The faculty exchange programs provide participants with the opportunity to teach or conduct research for one semester or an academic year at an overseas university. Faculty members would benefit from exposure to a culturally varied and diverse faculty make-up, with an opportunity to exchange ideas and observe a variety of styles. The faculty exchange program is one way to take advantage of the benefits of diverse faculty. Ultimate goal of educational institutions is to develop a vibrant and diverse faculty. The faculty exchange programs present a unique opportunity for interaction between Foreign universities and Indian institutions. They will create a greater bond among the concerned institutions and will be a powerful recruitment and retention tool
The incidence of faculty-staff exchange programs, both international and inter institutional, is one way Indian higher education institutions can ascertain and sustain quality education. These programs are mutual, inter-institutional arrangements through with the proficiency and services of one institute’s faculty are exchanged with the other institution for time-limited periods. The primary aim of an academic exchange program is to provide the opportunity for the exchanged personnel to serve as “employees” of the host institution; to encourage professional development through the stimulus of a different setting; and for the host organizations to benefit from the knowledge and skills of the exchanged personnel. It assists in transformative internationalization of the university.
These faculty exchange programs in most cases international faculty exchange lead to some benefits that accrue to the organization like:
Amity International Business School has agreements with various foreign universities for the Faculty Exchange Programme. Benefit of such exchange programme is that faculty gets the exposure of different culture, study environment and learns cross cultural management which is very important in this era of globalization.
Recently Dr Ali Quazi, Professor of Marketing at the University of Canberra, Australia visited Amity University from 15th April - 21st June 2019 and worked on developing world class publications and Journal with us. He also took FDP and workshops on Research Methodology and how to write case studies.
Dr. Ali Quazi