tech (CE) Research paper 2017 Analysis & Optimization of strength characteristics of concrete using super plasticizers Accepted & will be published in IEEE conference SMART 2017 on 29.12.2017 Prakhar Mathur & Sannat Kr. B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Outcome Oriented Academia-Industry handshaking: Improvised strategy for delivering Industry-ready engineers Paper published in Journal titled "Journal of Engg Education Transformations Shivang Agarwal B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Crisis in Robust and Systematic road accident data Presented paper in International Conference on Research and Innovation Engineering Anshul Sharma B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Concrete Vs Modified Concrete :  A Brief Literature Review of Sustainable Options for Modified Road Surfaces Presented paper in International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering & Technology IAET - 2016 Shivang Agarwal B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Need for Innovative Methods in Transportation Accident Data Recording and Mining Presented paper in International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering & Technology IAET - 2016 Shivang Agarwal B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Potential Mobile Applications to Improve Road Safety in Developing Countries Paper published in IOSR- Journal OF Mobile Computing and Applications Swati Jha, Chiku Aggarwal B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 TO STUDY THE DURABILITY ASPECTS OF CONCRETE USING BASALT AGRREGATE Presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, 10th-12th March 2016, VIT, Vellore Prakhar Mathur B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Effect of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Strengthening in Retrofitting and its Suitability with Conventional Methods of Repair and Rehabilitation Presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, 10th-12th March 2016, VIT, Vellore Ashim Mitra B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2016 Analysis and Study of Mechanical Properties of Fly-Ash Concrete with Respect to Conventional Concrete Presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment, 10th-12th March 2016, VIT, Vellore Ms. Aliya Naseer M.Tech Struct. Engg. Research Paper 2016 Feasibility study of vertical extensin of existing building & its execution by retrofitting Paper Published in Int. Conference Trace 2016 Mr. Vikas Kataria M.Tech Struct. Engg. Research Paper 2016 Study of OMRF & SMRF structures for different earth quake zone of India Paper Published in Int. Conference Trace 2016 Mr. Nishant Joshi M.Tech (Env. Engg.) Research Paper 2015 Spatiotemporal analysis of urban growth, sprawl and structure of Rajkot, Vadodara and Surat (Gujarat-India) based on Geographic Information Systems, in relation to the Sustainability Pentagon Analysis. International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Building & environment (ICSTBE-2015), Sathyabhama University, Chennai, India - July, 2015: Published in Special Issue of Indian Journal of Science & Technology (SCOPUS INDEXED) Mr. Shubham Pandey & Mr. Siddhant Pandey B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2015 Open GIS as an aid for effective smart city solution - A perspective National Conference on Open Source GIS: Opportunities and Challenges Mr. Nishant Joshi M.Tech (Env. Engg.) Research Paper 2015 An innovative conceptual framework for sustainable development and livelihood security with an emphasis on economic upliftment of a demographic area International Conference: Advances in Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources Kota Rajasthan India Sakthi S.R B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2015 Integrated watershed management approach by Spate irrigation Presented paper in Symposium on Hydrology, IAH, Dec 22-23, 2015. New Delhi. Ms. Mandeep Bhatia, Mr. Daksh Mehra B.Tech (CE) & B.Tech (CE)+MBA Research Paper 2014 Application Of GIS For Assessment Of Rainwater Harvesting Potential In University Campus For Sustainable Water Planning: A Case Study International Conference on Environment, Technology and Sustainable Development Nabarjun Vashisth, Tanmay Harsh, Priyanshu Borah B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 Application of Clean Development Mechanism in Sewage Treatment Plants: A Case Study National Conference TRACE 2014 Ashmeet Singh, Ratul Sharma and Kshitiz Patak B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 SVA Griha Based Comparative Study of Green Building V/s Conventional Building: A case Study National Conference TRACE 2014 Tushar Jain B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 Construction of Elevated Corridor to Increase the Efficiency of Existing Transportation System in the City National Conference TRACE 2014 Pravesha Mishra B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Management of Jaipur City Using Multicriteria Decision Method and GIS National Conference TRACE 2014 Ankit Yadav; Rishabh Dixit; Hammad Iqbal B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 Design of Shopping Mall Using Etabs National Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (TRACE -2014) Aarzoo Malhotra B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 Study of effect of varying percentage of steel and grade of concrete on poisson's ratio in composite reinforced concrete member National Conference TRACE 2014 Mr. Drona Khurana B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2014 Geospatial Soil mapping of Noida -Greater Noida region using GIS​ Won the best paper award for his paper titled "Geospatial Soil mapping of Noida -Greater Noida region using GIS​" during the paper presentation in Chandigarh Science Congress 2014. This paper is a part of his final year dissertation work. Rishubh Rastogi B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2013 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Wall As A Replacement To Brick And Mud Wall Secured first prize in paper presentation competition held at Sharda University on 16.03.2013. Rahul Kr. Singh & K. Vysakh B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2013 "Macroscopic and Microscopic analysis of Fly Ash Concrete" Won first prize  in Undergraduate category for their paper presentation at 5th National  Civil Engineering Symposium held at IIT Bombay Samrath Bhandari, Daksh Bhandari B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2013 Application of Geographical System in progress Monitoring of Construction Project Proceeding of IACRSGIS 2013: Special Issue of IJSER Sarath Syama Prasad, Sushmit Das B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2013 Inland waterway as an alternative and sustainable transport in Kuttanad region of Kerala National Conference Green Campus Summit 2013 Mr. Rishubh Rastogi B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2013 Analysis of emergency services planning using GIS: A study on expressway in Greater Noida 6TH AGSE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Madhuri Kumari, Sarath Syama Prasad, Sushmit Das, Deewakar Golyan, Ambrina Sardar Khan B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2013 Depletion of Water Resources and Degradation of Water Quality in Alleppey Distt., Kerala, India India Water Week 2013 Mansi Jain, Nitya Jain, R.G. Sindhu, Harmohan Singh B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2012 Piezo Ceramic Transducers for Reinforcement Corrosion Monitoring in RCC Structures Best Paper award in international conference at VIT University Samrath Bhandari, Daksh Bhandari, Madhuri Kumari B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2012 Application of Geographical Information System in Construction Industy: A critical review National Conference of TRACE-12 Kanishk Tekriwal B.Tech (CE) Research Paper 2012 Upcoming Nano Materials for Smart Building National Conference of TRACE-12 Akash Chaudhary & Devansh Rautela B.Tech Research Paper 2019 Calibrating The Performance Of Pelton Turbine By Using Helical Penstock Book of Advances in Fluid and Thermal Engineering, Springer Rohan Barua & Md. Gauhar Ahmed B.Tech Research Paper 2017 Preventive Measures to Reduce Impact of Earthquakes in India International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology -->